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Dear Pakistanis your attention please (future of Indian posting).

further BJP Govt till now remove only 370 not 35A which means still no Indians / non-native Kashmirs can buy land or property there.
As far I am aware, 35A derives its legality from 370, so if 370 is modified then 35A stands repealed.
Most newspapers are carrying this and former Attorney General who called this move stupid also said this.
I actually got up this morning to check in what's happening and got the news of this, I still haven't had the time to understand the implications of this decision by the GoI. We all knew it would happen, but not like this.

Whether is good, bad or an insignificant change, will need some deliberation and education on my part, I know very little about the implications of this step. My entry point into this thread was the comment of the moderator whose first reaction was to ban all Indians on the forum, which I found quite interesting.

It will be taken to Supreme Court. Such a law can be passed by Legislature, not by a Centrally appointed Governor. Prima facie, it is bad in law. But I don't know how the Judges will react.
As far I am aware, 35A derives its legality from 370, so if 370 is modified then 35A stands repealed.
Most newspapers are carrying this and former Attorney General who called this move stupid also said this.
This government is trying something different, just like Pakistanis tried 1965, 1999, and thrusting Allah ke Bande since the 80s. All vedic power to Modi. If you do not try, you will never fail.
Either ban all Indians from here, Or you could have a separate sub-forum where only Pakistanis start threads and discuss. Just a suggestion.
What makes defence.pk different is its extraordinary tolerance for Indians and I, open heartedly will give you that. And this is the very reason I have never taken part in any Indian forums either because in the absence of an opposing view, it gives me nausea. Anyways, as I saw @waz is going to ban us all, just came to say good bye.:(
This forum does provide sufficient liberty to everyone to express their views, it's good enough. As compared to our neighbors, specially india, who have this sense of inferiority deeply embedded and they just want to come out of it, to feel superior somehow, its their dying wish. Since we don't have such complex we have the capacity to bear opposing views no matter how wrong or harsh they are, its i different matter with them, they are mainly dumb fucks to sum up nicely. But this liberty here also distinguishes the forum from those pot holes being run by indians and all.
There is need for some action , but it mustn't be nuclear, rather something planned and controlled. They can be banned from threads once they have sufficiently presented their view and have been established wrong and trolling.
This government is trying something different, just like Pakistanis tried 1965, 1999, and thrusting Allah ke Bande since the 80s. All vedic power to Modi. If you do not try, you will never fail.

Up yours.

What makes defence.pk different is its extraordinary tolerance for Indians and I, open heartedly will give you that to you. And this is the very reason I have never taken part in any Indian forums either because in the absence of an opposing view, it gives me nausea. Anyways, as I saw @waj is going to ban us all, just came to say good bye.:(

Read again, you're one of the few I can count on one hand.
I'd also say we need to have less tolerance for overly-partisan posting by Pakistani members. Some of our guys are so far gone down the Party political party tunnel, anyone would think we're talking about different countries.

I don't think banning is the answer yet - rather i appeal to Pakistani's to put your efforts towards the betterment of your brothers and your nation not towards hatred and nitpicking.

Our time is an amanat from Allah swt and we will be held responsible for what we did with it.
How much I hate to say it but @waz i fully support you.

We always try to maintain the pdf environment hatred free & free speech for everyone across the board. Peace is what majority of Pakistani members talk about with Indian members on pdf.

At times, we have opposed our Pakistani members who’ve been disrespectful to Indian members.

But enough of going an extra mile for coward like neighbors celebrating Kashmiris’ death.

“Jung Agar Lazim Hai To Phir Jung He Sahy”
Every issue tackled in 2 ways.First quick reaction with long term implication.Quick reactions shows how much u care about it so banning them for some time or until internet open is IOK is not bad move also not a big loss if u see all indian's posts today.99% are bakht idiots following BJP line.On long term as @waz mention mods will decide and draw guideline for them to follow
I'd also say we need to have less tolerance for overly-partisan posting by Pakistani members. Some of our guys are so far gone down the Party political party tunnel, anyone would think we're talking about different countries.

I don't think banning is the answer yet - rather i appeal to Pakistani's to put your efforts towards the betterment of your brothers and your nation not towards hatred and nitpicking.

Our time is an amanat from Allah swt and we will be held responsible for what we did with it.
So if it’s good bye then please notify me early.
I like many members here, need to say good byes..!
@Imran Khan bhai I like you as you are a kind hearted person with wonderful cool personality.
May the almighty shower you and your family with all his blessings.

Enjoy and keep smiling everyone.
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