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Dear Pakistanis your attention please (future of Indian posting).

@Horus @waz
I understand the perception and emotion of Pakistan posters that is quite obvious and expected..
I have been associated with PDF since couple of years...It is an experience to get an 1st hand interaction with people in Pakistan rather than Pakistani people in US...It helped me in a big way to formulate my perception towards Pakistan in general in a positive way...Again..not here seeking any favor to be in this forum...but it is true than posters from my country has trolled and may not have cares for your emotions...If the objective of the forum is ensure that facts and perceptions of Pakistan and its narrative is always to be respected, I completely agree with the overall sentiment of Pakistan posters where none of the Indian should be allowed...What do you expect the posters from a rival country to talk when you allow in a forum??
Most of the time, you will find Indian poster on other side of the spectrum....Even any rational discussion about Non India Pakistan issues are discussed with the angle of India and Pakistan... And it is not only impacting Indian too...it impacts posters from Pakistan too...Trolling and insulting is not limited to one group only...There are many abusive words that a norm to castigate Hindus and Indian in general that any one tolerate outside PDF. But it is just that it is Pakistan forum that has been trivialized and accepted as a norm...Now i am not complaining here as why it is tolerated but trying to bring a perspective what is prevalent in our day to day discussion.But it is still prevalent here.

@Starlord ...Thank you for being enaged in multiple healthy discussion with irrespective of our difference in opinion...
And its only adding to a cycle of hate. Per my suggestion months ago, common Indian posters should be banned - no new members from India.

Remaining Indian members should be limited to the seniors or TT section.
The cyclic trolling will stop, religious insults at Hinduism can then be tackled and only “level headed” people will interact.

Your comparison does not hold water.

The umpires of a cricket match must be neutral even if their country is playing.
This isn’t a cricket match, nor are most of you gentlemen to be treated with that respect.
Which is why indian forums are so neutral to Pakistanis and Muslims.......:disagree:
That is why those Indian forums (I never visited any of them, but I heard the same thing as you said) are not held in high esteem. What fun of biased and closed forums. I personally would never participate in such forums.

This isn’t a cricket match, nor are most of you gentlemen to be treated with that respect.

You are taking literal meaning.
And its only adding to a cycle of hate. Per my suggestion months ago, common Indian posters should be banned - no new members from India.

Remaining Indian members should be limited to the seniors or TT section.
The cyclic trolling will stop, religious insults at Hinduism can then be tackled and only “level headed” people will interact.

This isn’t a cricket match, nor are most of you gentlemen to be treated with that respect.

Rather i would suggest ban all Indian posters ....And evaluate if the quality of PDF is getting improved??? In that way, you can adhere to sentiment of Pakistan posters and understand if the ban is being successful or not..
Rather i would suggest ban all Indian posters ....And evaluate if the quality of PDF is getting improved??? In that way, you can adhere to sentiment of Pakistan posters and understand if the ban is being successful or not..

Because since the timeframe of membership is similar to yours, and having tried both soft and hard moderation policies - equal and biased, none have worked. Its time to think out of the box.
Has anyone noticed how PDF has allowed indians to come here and post FAKE propaganda that they can NEVER EVER prove, over the last 4 years?. The amount of times I busted them was hilarious. Not ONCE could they counter my arguments when I exposed them. The best they could do was use wikipedia with doctored indian propaganda.

As if Pakistan needs anything from any of the Muslim countries...........:lol:
We regularly expose you. You just happen to take your conjecture as word of go and our hard proof as conjecture.
Dear respected kin, elders, friends, brothers and sisters,

As you know today saw the government of Narendra Modi abrogate article 370 and end the status of Kashmir, a status promised to it at independence.

However this thread is not about history, it's about respect. Having being here since the very beginning (13 years) and even before i.e. the sites where I could count those of Pakistani origin on one hand, or the forerunner of this site where we defended our fatherland, I have never been so angry and humiliated by the constant gloating of Indian posters on this thread;


We've had photos of a young Modi put up (article 370 removal behind him), posts about how they're going to buy houses in the Valley, taunts about how Pakistan can't do anything etc.
How can this possibly be allowed here, where is our sense of self-respect?

My first reaction was to literally want to get rid of each and every one of them. But I stepped back and realised there are a few, and again in just single digits that don't deserve such an exclusion from here. However the vast majority of them are elated and simply laugh behind our backs with their friends on how the bewaqoof Pakistanis allow us on here in the name of free speech.

Enough of this tolerance, it's always ever been one way anyway. We allow open views on our forums, they ban us on theirs, we build roads for their pilgrims they revoke article 370. Things have changed in Kashmir things will change for the majority of them.

I will ban any of them for taking delight in this decision, goading us, taunts, idiotic memes etc. If that means virtually all of them so be it.

@Irfan Baloch
@The Eagle

About fucking time. This forum is the most popular and global defence forum from South Asia, one of the largest in entire Asia. We dont want this to become another cesspool with constant bickering. The quality of forum has gone down ALOT since I joined. Hell, quality of my own posting has gone down the drain because what else can I do but to humiliate and laugh at indian kids with their immature postings?

So a strict, no bullshit policy is needed to regulate this forum and bring it to its previous prestige. At their sh*t forums, I was once banned for saying india lacks conventional military capability to challenge China. I was banned for "disrespecting india" :lol: Imagine (Note: I LITERALLY wrote those words in simple English. No taunt or disrespect yet I was banned).

All moderators should be on board.
We regularly expose you. You just happen to take your conjecture as word of go and our hard proof as conjecture.

So we are expected to believe the same indian source which also claimed the iaf killed over 300 terrorists in Balakot and shot down an F-16........:rofl::rofl::rofl:

Can you please give an example of when I was exposed?........:azn:
So we are expected to believe the same indian source which also claimed the iaf killed over 300 terrorists in Balakot and shot down an F-16........:rofl::rofl::rofl:

Can you please give an example of when I was exposed?........:azn:
I havent had much interaction with you personally, but its quite common. Everyday i hear Pakistanis say and actually believe that their growth rate will soon jump to 10+%. First it was after war on terror, then after recession overhang, then after CPEC, then after cleaning out PLMN. But as soon as soon as i pull out the structural problems and numbers that predict that Pakistan cant hit sustained 10% even after a decade of miraculous governance, i get answers like "i think i know Pakistan better than you".

Case in point Most Pakistanis still believe CPEC has been beneficial for them from the economic point of view
Dear respected kin, elders, friends, brothers and sisters,

As you know today saw the government of Narendra Modi abrogate article 370 and end the status of Kashmir, a status promised to it at independence.

However this thread is not about history, it's about respect. Having being here since the very beginning (13 years) and even before i.e. the sites where I could count those of Pakistani origin on one hand, or the forerunner of this site where we defended our fatherland, I have never been so angry and humiliated by the constant gloating of Indian posters on this thread;


We've had photos of a young Modi put up (article 370 removal behind him), posts about how they're going to buy houses in the Valley, taunts about how Pakistan can't do anything etc.
How can this possibly be allowed here, where is our sense of self-respect?

My first reaction was to literally want to get rid of each and every one of them. But I stepped back and realised there are a few, and again in just single digits that don't deserve such an exclusion from here. However the vast majority of them are elated and simply laugh behind our backs with their friends on how the bewaqoof Pakistanis allow us on here in the name of free speech.

Enough of this tolerance, it's always ever been one way anyway. We allow open views on our forums, they ban us on theirs, we build roads for their pilgrims they revoke article 370. Things have changed in Kashmir things will change for the majority of them.

I will ban any of them for taking delight in this decision, goading us, taunts, idiotic memes etc. If that means virtually all of them so be it.

@Irfan Baloch
@The Eagle

Please ban them all, you have my full support. Brother @Mangus Ortus Novem has nailed it. There is no need to fall for flattery. 99% of them come here to spit venom against Pakistan and the rest of 1% silently enjoy the show.

No special status for anyone, remove this Milspec as think tank as well. Enough is enough.

India is one of the worst countries in the world with the whole nation needing a psycho therapy. This one country is a the real existential threat to our country. Make no mistake, whenever India gets a chance she will not think twice.

At the very least, we must stop their propaganda here on our forum... There is nothing like total "Freedom of expression" exists anywhere in the world. Please remember this!
Unfortunately I do not see this happening until we have a thanks count of Waz’s posts.. or @waz lets make two posts.

Indians stay

Indians take care and don’t let the door hit you on your way out

The thanks to the post should determine the outcome and the administration should hopefully abide by it.
As of now @waz has 73 and this post of yours 3...I think the heavens have spoken
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I havent had much interaction with you personally, but its quite common. Everyday i hear Pakistanis say and actually believe that their growth rate will soon jump to 10+%. First it was after war on terror, then after recession overhang, then after CPEC, then after cleaning out PLMN. But as soon as soon as i pull out the structural problems and numbers that predict that Pakistan cant hit sustained 10% even after a decade of miraculous governance, i get answers like "i think i know Pakistan better than you".

Case in point Most Pakistanis still believe CPEC has been beneficial for them from the economic point of view

Can you link to few of your posts discussing structural issues hindering Pak's growth? Or few posts on CPEC?

Would gladly read.

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