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Dear Pakistanis your attention please (future of Indian posting).

I have always been against allowing these retarded offspring of rape to post on PDF. ban the motherfuckers once and for all

Dear respected kin, elders, friends, brothers and sisters,

As you know today saw the government of Narendra Modi abrogate article 370 and end the status of Kashmir, a status promised to it at independence.

However this thread is not about history, it's about respect. Having being here since the very beginning (13 years) and even before i.e. the sites where I could count those of Pakistani origin on one hand, or the forerunner of this site where we defended our fatherland, I have never been so angry and humiliated by the constant gloating of Indian posters on this thread;


We've had photos of a young Modi put up (article 370 removal behind him), posts about how they're going to buy houses in the Valley, taunts about how Pakistan can't do anything etc.
How can this possibly be allowed here, where is our sense of self-respect?

My first reaction was to literally want to get rid of each and every one of them. But I stepped back and realised there are a few, and again in just single digits that don't deserve such an exclusion from here. However the vast majority of them are elated and simply laugh behind our backs with their friends on how the bewaqoof Pakistanis allow us on here in the name of free speech.

Enough of this tolerance, it's always ever been one way anyway. We allow open views on our forums, they ban us on theirs, we build roads for their pilgrims they revoke article 370. Things have changed in Kashmir things will change for the majority of them.

I will ban any of them for taking delight in this decision, goading us, taunts, idiotic memes etc. If that means virtually all of them so be it.

@Irfan Baloch
@The Eagle
I think we have all our community behind us bro. I've already axed 7. More to come.
The rest of the mod team has to agree in majority and the admin has to approve. Otherwise its pointless for you to waste your efforts and find yourself cut off or overturned in the future adding more to the glee for supporters of fascism.

I don't see why this ought to be put to the ppl.
People dictate usage here and revenue support for the site. Are 15% of revenue support worth the ire and disappointment of the remaining 85%?
Has anyone noticed how PDF has allowed indians to come here and post FAKE propaganda that they can NEVER EVER prove, over the last 4 years?. The amount of times I busted them was hilarious. Not ONCE could they counter my arguments when I exposed them. The best they could do was use wikipedia with doctored indian propaganda.

As if Pakistan needs anything from any of the Muslim countries...........:lol:

Pakistan have to be united and strong and its time to show world that we mean business and Kashmir is truly a Nuclear flash point.
Where your country will stand in current situation??

Its been said that Muslim countries had agreed with India when India approached them before implementing this decision.
Dear Clueless, Stay clueless, and dont tag or quote me, stick to getting your info's from nanny's.
Dear Clueless, Stay clueless, and dont tag or quote me, stick to getting your info's from nanny's.

I m not clueless I have roots in Kashmir so don't tell me things which I know better then you.

You can not answer my question which shows I m correct.
It might be difficult to see, but PDF dishes out much more at India than what it receives (kind of expected), and if you think Indian's will stop defending or not have the feeling of avenging the insults, you are quite wrong.

So going forward
1. You can ban few Indians. Doesn't solve the problem. Your problem of what you perceive as mocking will still exist.
2. You ban all Indians. The whole USP of this site is the Multi nationality. Honestly, deep intellectual discussion are now once in a blue moon on PDF. I am here since 2011 and have read most pages of most thread. The attraction of PDF is that you get the rival views. Without there is nothing stopping this forum form becoming another Bharat Rakshak.
3. You just gave people who were gloating, more reason to gloat with this outburst of yours. Nothing satisfies a troll more than attention. You can say you dont care, but you clearly do.

PS - Not sure, but raw numbers would have me believe that Indians would also have brought a significant amount of revenue to this site

What caused this banning spree? Indians made fun of Pakistan? But Pak members also did the same thing. I always thought high of PDF because of its open nature. Now, that seems to be lost. Pathetic.
I think we have all our community behind us bro. I've already axed 7. More to come.
Additionally, let this be clear. We did not start curbing the freedom of speech, nor did we initiate the hatred. But it is time that such censorship be undertaken not just to drive home the support for the issue of Kashmir, but also to draw a baseline for future interactions between Indians and Pakistanis online. The cyclic spread of hatred has to stop, and if it means curbing interactions like I suggested months ago; it is the way to go.
PDF dishes out much more at India
Nothing in comparison to this filth

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