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Dear Pakistanis your attention please (future of Indian posting).

Ban all the mofos…………. Had enough of their propaganda …… Time to get ready for WAR …….. And WAR is coming..

@waz you feel free to blanket ban every Indian... but this language is uncalled for.. inhumane language...
It might be difficult to see, but PDF dishes out much more at India than what it receives (kind of expected), and if you think Indian's will stop defending or not have the feeling of avenging the insults, you are quite wrong.

So going forward
1. You can ban few Indians. Doesn't solve the problem. Your problem of what you perceive as mocking will still exist.
2. You ban all Indians. The whole USP of this site is the Multi nationality. Honestly, deep intellectual discussion are now once in a blue moon on PDF. I am here since 2011 and have read most pages of most thread. The attraction of PDF is that you get the rival views. Without there is nothing stopping this forum form becoming another Bharat Rakshak.
3. You just gave people who were gloating, more reason to gloat with this outburst of yours. Nothing satisfies a troll more than attention. You can say you dont care, but you clearly do.

PS - Not sure, but raw numbers would have me believe that Indians would also have brought a significant amount of revenue to this site

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