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CRPF Gone Berserk

But Indian democratically elected sign Shimla Agreement and accepted Indian Held Kashmir A Disputed Territory . So here we are discussing the atrocities of invaders in disputed occupied territory...Hope that is more then enough to understand the sentiments of Kashmiri people.

That is a massive distortion of facts..no such thing was accepted by either side.What was accepted was sanctity of line of control and neither side will try to change LOC by force(which as a matter of fact you already violated in 1999.

India does not recognize Kashmir as disputed territory..however UN resolution do..
Therefore for the sake of being objective, let us assume that Kashmir is a disputed territory.

One thing you should be absolutely clear about ..disputed territory is not equal to occupied territory.

Nowhere does it say on UN resolution or for that matter any other legal document, that Kashmir is an Occupied territory!!

Therfore any armed militancy in Kashmir against the state or its subjects, will fall in the category of terrorism and not freedom fighting, as many Pakistani try to portray.

"UNGA Resolution 2649 on the right of populations to resist "occupation" is not applicable in Kashmir for simple reason, that it not an occupied territory.

Or tell me this, AJK and GB which have same status under UN resolutions as J&K ..are occupied territories too ??
At least there is no heavy blanket on news reporting from the Indian side. The same cannot be said of the many areas in Pakistan - admitted even by many Pakistani posters here.

Also, we cannot ignore that Pakistan is one the most dangerous countries for journalist. It does not paint a very good picture.
Missing people and unmarked graves are more then enough ..
Missing people and unmarked graves are more then enough ..

What do you expect us to do with the disowned body of fanatics sent from your side of the boarder.Yes disowned bodies only.

Indian brutality in illegally occupied Kashmir is endless.

Nope,J& Kashmir's king acceded his kingdom to India willingly when your country invaded them and started looting,plundering and raping locals, just like gud old days of medival era.
Pakistan by way of it's terrorist proxies and it's wars have killed multiple times more Kashmir's than any policing by India. I think the number of Kashmiri's killed in 1948 tribal invasion by PA must have killed more Kashmiri's than due to police action.
What do you expect us to do with the disowned body of fanatics sent from your side of the boarder.Yes disowned bodies only.

Q. How many idiots does it take to change a light bulb. ?
A. Ten.....one changes the bulb while the other nine stand watching him. !!.......
There must be hell a number of fanatics if it takes nearly half million Indian troops to control them. !!
Q. How many idiots does it take to change a light bulb. ?
A. Ten.....one changes the bulb while the other nine stand watching him. !!.......
There must be hell a number of fanatics if it takes nearly half million Indian troops to control them. !!

I didn't knew you won't be able calculate that at average rate of 2 intruders crossing daily since 89 .Let me calculate that for you.
15 years *730=10950 intruders till 2004.
By the way what is the number of unmarked graves ??I don't know seriously,is it more than 10950 ???
Indeed there is local support also in the shape of separatist political parties but they remain political only as far as I can guess since their leaders are still alive.
Wind Jammer.... You Fail at Failing...this is the complete Article...

Otherhalf of the Article which you conviniantly ignored

KashmirWatch - Latest News & In-depth Coverage on Kashmir Conflict

Despite large scale allegations of excesses from nook and corner of the Valley, the CRPF maintains that the standing operation procedures (SOPs) are followed by the troopers “in letter in spirit” while dealing with angry protests.
Recently, former Divisional Commissioner Kashmir, Asghar Samoon urged people to contact the administration in case the troopers ransack houses in any area.
“Strict action will be taken against the erring CRPF personnel. I fail to understand how they act independently when (SOP) have been set for them. I want to assure people that whosoever indulges in excesses will face the music,” Samoon had said.
However, Samoon’s statement didn’t go well with the CRPF.
CRPF’s IGP Yadav denied allegations regarding the involvement of its personnel in any sort of ransacking incident during the prevailing situation of Kashmir.
“These are all false reports. We have been following our SOP in letter and spirit, I do not know about which (SOP) Divisional Commissioner has talked about,” Yadav had said.
Yadav said about 350 CRPF personnel were injured and 130 vehicles damaged in the last few days of protests “as our men tried maximum restraint on their part. What more can we do?


350 CRPF persnoal injured and 130 Vehicles damaged.... these protesters need a Lathi charge ...call me evil..but this is a rabid Hatefull mob which needs to be disciplined...

And you think we should believe Indians when it comes to Kashmir? You must be kiddying.
The OP clearly doesn't know what going Berserk means. That term should be reserved for PAK rangers using helicopter gunships and F-16s on innocent civillians in Balochistan and FATA.
Pak army has killed thousands of innocent Balochis over the past 5-10 years.India should morally and financially support the Balochis' right for self determination.

When the arrogance is mixed with ignorance, it creates an intoxicating brew which Indian seem to consume in abundance.
When the arrogance is mixed with ignorance, it creates an intoxicating brew which Indian seem to consume in abundance.

LOL , Ok fine. Now go paste this witty statement on facebook/twitter. It might get you dozens of likes from your various mullah separatist friends. :wave: .
Missing people and unmarked graves are more then enough ..

Nothing is enough till the elements in Pakistan will not stop sending these misguided J!hadis.

Q. How many idiots does it take to change a light bulb. ?
A. Ten.....one changes the bulb while the other nine stand watching him. !!.......
There must be hell a number of fanatics if it takes nearly half million Indian troops to control them. !!
:lol: You and your silly statements..

You end up making a fool of yourself..
Next time CRPF taking a leaf from PA's book(operation's in balochistan and FATA) should use helicopter gunships and tanks while dealing with such rebellion.

They already do:

' Foot-long metal rods were heated up and hammered into his legs, from the heels upward. A pin was put through his private parts and an electricity connection was attached to it so that he could be shocked. Hot metal rods were also passed through his chest.'
'The time for Rehraas arrived. Bhai Sahib opened his eyelids but the sockets that held his eyes were hollow. His beautiful beard was soaked in blood. Those eyes which were once lost in deep meditation had been taken out by the dushts.'
Shaheedi Of Bhai Anokh Singh Babbar

Hindustan Murdabad.
Khalistan Zindabad.
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No shortage of idiots here who prefer to peddle garbage without knowing their facts first

PA isn't I charge of security operations in Balochistan. Nor are PA aviation gunships involved in any counter terror ops in the province. On Balochistan the Army are silent observers. Second line forces / para mil are the ones who assume that role.

Some shmucktard here claimed that Pakistanis responsible for the killing of more Kashmiris than India. This thread has fast become a joke. I don't know who teaches numbers or statistics to these funny people across the border
No shortage of idiots here who prefer to peddle garbage without knowing their facts first

PA isn't I charge of security operations in Balochistan. Nor are PA aviation gunships involved in any counter terror ops in the province. On Balochistan the Army are silent observers. Second line forces / para mil are the ones who assume that role.

Some shmucktard here claimed that Pakistanis responsible for the killing of more Kashmiris than India. This thread has fast become a joke. I don't know who teaches numbers or statistics to these funny people across the border

There are lots of videos on youtube where PA killed common Pashtun civilians in airstrikes and destroying their homes and killing their cattle. While few month back people were protesting outside the governor house in Peshawar over the killing of 15 innocent people by army.
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