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Curfew, clashes in Kashmir; Massive protests across Jammu region

mujahids? serious everone who want freedom is not a mujahid ... and kashmiri pundits are over rated topic ..see the stats from before 1947 ..they where always in minority ..even before partition the pandits where only 4 % and muslims were 95 %.. and in ladhak muslims were more then hindus ..its from 42-48 % ..u can checks the stats if u want ..check the stats before partitions ..what shameless arguments u guys come up with

u can have all the jews on ur side ..it will not change anythng ..they have back stabbed everyone ..they are the one who killed jesus ... and many other profits ...

Mr.Jahanzeb,what Jews has to do with my posts?Isn't it our fault that our government has pseudo policies?They are not playing well?in easy words,they lick their foot and get their bread?
Mark my words,opponents are gonna oppose,plan to destroy you,it is decided by Allah,but what have we done to resist them?our government is filling it's pockets and is lost in luxury,lavishness,and guess what?we have voted them.
Before you bring in Islam. First look at your selves and where you people stand. Otherwise we can further elaborate Hinduism and how much "dignified" Hindu people are...
Please do elaborate ... I do want to know how much you know about hinduism !!!

Pro-freedom leaders appeal for shutdown and people observe it .... Shows the Support

The Indian Govt. enforces the curfew ..

This is a freedom movement and not an insurgency as in Xinjiang.... In the last 20 years, Kashmir was shut for 5 years ..

I thought you Paks for the good of the Kashmiris. In that case you should ask them to stop all this so they can live in peace
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I thought you Paks for the good of the Kashmiris. In that case you should ask them to stop all this so they can live in peace
if someone invade US and then ask u not to protest so that Americans live in peace ..what will u think about it ?
Indian soldiers are there only because there are jihadis, their supporters and mouthpieces operating there. Once these miscreants are gone Indian soldiers will leave too.

But I get these sense Paks don't desire this solution due to their "Kashmir is their jugular vein" theory. The more true the theory greater the chances India will NEVER give up on it. Ever.
So sad that so called champions of Human Rights are sleeping, where is UN, US & other human right activists? Weren't they very quick to approve independence for South Sudan? Why indian terrorism is ignored?
@CENTCOM @jhungary @gambit
If we speak up, you would say we have no 'right' to 'dictate' to your affairs and that we should butt out. If we physically intervene, you would accuse us of 'imperialism', 'neo-colonialism', or just simple 'invasion for oil'. And if we keep silent, well....There you go...We are 'sleeping'...
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If we speak up, you would say we have no 'right' to 'dictate' to your affairs and that we should butt out. If we physically intervene, you would accuse us of 'imperialism', 'neo-colonialism', or just simple 'invasion for oil'. And if we keep silent, well....There you go...We are 'sleeping'...

The problem is tht USA doesnt do the right thing when required... for example... in the first gulf war .. u had the opportunity to screw saddam... but you let him live n continue doing what he did best.. after the afghan jihad .. USA left n the region got NA n Taliban .. etc etc...
obviously there will be uprising and resistance in occupied Kashmir; it's happened before and it will continue
The problem is tht USA doesnt do the right thing when required... for example... in the first gulf war .. u had the opportunity to screw saddam... but you let him live n continue doing what he did best.. after the afghan jihad .. USA left n the region got NA n Taliban .. etc etc...

so USA should intervene as per your own convinence, you give certification of their behaviour? why dont you convince OIC to intervene first, they got billions, and got super strong army. They can pressurize India both economically and militarily?
what about Iron brother china :cheers:
The problem is tht USA doesnt do the right thing when required... for example... in the first gulf war .. u had the opportunity to screw saddam... but you let him live n continue doing what he did best.. after the afghan jihad .. USA left n the region got NA n Taliban .. etc etc...
If we removed Saddam Hussein back then, we would have been condemned for going beyond the original goal of the Desert Storm, which was to remove Iraq from Kuwait. Now, you have the convenience of history to criticize US for not doing the 'right' thing because the consequences of leaving Saddam Hussein in power is evident.
If we removed Saddam Hussein back then, we would have been condemned for going beyond the original goal of the Desert Storm, which was to remove Iraq from Kuwait. Now, you have the convenience of history to criticize US for not doing the 'right' thing because the consequences of leaving Saddam Hussein in power is evident.

Brah... from what ive read in books etc.. USA had the perfect chance to remove tht turd... but left him.. thinking the people will revolt etc... as for consequences... there was no al qaeda,every muslim country including Pakistan(which also contributed thousands of soldiers),KSA,Turkey etc was against tht fool... so the consequence? none i could think off.
Do we need to elaborate what sort of religion Hinduism is. If we elaborate that, the Indians might go running to the mods, because They themselves find the description of their religion to be offensive. This your true mentality.

Let us mention few features of hindu religion here and see if Hindus find it offensive and go running to the mods.

Hindus worship statues made of stone.

Hindus worship cows.

Hindus worship elephants.

Hindus worship pigs.

Hindus worship monkeys.

Hindus worship rats.

At least we know who we pray,

But do you know whom you pray for? how he looks?
if he has two eyes or one eyes?
Two legs or one legged?
man or female
beautiful or Ugly? i think must be very ugly thats why people don't know how he look?

that you people afraid of showing his picture because you even don't know who /how he looks?
LoL.... Polytheists are now desperate to be called monotheists. It just how proud they are of being polytheists...

Before you bring in Islam. First look at your selves and where you people stand. Otherwise we can further elaborate Hinduism and how much "dignified" Hindu people are...

As for Kashmir. It is clear now Kashmiris do not want to be part of India, they never wanted to be. It is time your hired gun men leave Kashmir to the Kashmiri people. You are invaders of Kashmir, not its inhabitants.
Hindu views on monotheism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Please read Gita and Vedas before commenting to have a concept of God.

"They call him Indra, Mitra, Varuṇa, Agni, and he is heavenly nobly-winged Garutmān.
To what is One, sages give many a title they call it Agni, Yama, Mātariśvan."

" The rain water fallen from the sky go to the ocean, the same worship of every deity goes to only one God." -Gita. It doesn't matter, you are Hindu or not. Every worship goes to that God.
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