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CRPF Gone Berserk

systematic harassment, beating and illegal detentions of unarmed God-fearing Kashmiri people and treating them worse than how animals treated is standard M.O. of the occupation forces (sissies) across the LOC

if one of these cowards disrespected the sanctity of my home, i'd blow their brains out with my bobwhite side-by-side
Enough of being soft on these separatists its time to deal with such issues the same way as Chinese do :devil:
Salaam to all the Muslims,


Nothing new from this Sick and Mentally Retarded Indian Army.


Kashmir Zindabad​

Salaam to all the Muslims
Nothing wrong is just holding the boys in curfew. Maybe they are lost and crying because of it. The Pakistani obviously do not let any opportunity on propaganda go. As of today Kashmir is very peaceful, there are very few incidences mostly initiated by brainwashed people.
You throw stones at people passing by and do not think if they will get hurt. The stone could hit someone eye and make him blind. If they fire back, you complain of atrocities. As if throwing stones is a gesture of love. Then you come out on streets supporting terrorist and complain. These people do not realize that their mentality of violence and supporting terrorist is reason no one cares about them. They are a$$ holes.
Palestinian is same. Unfortunately they could have learnt lessons from Gandhi. People will support you if you are civil, unfortunately you are community of killers and terrorist sympathizer who enjoy others being killed
There is Inspector General CRPF rebuttal- then there's PDF indians justifications- exactly opposite- wondering who has gone mentally insane-
Nothing wrong is just holding the boys in curfew. Maybe they are lost and crying because of it. The Pakistani obviously do not let any opportunity on propaganda go. As of today Kashmir is very peaceful, there are very few incidences mostly initiated by brainwashed people.

yeah, curfew enforcement. "maybe they are lost"

i laud you for your attempted spin control. You come up with that yourself? :laugh:

I think there's nothing wrong in admitting that the occupation forces are simply sissies with a uniform on.

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When an entire mob comes out for blood, then even going berserk is perfectly fine, and even commendable.

Otherwise, my naive Pakistani friends, people will die and there will be no culprits to punish.

Please tell me honestly, do you not wish that the police force in Lahore had taken a similar action against the entire mob when they came all thirsty for the blood of the Christians? Well, it is another story that it doesn't take a mob, rather a hefty subset of population to force a 100 families away from their homes.

In your very own country victims are imprisoned "for their own safety" because the police force is too scared to protect them outside. In Lahore's case, the police force couldn't even save them inside the police station, they had to leave. Who is the sissy here?

But no, you won't understand... you have all been fed the Kashmir issue so well and so deeply that you cannot see what is happening. Even if you could, you would wish you were blind.

Those Christians in Lahore will find home elsewhere. The area they inhabited will become a pure/holy land. And when the victims come back asking for their rights, they will be termed aggressors deserving a brutal reply. And at hand, we have a repetition of the Kashmir pattern.

So do not blame the CRPF personnel - They are simply doing a job they are supposed to do. Just because a majority supports a wrong, does not mean that wrong has become a right. It simply means, the entire majority is wrong, and needs to be corrected.
You throw stones at people passing by and do not think if they will get hurt. The stone could hit someone eye and make him blind. If they fire back, you complain of atrocities. As if throwing stones is a gesture of love. Then you come out on streets supporting terrorist and complain. These people do not realize that their mentality of violence and supporting terrorist is reason no one cares about them. They are a$$ holes.
Palestinian is same. Unfortunately they could have learnt lessons from Gandhi. People will support you if you are civil, unfortunately you are community of killers and terrorist sympathizer who enjoy others being killed
The Kashmiri population you see right now are the sons/daughter-grandsons/granddaughters of the people of the land who fought for their land against a force they considered as an oppressing power.

Should i counter question you that ,what will you do,if you think someone has forcefully captured your land and upon it that person makes it a home prison for you?
Will you spread flowers in his way?
What if the international community also accepts that you are right in your opinion against that occupying force and to fight your way out for freedom is a right that you deserve?
What if that person constantly fails to recognize you as a stakeholder ?(not to talk about mediators etc)
Will you shout at a man who want to liberate you from this trouble or will you help your nemesis to bring him down ?
or out of misery you'll support his cause to liberate you by hook or by crook?

Quoting Malcolm X here;
"I don't even call it violence when it's in self defense; I call it intelligence."

If the soldiers wearing helmets with visor along with full gear on their body can get blind with a stone hurled at him by a terrified mob running away from them to save their lives.Then you tell me who's at fault.Those individuals who's grandparents, fathers ,mothers & children were murdered savagely and were buried in mass graves or the ones who are pushing those soldier to the valley?

And please do not mix Kashmir with Palestine.It's completely different as far as dynamics and the background of the dispute is concerned ,also it's rather off topic.

To be very frank about it,Pakistan may have stepped back the right of self determination to uphold the peace process between the two nations just to make a reluctant neighbor talk about Kashmir But, Kashmiris haven't.

You've given pretty sweeping statements in your post which i hardly feel any need to comment on.
I respect you as a member around here and hope that you'll not take any of the above as a disrespect.Thank you.
Oscar It has been 4 yrs.. till when are you people going to sweep these events under the carpet, by deleting threads/posts, handing out infractions?
As I said before, it is extreemly hypocritical of you people to ban any kind of representation of Pakistani army's deeds in its own areas deployment where as at same time, mocking Indian forces for any excesses?

you'd resist too if a foreign country came and occupied you

Is that why a fierce fighting/resistance is going in western half of your country?
Oscar It has been 4 yrs.. till when are you people going to sweep these events under the carpet, by deleting threads/posts, handing out infractions?
As I said before, it is extreemly hypocritical of you people to ban any kind of representation of Pakistani army's deeds in its own areas deployment where as at same time, mocking Indian forces for any excess?

Is that why a fierce fighting/resistance is going in western half of your country?

1) Off topic
2) Incident occurred YEARS ago.
3) Find a better excuse.
1) Off topic
2) Incident occurred YEARS ago.
3) Find a better excuse.

1. Agreed it is off topic, if the topic is Indian security forces excesses against its own people, however if you take the 'Indian' out of the context, it becomes on topic.

2. Irrelevant...even when the incident had just happened, similar policy was adopted, close to a dozen threads were deleted. Now it has been years, Pakistani army's internal inquires are long over, still there is blanket ban on discussing Pakistan army's excesses ...why?

3. It is not an excuse, it is a comparison.
Oscar It has been 4 yrs.. till when are you people going to sweep these events under the carpet, by deleting threads/posts, handing out infractions?
As I said before, it is extreemly hypocritical of you people to ban any kind of representation of Pakistani army's deeds in its own areas deployment where as at same time, mocking Indian forces for any excesses?

Is that why a fierce fighting/resistance is going in western half of your country?

a phenomenon which only came into being following the 2001 invasion/occupation of neighbouring Afghanistan by NATO....but of course you would compare 2 diametrically opposite conflicts

Kashmir is a disputed territory; even the UN & Geneva Conventions differentiate between a terrorist and a freedom fighter.

If you occupy a foreign land, put a stranglehold over their economy, over the freedom of movement of the people, torture them, imprison them (even teenagers), throw them in mass unmarked graves etc. --and then you expect they wont resist --- then you need your head checked.

any man worth his salt would resist.....non-violently but also violently. It's human nature.
a phenomenon which only came into being following the 2001 invasion/occupation of neighbouring Afghanistan by NATO....but of course you would compare 2 diametrically opposite conflicts

Conflicts might be diametrically opposite..but treatment of civilian population by the security forces deployed in an area is a constant...what has changed, wasn't similar executions carried out in 1970 ..except on a massive scale.

Kashmir is a disputed territory; even the UN & Geneva Conventions differentiate between a terrorist and a freedom fighter

Kashmir is a disputed territory between India and Pakistan and not an occupied territory

If you read 'UNGA Resolution 2649 on the right of populations to resist occupation'..freedom fighters are allowed in occupied territories not in disputed territories.

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