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Correct flags


If you won't know the origin of someone how will you debate with him properly? What if i was a new member & join with some American name & show only American Flags. How would you know my origin?

Why many Indians(the one who are living in Britain too) & many news sources accuse many Muslim people who are born & raised in Britain to be of Pakistani origin if they are involve in anything?

But the guy is fighting tooth and nail to not be called an indian on the forum. He would rather not let people know his origins while defending the country for whatever reasons he might have. Personally I do not understand his hesitation and will be cautious replying or getting in a discussion with him, but forcing him to choose a flag is something I would not have done. Thats his personal choice in the matter.
Its not too hard.

If you you are Chinese and have moved to America. You have America as location and Chinese as country.
If you are Indian born in America. You will have America as location and India as a country.
if you are American who moved to China and came back to America. You will have both flags as American.
:raise: i have a question.what is " an indian born in america?"i thought if a person borns in america he will be american by default.if u mean the orign of country then as @Abingdonboy stated theres no end to it.its not the ancestors who are debating in this forum it is us. so no point in forcing members to choose the flags of origin..further i would like to point out that just because a person belongs to a particular origin doesnt by default mean that he supports that country in all his debates..there are many people who change their nationalities just because they might not like that country.so its a wise move to consider a "nationality flag" rather than an "origin flag".
Origin flag is far more important than the location flag.

In this world of free markers, location means nothing. But bias due to national/ethnic origin is what matters most in a discussion.

The purpose of the flags is to declare and acknowledge one's bias. If people won't do it willingly, then it should be enforced.
I don't why people shamelessly defend their country of origin when they hate to carry flag of that country? Do they think that hiding behind flags of whites make their views more credible or what? :undecided:
I don't why people shamelessly defend their country of origin when they hate to carry flag of that country? Do they think that hiding behind flags of whites make their views more credible or what? :undecided:
What you do in iran?
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