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Correct flags

By country of origin i mean the country where his/her ancestors are from.
Then that should be stated in what the country of origin means for the forum and for the poster....

Well this thread is not for debate on this but can i know what Forum has to do with your nationality? By this logic i should be showing both American flags.

Showing your country of origin & country of residence(where you are currently located) flags gives a better idea on who we are talking with.
True actually tells you if the guy has ever been out of his land to observe the rest of the world and hence have a broader perspective!

@WebMaster can you define what country of origin means for one...Is it where the parents / grandparents are from or where one was born?

Because I dont really know much about my ancestors before my great grandparents so cant really tell my "ancestral origins"
@WebMaster can you define what country of origin means for one...Is it where the parents / grandparents are from or where one was born?

Because I dont really know much about my ancestors before my great grandparents so cant really tell my "ancestral origins"
It's so arbitrary where does one draw the line? Grandparents? Great grandparents? Great great grandparents? Further? If it is ancestral then all those with Pakistani flags really should have Indian flags shouldn't they? You see how silly this is?! The simple fact is @American Pakistani got it wrong, he doesn't know what the policy has always been. Ie it is your nationality (not origin) and CURRENT location (i.e. where your IP address is registered). As such BOTH my flags ought to be the Union Flag i.e. UK flags. Now my flag has been changed without my knowledge and my permission and this error should be corrected.

Abingdonboy is correct. We cant force the country flag. We can however work on the Location flag only.
And yet I have been forced or at least my flag has been changed and I cannot change it back.
Abingdonboy is correct. We cant force the country flag. We can however work on the Location flag only.


If you won't know the origin of someone how will you debate with him properly? What if i was a new member & join with some American name & show only American Flags. How would you know my origin?

Why many Indians(the one who are living in Britain too) & many news sources accuse many Muslim people who are born & raised in Britain to be of Pakistani origin if they are involve in anything?

If you won't know the origin of someone how will you debate with him properly? What if i was a new member & join with some American name & show only American Flags. How would you know my origin?

Why many Indians(the one who are living in Britain too) & many news sources accuse many Muslim people who are born & raised in Britain to be of Pakistani origin if they are involve in anything?
Well, I get what you mean...Usually you can tell from the way they talk :D

It's so arbitrary where does one draw the line? Grandparents? Great grandparents? Great great grandparents? Further? If it is ancestral then all those with Pakistani flags really should have Indian flags shouldn't they? You see how silly this is?! The simple fact is @American Pakistani got it wrong, he doesn't know what the policy has always been. Ie it is your nationality (not origin) and CURRENT location (i.e. where your IP address is registered). As such BOTH my flags ought to be the Union Flag i.e. UK flags. Now my flag has been changed without my knowledge and my permission and this error should be corrected.
I guess @American Pakistani means parental land rather than ancestral land...

Well, for me usually a person's arguments show where their origin is...

lastly, I think its @WebMaster 's forum he gets to choose where the line needs to be drawn and if the flags were changed...he knows about it...it didnt happen coz @American Pakistani said so....

That is why I called for @WebMaster to clarify what that origin means!
No this is not how the flags are MEANT to work. They are merely meant to depict your nationality and current location- NOTHING more. Otherwise even @jhungary is contravening your made up standard.

Actually "Country" flag is suppose to show what you support mainly here. Usually, the origin, which is India for you meets criteria for 99% of users. What is the shame in carrying your origin flag since you are of Indian descent?
Actually "Country" flag is suppose to show what you support mainly here. Usually, the origin, which is India for you meets criteria for 99% of users. What is the shame in carrying your origin flag since you are of Indian descent?

In the US, he would be classified as "Indian-American", even after several generations. I don't know the comparable classification in the UK.
I proudly show USA flags for both my "origin" and my location. However, my great-great-grandparents were German, German, German, German, Scotch, Scotch, Scotch and Irish. For Americans we have a very, very strong tradition that anyone who was born in the USA is an American and not something else. Please respect our melting pot culture and traditions for what they are: successful!
So far I knew that the left flag was meant to be my nationality and the right flag was meant for my current location. Now suddenly, too much complications are sprouting up confusing origin with nationality. If the first flag from now signifies our ancestral land, I believe it will add nothing but more unnecessary complexity here. If country flag means what we support here I think I have to change my own country flag too frequently, because as an Indian I can defy any policy of my "state" which I personally do not accept or find absurd from an International point of view. My nationality should never be mixed with what we support or do not support.
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Its not too hard.

If you you are Chinese and have moved to America. You have America as location and Chinese as country.
If you are Indian born in America. You will have America as location and India as a country.
if you are American who moved to China and came back to America. You will have both flags as American.
I think origin flag is more important than location flag(specially for people who travel a lot), infact you can even get rid of location flag, I don't really see the point of it.

Pretty sure that these two are Chinese, But the problem is, how do you prove that they are Chinese!


Speeder 2

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