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Webby - note IDs of these professional trolls

Webby, mere toh bad PDF teh sab toh changa banda veh! :whistle: Chalo ji, appa duji thread labde eh. :wave:
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Why I got dragged in this flag thing?...
Well I just thought that you as a highly respected member here would help my case. You have served in the US Military so naturally are of US origin if not citizenship and yet you are permitted to have the Chinese and Australian flags. Whilst I, as a UK citizen, who has lived here my ENTIRE life and am in the UK right now are made to have the Indian flag for reasons that still allude me.

Its not too hard.

If you you are Chinese and have moved to America. You have America as location and Chinese as country.
If you are Indian born in America. You will have America as location and India as a country.
if you are American who moved to China and came back to America. You will have both flags as American.
There's a MASSIVE contradiction here- so just admit this is an anti-India bias and be upfront about it. I mean I will understand that sir, after all this is your site and it is a Pakistani one at that. I will have no problem with that then, but to over complicate it with this new set of criteria which isn't at all consistent is rather unnecessary.

But the guy is fighting tooth and nail to not be called an indian on the forum. He would rather not let people know his origins while defending the country for whatever reasons he might have. Personally I do not understand his hesitation and will be cautious replying or getting in a discussion with him, but forcing him to choose a flag is something I would not have done. Thats his personal choice in the matter.
I'm not trying to hide anything. Rather I am trying to conform to the rules as they have always been. I simply don't understand why my flags were changed without my permission or my knowledge based on some policy/criteria that has not been announced or has never been implemented.
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Bad idea from your part to impose your own sense of origin and nationality upon what an individual believe and what his/her passport suggest.

You must respect individuality and should not tie up with his ancestral one. My parents may belong to whatever, this forum should respect what I am not what my parents are.

@Abingdonboy is a UK citizen, bought up and born there. So he has every right to be called as UK national. Whats your point in enforcing him with some nationality just because he support one another country named India?
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