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Cops shut down dance party in Lahore after cleric's threat

Hello. Not a liberal, a centrist here. Would still like the zealot mafia to fish off.
Do you think that people will not object to spread of fahashi in Pakistan?

No! I am not part of any moral police. However, spread of fahashi in Pakistan is a matter of grave concern to any Pakistani who understands the basis of its foundation and importance of upholding Islamic values.

Empty words mean little. You are a closet liberal.
our founding father never wanted this radical society that we see today and beside bro time changes what was true then isn't necessarily true now and with the advent of internet not just sikh or hindus but the whole worlds cultures are mixing with each other and it isn't a bad thing it will provide some commonality and harmony among everyone.some time letting few things go is better for you

Actually Jinnah was the symbol of that. But kuch nahi manna na pehchanna.
Ahahaha. Good joke, sir! Most entertaining.
Yes Fahashi is not allowed and state has the duty to stop it and they will do it soon because they are realizing that other wise people start doing it on there own which doesn't end well for state to soon state will do it. There is already crackdowns taking place in Punjab soon it will begin in Islamabad

Actually Jinnah was the symbol of that. But kuch nahi manna na pehchanna.
Jinah was known for few things which he left in later years but he was known for making Pakistan so Islamic Laws can be tested here
Reality of foundation of Pakistan is a joke to you now? You are proving my point.
Well, then, let's segregate the communities! What, does that seem too extreme to you? Maybe because it is. But it's the only genuine way of keeping the Muslim culture (which is already "tainted"). So how about it?
Yes Fahashi is not allowed and state has the duty to stop it and they will do it soon because they are realizing that other wise people start doing it on there own which doesn't end well for state to soon state will do it. There is already crackdowns taking place in Punjab soon it will begin in Islamabad

Jinah was known for few things which he left in later years but he was known for making Pakistan so Islamic Laws can be tested here

I can agree to that. His personal life is not of any concern to anyone just like yours or mine.

i also wanted to say something but khair choro dafa karo awam bohat pichay par jaye gi hum chup hi bhaley

Bol do.. konsa Jinnah sahab topi laga k ajaege danda hath me pakre
Yes Fahashi is not allowed and state has the duty to stop it and they will do it soon because they are realizing that other wise people start doing it on there own which doesn't end well for state to soon state will do it. There is already crackdowns taking place in Punjab soon it will begin in Islamabad

Jinah was known for few things which he left in later years but he was known for making Pakistan so Islamic Laws can be tested here
If I report a child boy being molested in a Molvi's house, will police act in same way?
Minding your own business is also in Islam.
yes divergent it is But you have to understand how and what are the things rules and decrees and punishments Islam implement and advocate.
1. there are personal deeds and actions and violations for which Islam says you will be punished in the hereafter for example if you lie if you do not pray five times a day if you do not keep fast etc etc. There is no physical punishment for these because it is between you and God.

But there are certain punishments for crimes which directly affect and harm the society for example
theft murder any such step which directly or indirectly disrupts the public order and life.

it is not a case of private business because the government is involved here and has issued NoC for such dance party in the open. this against the law. you can have dance rave parties privately which is anybody's private business.such private parties in secret basements of burgers have been and are common.
keeping religion aside there are also laws in this country that prohibit sales of drugs and Alcohol in the country do they count for nothing

Yes. And invoking one of them led to this situation where public order was deemed to be in danger.

I have no problem with that. Innocent lives were saved.

But the debate quickly moved on to.. point scoring here.

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