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70-year-old madrassa teacher under fire after student leaks 'molestation' video

People on this forum should never make the mistake of assuming that this sort of abuse is limited to being committed by molvis. There are also women, men, secular, religious all sorts of people doing this in India, Afghanistan and Pakistan.

One example that is not reported enough are young boys who are sent to work in rich homes by poor village people. Those rich, powerful women get away cuz a) they are women in Pakistani society b)they are rich and powerful.

We should spread awareness. So wherever people find someone like this they gather evidence and present the criminal to be prosecuted and hung. Let's eliminate this scourge.
Try riding a bus in Pakistan.

It's a menace.

It is a curse to be good looking or beautiful in Pakistan. They hump everything that moves
where are munafiq molvis jo huur dosray maslay peh chapal utar keh road aur tv peh ajatay hain!

this country has two alpha mafias! mullah and chowkidar!
The country has more homosexuals than homophobes some metrics suggest.

Says he should be punished according to Shariah.
Ok, I watched the whole video.

He basically said:
- punish the mullah. Set an example.
- punish him for what he did to that child and for the fact that he did this in his role as maulana
- people will start stereotyping (Lahoris vs. Karachiwale..) and some are happy to make fun about this incident to bash their favorite target (like I said!)
- don’t condemn all madrassas, there are reported cases of sexual abuse at universities and hospitals/doctors as well and nobody says to shut them all down
- government should make legislation to make marriage easy (dowry should be prohibited)
- he also mentions things he saw in the Christian community in Pakistan at the end but I don’t want to get banned so watch for yourself

If you have double digit IQ and basic Urdu knowledge you will notice how self-reflected this guy is in regards to mullahs and with no word he victim blamed the child nor demanded his death.

Thanks for the link, there are sane self-reflected mullahs out there in Pakistan. That was really refreshing!
Use this sentence of mine where it belongs and obviously you know where it belongs.
Nobody asks the herd where they are going it's the question to the shepherds where they are leading to.
You have installed the factories on the government level to rot the fruits and when the juice comes out sickening, you make pikachu faces.
Islam needs to be at the top of the echelons but alas who and what is on the top of the echelons and No I am not talking about the pawns or front faces. If they had any interest in Islam or Quran then they had 70 years and they could have 70 more years, you can see the result Now and predict the future result as well by their current actions and the path being followed.

Stop acting Naive or perhaps you are not interested in it.

Islam has its message finalized but Pakistani muslims still are looking for higher powers or messengers or shepherds.

Well, here is a shepherd , a messenger, one who taught Islam and led hundreds of kids through an “Islamic path” who committed public sodomy.You are the penultimate expression of naivety.
Try riding a bus in Pakistan.

It's a menace.

It is a curse to be good looking or beautiful in Pakistan. They hump everything that moves

The country has more homosexuals than homophobes some metrics suggest.
Sounds like you speak from experience.
Islam has its message finalized but Pakistani muslims still are looking for higher powers or messengers or shepherds.

Well, here is a shepherd , a messenger, one who taught Islam and led hundreds of kids through an “Islamic path” who committed public sodomyn.
There shouldn't have been any Prophets if the Books is all it took for humans to learn. Shepherds in Muslim society are the people who are the rulers of the land I thought you knew that. Rulers of Pakistan love to use Islam to keep their rule and wipe their mess with it but laugh at Islam when it is required to be implemented in any corner of life. I hope they implement Islam on this sodomist in a public fashion, I wish for this miracle to happen. Hopefully, then they don't have the excuse for not implementing Islam on child rapist rings and sodomists in Pakistan.

P.S. you can look up who are shepherds, you will find it.

90% to 95% of Pakistani can't even pronounce the words of Kalima correctly, there are barely a few in Pakistan who have read the Quran with Tafseer, learning the teaching of the Quran is an all different matter. All the Education system of Pakistan is in shambles which is destroying our future generations. Anything even slightly Islamic is being removed from the Schooling System and Educational institutes systematically step by step under the saibaan of the Rulers of Pakistan. Madaris mostly got the rejects of the society for the last 200 or more years, so expecting wonders from them is expecting a cripple to win in Olympics.

Most of the Pakistani society is literate in general and oblivious to the teachings of the Quran particularly and Islam in general other than just the rawayats of society. It's upon the Rulers of Muslim society to take care of the Educational needs of the society. It's been more than 70 years since the independence and not once Quran is being taught in the school.

You are the penultimate expression of naivety.
I could be one but I am learning so hopefully I will not be one day but It seems like you are not one, so you shouldn't pretend like one as well.

Hammer the nail, not the wood.
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There shouldn't have been any Prophets if the Books is all it took for humans to learn. Shepherds in Muslim society are the people who are the rulers of the land I thought you knew that. Rulers of Pakistan love to use Islam to keep their rule and wipe their mess with it but laugh at Islam when it is required to be implemented in any corner of life. I hope they implement Islam on this sodomist in a public fashion, I wish for this miracle to happen. Hopefully, then they don't have the excuse for not implementing Islam on child rapist rings and sodomists in Pakistan.

P.S. you can look up who are shepherds, you will find it.

90% to 95% of Pakistani can't even pronounce the words of Kalima correctly, there are barely a few in Pakistan who have read the Quran with Tafseer, learning the teaching of the Quran is an all different matter. All the Education system of Pakistan is in shambles which is destroying our future generations. Anything even slightly Islamic is being removed from the Schooling System and Educational institutes systematically step by step under the saibaan of the Rulers of Pakistan. Madaris mostly got the rejects of the society for the last 200 or more years, so expecting wonders from them is expecting a cripple to win in Olympics.

Most of the Pakistani society is literate in general and oblivious to the teachings of the Quran particularly and Islam in general other than just the rawayats of society. It's upon the Rulers of Muslim society to take care of the Educational needs of the society. It's been more than 70 years since the independence and not once Quran is being taught in the school.

I could be one but I am learning so hopefully I will not be one day but It seems like you are not one, so you shouldn't pretend like one as well.

Hammer the nail, not the wood.
In Pakistan it seems Islam is second after tribal cultural practices.
Ok, I watched the whole video.

He basically said:
- punish the mullah. Set an example.
- punish him for what he did to that child and for the fact that he did this in his role as maulana
- people will start stereotyping (Lahoris vs. Karachiwale..) and some are happy to make fun about this incident to bash their favorite target (like I said!)
- don’t condemn all madrassas, there are reported cases of sexual abuse at universities and hospitals/doctors as well and nobody says to shut them all down
- government should make legislation to make marriage easy (dowry should be prohibited)
- he also mentions things he saw in the Christian community in Pakistan at the end but I don’t want to get banned so watch for yourself

If you have double digit IQ and basic Urdu knowledge you will notice how self-reflected this guy is in regards to mullahs and with no word he victim blamed the child nor demanded his death.

Thanks for the link, there are sane self-reflected mullahs out there in Pakistan. That was really refreshing!
Experts should question Aziz and interrogate him as to when he developed sexual attraction towards young teenage boys, are there others like him in other religious schools? They should also seek clarity if Aziz is indeed a homsexual and preferred to be in a relationship with the same gender.
His poor wife and daughters ( if he has any) will be devastated by his filthy actions.
Documentary on child sex abuse in Pakistan

I was issued a warning by a respected moderator when I posted about young boy's exploitation in Pakistan is rampant in some parts of the country. My comment was not meant to be racist but based on some factual information that I had come across. I do apologise if someone found it to be racist.
However, I would like all members of our society to be aware of such issues, including the moderator, please take out some time and watch this documentary. We need to be aware of our taboo issues and talk about them so they can be addressed. It is extremely unfortunate that some men in our society think exploiting boys is "better" because women are very well protected and its a big taboo to sex a women but not so taboo to have sex with a boy 🤦‍♂️ . I hope such people & molvi's to be exposed and given the most strict and exemplary punishments! Half cooked knowledge of deen and low education is the prime reason for this.

@The Eagle, sir no offense intended or taken. Thanks.
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Ok, I watched the whole video.

He basically said:
- punish the mullah. Set an example.
- punish him for what he did to that child and for the fact that he did this in his role as maulana
- people will start stereotyping (Lahoris vs. Karachiwale..) and some are happy to make fun about this incident to bash their favorite target (like I said!)
- don’t condemn all madrassas, there are reported cases of sexual abuse at universities and hospitals/doctors as well and nobody says to shut them all down
- government should make legislation to make marriage easy (dowry should be prohibited)
- he also mentions things he saw in the Christian community in Pakistan at the end but I don’t want to get banned so watch for yourself

If you have double digit IQ and basic Urdu knowledge you will notice how self-reflected this guy is in regards to mullahs and with no word he victim blamed the child nor demanded his death.

Thanks for the link, there are sane self-reflected mullahs out there in Pakistan. That was really refreshing!
I did not watch the whole thing, and switched him off when he said kill the guy who did it and the guy who got it done. Even the so called sane ones are on the looney tunes spectrum. Then he goes on to say, punish those who are using this to sow bad tiding/feelings towards Madaris/Maulvis, they too should be punished. And this guy is the sane one. God help us.
Nope, they are not defending that zaleel at all.

Some other Alim has been picked up on a different matter, in regards to Toheen e Sahab. It seems like a miss communication thing, his clip was edited and uploaded by someone else which led to confusion, he had already given clarification but it seems like authorities didn't go through it and went with arrest. He could be released I think after they go through the full video and clearification.
Most of these guys are two bit gangsters/hustlers. Reminds me of the Gangs of New York movie. Just that in this case they wear this so called cloak of religion. The good ones with depth like Ghamdi, are chased out of the country.
according to the "mufti" in your video, punishment for both (the pedo and the victim) is death.

@_NOBODY_ and @krash please come and watch this video and listen carefully

He mentioned a Hadith, (I didn't validate the authencity of Hadith for now) What he imply ( I think) is that in case of a consensual gay sex, both needs to be executed but not in a rape case, plus even in a consensual homosexual case, as he mentioned if the sin happen within the walls than Islam asked to put Parda (hides) it in hope of that the person will revert back to the right path, but once their practices start to affect the society then Islamic punishments ask for harsh Punishments in order to keep the society on the right path.

Understand one thing, Islamic system of managing a society is different then west, In Islam you have individual rights but if and when your individual rights start to spread wrong things in the society then the State has the right to act accordingly and that right is given to the state ( leader ) by Allah.
Next time yank your head out of your behind and respond to what is being stated, not the imaginary dragons flying around in your head.

You would banned the poster if that language is used against you...
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I did not watch the whole thing, and switched him off when he said kill the guy who did it and the guy who got it done. Even the so called sane ones are on the looney tunes spectrum. Then he goes on to say, punish those who are using this to sow bad tiding/feelings towards Madaris/Maulvis, they too should be punished. And this guy is the sane one. God help us.
If you watch the video with a preset agenda and bias against conservative Muslims you will only take what fits your narrative. Watch the whole thing or don't comment at all. You are being dishonest here, he explicitly stated that a big beard and a turban means nothing but you only took that part out of context where he said people using this for their propaganda should also be punished. He mentioned the case of stereotyping whole chunks of Pakistani population not only mullahs (Lahoris are like that, Karachiwales are like that, Peshwaris do this and that...) and this fitna must be stopped! But you know, you try to portray him like he wants to sweep all of this under the carpet but this is not true he demands full investigation and full punishment!

And: I have no affiliation with that guy, I didn't even know him til now.

Most of these guys are two bit gangsters/hustlers. Reminds me of the Gangs of New York movie. Just that in this case they wear this so called cloak of religion. The good ones with depth like Ghamdi, are chased out of the country.
Do you have a list of your preferred rightly-guided mullahs?

If you have double digit IQ and basic Urdu knowledge you will notice how self-reflected this guy is in regards to mullahs and with no word he victim blamed the child nor demanded his death.
Two wrong doesn't make a right, Malala comments were wrong because it directly conflict the Quran, his (this B@stard) is engaging in Homosexual acts which is also prohibited in Islam, and should be punished accordingly.

We abuse Islam, We misuse Islam but we never use Islam for the benefit of society, no wonder we are nothing but constant Zalil o Khowar in this Duniya.

They are homophobic because Islam forbids Homosexuality, and in their profession (Dhanda) this is necessary, but some do possess Homosexual tendencies and weak people like these give up to their desires and surrender to world, in western world if both are consenting adult this act would be praised. Remember Love is Love, Pride month is upon us maybe this Mullah is practicing just that.

You cannot compare malala's comments ant these vile acts.
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