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Cops shut down dance party in Lahore after cleric's threat

I don't know about that, you will have posh "mullahs" in the upper class of the society as well, what needs to be is a separation between State and Religion, and a proper system which makes sure that the two never entwine ever again. The thing is, the so-called "mullahs" are at a disbelief that they are being pushed off from the driving seat of this nation, hence you see them wreak havoc and that is primarily our fault, we let them on the driving seat in the first place. Look at KSA, strictly religious, but not one cleric dares to call a prince a degenerate for their lewd actions (drinking, adultery etc), because there are laws which enforce a system which regulate the supremacy of the Saudi crown. ( I know it's a very poor example).
You need fire to fight with fire, give them a taste of their own medicine.
Separation of religion and a state is the main agenda but fulfilling that in the current is simply not possible.It,s actually a suicide if you say so in front of some molvi :lol:
So it,s a long journey ahead of us we need to educate people and try to teach them the real vision of MA jinnah.We should tell them the difference between the pakistan of MA jinnah and the pakistan of that scum called zia ul haq.
You are damn right KSA is a very bad example. Hypocrisy prevails under the Saudi crown in the name of Islam.
Separation of religion and a state is the main agenda but fulfilling that in the current is simply not possible.It,s actually a suicide if you say so in front of some molvi
That's why you won't find me in a 10 mile radius of a radical molvi.
So it,s a long journey ahead of us we need to educate people and try to teach them the real vision of MA jinnah.We should tell them the difference between the pakistan of MA jinnah and the pakistan of that scum called zia ul haq.
Agreed, but interestingly, the rise of "mullahs" pre-dates Zia-ul-Haq, Zia merely gave into their demands to gather support.
You are damn right KSA is a very bad example
That's the only country I could think of at the time :unsure:, UAE might be a better example (to an extent, I'm not a fan of the Middle East).

But what really grinds my gears, is that the "mullahs" try to act above the very law they are trying to enforce on the population, you will see them commit some of the worst acts one could think of.
That's why you won't find me in a 10 mile radius of a radical molvi.
that,s good you might catch aids :)
Agreed, but interestingly, the rise of "mullahs" pre-dates Zia-ul-Haq, Zia merely gave into their demands to gather support.
Well but they got stronger under zia ul haq.Before that as my father told me they were considered weak and shareef people but after zia ul haq they become legal gangsters.
That's the only country I could think of at the time :unsure:, UAE might be a better example (to an extent, I'm not a fan of the Middle East).
Man i hate those sand niggers in general.
Man i hate those sand niggers in general
I don't mean racially, I meant the ME is too monotonous for my liking, in my eyes every ME country is just like the one next to it, they share the same topography, culture, heritage, language heck almost all of them export the same thing, and even their cities look just the same. All in all, I don't pay much attention to them.
Well but they got stronger under zia ul haq
Yep, because Zia took support of the loud minority over the silent majority, you can still see that today. And over here also lies our fault, we don't raise voice for our rights publicly, you saw how the "mullahs" stormed Islamabad a year ago and vandalized the entire city. Had we ever gathered such a force in public (excluding the vandalism and violence), the government would succumb to our demands.
Cops shut down some stupid dance party in Lahore.

PDF: 25 pages and still going.

You all are f*cking retards. Get moving, kids.
. .
Pakistan is at the sorry state it is today because of this vulgarity and fahashi and sood. fahashi and sood destroys the whole fabric of the society. it's a cancer that completely destroys everything good from the society.
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