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Confessions of True Biryani Lovers


Mar 21, 2007
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Confessions of True Biryani Lovers

Who doesn’t love Biryani? Coming home to a delicious aroma of biryani is the best thing that can happen to you today.

Here are the 11 sinful confessions of true Biryani lovers in Pakistan.

Disclaimer: This post could make you hungry so make sure you call your mom to cook the best biryani for you!

1. We like our Biryani really spicy…

A biryani that doesn’t have enough spices and is too bland will completely spoil our day. And the only way we can get over it is by having another biryani that tastes the way we like it: SPICY!

2. Which explains why we get a runny nose and teary eyes when eating it

We always keep a few tissues at hand to wipe away tears and blow the nose.

3. Which also explains the acid reflux we suffer later

We know pretty well the consequences of eating something sooo spicy and yet, we can’t stop. We prefer having an antacid than not eating the masalay walay chawal.

4. Eating biryani without raita and salad is like eating French fries without ketchup

Raita and salad is a must when we are eating Biryani. The raita balances the hotness of the dish and enhances the flavor too.

5. Potatoes are a must in our Biryani!

The worst kind of thing that can ever happen is when we realize there are no potatoes in the Biryani or even worse, they have all been eaten by your siblings.

6. One plate of Biryani never satisfies us…

When you know there is Biryani for lunch, you skip breakfast because you know you are going to eat double or even triple servings. A single serving never satisfies you.

7. And we eat Biryani like there is no tomorrow…

Please don’t disturb us when we are at the Biryani. It needs our full concentration. And don’t stare at us when we are gorging on it.
8. Which is the reason why we say no to dessert after having Biryani

Seriously, there is no room for anything else. We are so stuffed, we can’t even breathe.

9. We like to try different Biryanis at different places

Tell us an amazing biryani place has opened in the outskirts of the city and we will instantly add it in our plans for the weekend.

10. But still nothing compares to our mom’s biryani cooked at home…

The best biryani is what we get in our home. All those restaurants and even the Biryani served at weddings are a disappointment.

11. We often dig our bare hands in the Biryani pot and eat a few bites when no one is looking

First we look around to make sure no one is watching us and then very carefully dig our hands in the Biryani pateela, take a few bites, clean the mess and pretend we did nothing.

12. We can eat Biryani three times a day: at breakfast, lunch and dinner – and don’t forget those few bites directly from the pateela

Only if our moms wouldn’t stare at us like we are doing an unforgivable sin, we would eat Biryani for Breakfast too.

Do you have any other confession to make? Comment and share.
Well my experience with biryani has been very different...the biryani cooked in our home has very mild spices and no potatoes..mostly mutton and sometimes chicken..and also it is not cooked so frequently perhaps four-five times a year.

However the spicy biryani I tasted for the first time was in Karachi...I landed at QA airport after mid night from Isb and reached my residence one hour latter, the servant told me "sir we have arranged for best biryani of karachi for you!" ...I was very hungry and sleepy, I mistook the chunk of potato for a healthy chicken leg and put in my mouth...it was SPICYYYYY..really the smoke came out from ears, nose, water from eyes and I even forgot my orientation and geo-location...drank a liter of sweetened milk to reduce the sting.. a very bad experience....really that level of spices was scary... :) :)

Do you guys like Biryani?
@Doordie @Morse_Code @GreenFalcon @Moonlight @SherDil007
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You are a martian
Okay I am going to make a confession. I never heard of Biryani until my 20s. We never had it at home my mum never cooked it. The only rice dish we had was Pilau and maybe that sweet stuff - Kheer. That was it.

And I never like rice because it fills your stomach, gives you a sugar high and then your hungry again one hour later.
Confessions of True Biryani Lovers

Who doesn’t love Biryani? Coming home to a delicious aroma of biryani is the best thing that can happen to you today.

Here are the 11 sinful confessions of true Biryani lovers in Pakistan.

Disclaimer: This post could make you hungry so make sure you call your mom to cook the best biryani for you!

1. We like our Biryani really spicy…

A biryani that doesn’t have enough spices and is too bland will completely spoil our day. And the only way we can get over it is by having another biryani that tastes the way we like it: SPICY!

2. Which explains why we get a runny nose and teary eyes when eating it

We always keep a few tissues at hand to wipe away tears and blow the nose.

3. Which also explains the acid reflux we suffer later

We know pretty well the consequences of eating something sooo spicy and yet, we can’t stop. We prefer having an antacid than not eating the masalay walay chawal.

4. Eating biryani without raita and salad is like eating French fries without ketchup

Raita and salad is a must when we are eating Biryani. The raita balances the hotness of the dish and enhances the flavor too.

5. Potatoes are a must in our Biryani!

The worst kind of thing that can ever happen is when we realize there are no potatoes in the Biryani or even worse, they have all been eaten by your siblings.

6. One plate of Biryani never satisfies us…

When you know there is Biryani for lunch, you skip breakfast because you know you are going to eat double or even triple servings. A single serving never satisfies you.

7. And we eat Biryani like there is no tomorrow…

Please don’t disturb us when we are at the Biryani. It needs our full concentration. And don’t stare at us when we are gorging on it.
5. Potatoes are a must in our Biryani!

no one except bongs put aloo in their biriyani !!

Source: https://defence.pk/threads/confessions-of-true-biryani-lovers.467509/#ixzz4THDoapyd

I loveeeee biryani but i dnt like poataoes in it
true biriyani lover !!
I have noticed that Westerners haven't really taken to Biryani like other south Asian dishes.

Why is that?
Okay I am going to make a confession. I never heard of Biryani until my 20s. We never had it at home my mum never cooked it. The only rice dish we had was Pilau and maybe that sweet stuff - Kheer. That was it.

And I never like rice because it fills your stomach, gives you a sugar high and then your hungry again one hour later.

you have missed so much in those 20 years :shout:

I pray God shows you the true path, the path of righteousness, the path of piousness, the path of piety, the path of devotion............................. the path which leads you to Biryaaaani :yahoo:

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