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Combat Aircraft Projects & Designs - Index in 2nd post

Eurofighter Typhoon derivatives

Eurofighter Typhoon derivatives are in the document "Recent Combat Aircraft Life Cycle Costing Developments within DERA" presented at the RTO AVT Specialists' Meeting on "Design for Low Cost Operation and Support", held in Ottawa, Canada, 21-22 October 1999.

These three derivatives were defined as "conventional semi stealthy high performance combat aircraft" and "The aft-tail aircraft can probably be the most 'stealthy' with the least compromise from near-optimum placement of control surfaces, which would most significantly affect the delta-canard."

F5D Skylancer
Douglas F5D Skylancer prototype in use by NASA for Dyna-Soar abort training
NASA 802 was used for simulation of abort procedures for the X-20 DynaSoar, because it had a very similar shape and handling characteristics. Following the DynaSoar cancellation, it was used as a chase plane and for various other programs until it was retired in 1970

South Korea needs help developing KF-X. Its industry feels up to the challenge of developing the new fighter's flight controls, aerodynamics, sensors and weapons. But it wants an industrial partner to transfer technology for the engines, sensor fusion software and systems integration. This presents a certain dilemma for potential US partners. How much do Boeing and Lockheed Martin give up for a piece of the KF-X programme, knowing South Korea's fighter ambitions means losing a historically reliable customer and possibly creating a future competitor?

That's where Eurofighter comes in. The company presented itself at the Seoul Air Show as an "eager" supporter of South Korea's next-generation fighter programme. Accordingly, Eurofighter was pleased to present its vision for KF-X on 21 October during a seminar dedicated to the programme. Neither Boeing nor Lockheed accepted invitations to present at the same event.

Eurofighter's concept proposes a clean-sheet, twin-engine design with a conventional, single tail. The latter feature differs from South Korean concepts showing twin-canted tails. The design goal is a medium-class fighter to replace the Asian fleet of McDonnell F-4 Phantoms and Northrop F-5 Tigers.

Single tail Eurofighter shares KF-X vision

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