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Jun 4, 2010
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United Kingdom
Two weeks and two days ago I posted this thread:


The Chinese had said on the 7th of August that a limited war "within 2 weeks" was possible, that time has come and gone and still the most the Chinese have done is create cringe-worthy prpoganda videos and throw some stones at ITBP police officers.

At first I was a little wary of the Chinese but with the endless "warnings" and their childish antics I cannot put it any other way- the Chinese have utterly humiliated themselves and their credibility is totally gone. Never again will any Indian military planner fear the Chinese nor will India ever again back down in front of these thugs when threatened.

The constant barrage of threats was amusing to begin with but now it is just boring, all the while the Indian side has remain silent, quietly confident. What is it they say- empty vessels make the loudest sounds?

The Chinese wanted the world to believe they were the next global superpower....... :woot::woot:
Two weeks and two days ago I posted this thread:


The Chinese had said on the 7th of August that a limited war "within 2 weeks" was possible, that time has come and gone and still the most the Chinese have done is create cringe-worthy prpoganda videos and throw some stones at ITBP police officers.

At first I was a little wary of the Chinese but with the endless "warnings" and their childish antics I cannot put it any other way- the Chinese have utterly humiliated themselves and their credibility is totally gone. Never again will any Indian military planner fear the Chinese nor will India ever again back down in front of these thugs when threatened.

The Chinese wanted the world to believe they were the next global superpower....... :woot::woot:
China wants to bluff their way out
China wants to bluff their way out
Too late for that, they've backed themselves into a corner, the only way this ends is if they pull out- the Indian side is entrenched and won't move an inch.

This could have been dealt with maturely had the Chinese used their supposed superior IQ to behave like adults and approach this with logic and dipomacy, instead they acted worst than the most petulent of children and have offered no room for talks.

The only choice China now has is when and not if they back down and just what degree of humiliation they expose themselves to.

One thing is for sure, no ammount of threats are going to work on India.
Nothing to Laugh about....They will lull India to sleep...then Strike...they choose the time and where....the onus is on India...to stay vigilant which is tough due to parties like Congress if they ever got in power...
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Nothing to Laugh about....They will lull India to sleep...then Strike...they choose the time and where....the onus id on India...to stay vigilant which is tough due to parties like Congress if they ever got in power...

is war with India even worth it for china ?
is war with India even worth it for china ?

Depends....things will get back to normal eventually I guess....It depends are Indians nationalistic enough and have enough pride to say never ever support China economically whenever they can? That may make them think twice. Look at 1962, was it worth it? What did they achieve? They went back to their side of the border, however, there were multiple things at play during that war? The Bay of Pigs, Russia and JFK were near conflict, and that's when China strikes! Just when things were dying down and we were contemplating the use of airfare, China recalls their troops and declares a ceasefire!

All this talk about "is it worth"...is totally subjective....it truly depends what one is trying to achieve? Practice for military with an opponent it has major advantages over? Pride? In terms of PR, beating India in a war/battle, might make them think it will make them look "good" but more importantly these new generation of Chinese troops are totally untested on the field unlike their previous hardened generation . I don't know for certain. Use it as a catalyst to support Pakistan further, and remove any unwanted attention or focus on North Korea or Pakistan perhaps?

Completely off topic... I liked reading about a training simulation where every Chinese soldier was armed with RPG's? Why can't India do that? Wouldn't that be great in battle?
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Two weeks and two days ago I posted this thread:


The Chinese had said on the 7th of August that a limited war "within 2 weeks" was possible, that time has come and gone and still the most the Chinese have done is create cringe-worthy prpoganda videos and throw some stones at ITBP police officers.

At first I was a little wary of the Chinese but with the endless "warnings" and their childish antics I cannot put it any other way- the Chinese have utterly humiliated themselves and their credibility is totally gone. Never again will any Indian military planner fear the Chinese nor will India ever again back down in front of these thugs when threatened.

The constant barrage of threats was amusing to begin with but now it is just boring, all the while the Indian side has remain silent, quietly confident. What is it they say- empty vessels make the loudest sounds?

The Chinese wanted the world to believe they were the next global superpower....... :woot::woot:

Who got humiliated? Your supposed best T-90s breaks down in sequence in world stage and everybody is laughing until now. Your so called might tall burly Jawan got kicked and fainted in border clash and nothing is done yet. :enjoy:
Too late for that, they've backed themselves into a corner, the only way this ends is if they pull out- the Indian side is entrenched and won't move an inch.

This could have been dealt with maturely had the Chinese used their supposed superior IQ to behave like adults and approach this with logic and dipomacy, instead they acted worst than the most petulent of children and have offered no room for talks.

The only choice China now has is when and not if they back down and just what degree of humiliation they expose themselves to.

One thing is for sure, no ammount of threats are going to work on India.

They will create problems in the east through N Korea, Japan and distract their population and will then move away their troops.
Two weeks and two days ago I posted this thread:


The Chinese had said on the 7th of August that a limited war "within 2 weeks" was possible, that time has come and gone and still the most the Chinese have done is create cringe-worthy prpoganda videos and throw some stones at ITBP police officers.

At first I was a little wary of the Chinese but with the endless "warnings" and their childish antics I cannot put it any other way- the Chinese have utterly humiliated themselves and their credibility is totally gone. Never again will any Indian military planner fear the Chinese nor will India ever again back down in front of these thugs when threatened.

The constant barrage of threats was amusing to begin with but now it is just boring, all the while the Indian side has remain silent, quietly confident. What is it they say- empty vessels make the loudest sounds?

The Chinese wanted the world to believe they were the next global superpower....... :woot::woot:

Don't comment any laughable comment when it comes series place, they are super power or waste power, not our concern's

they entered disputed territory with our friend we are helping our friend to defend against China

if they intentionally doing we then we don't have an option but our army persons family waiting for their Father or husband will come home safely,
Just look at the Indians lol. They were really counting the days to make the thread with all Capital letters to show the world that they are happy because china didn't start battle with them lol.

Who got humiliated? Your supposed best T-90s breaks down in sequence in world stage and everybody is laughing until now. Your so called might tall burly Jawan got kicked and fainted in border clash and nothing is done yet. :enjoy:

Cheerleader alert.

Where were the mighty Al-Khalids in all this saga. Yeah, right they were hiding in their wholes with their crews inside it. Talk is cheap, Better come and compete.

Well about the second part, in the video, its still not clear who's who. And kicking a soldier in back in chaos is not bravery either

Cheerleader alert.

Where were the mighty Al-Khalids in all this saga. Yeah, right they were hiding in their wholes with their crews inside it. Talk is cheap, Better come and compete.

Well about the second part, in the video, its still not clear who's who. And kicking a soldier in back in chaos is not bravery either
You still in denial? The guy holding a Chinese red flag , a Chinese national flag and the guy who kick your Jawan wears camouflage full uniform of standard PLA compare to your Jawan of light color khaki pants who went down easily.

Continue to live in your denial :enjoy:
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