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Jiang group in Chinese army behind incursions

Have's don't really stress over the have not's. Even if the have not's think it elevates them in the world's eye.

I so enjoy the Indian tantrums at being called.

A moderately intelligent person would decipher from the article that Pakistan was not being blamed. I stress the word " moderately".

Resorting to personal attacks already?

Can't say I'm surprised, considering it's you after all.

Hint: Perhaps one of your Indian compatriots can explain to you how alleged "lobbies" operate.
@Spring Onion with out these hawkish and sold out generals. How the PLA is behaving that stupidly all these days from East sea(for silly rocks which will be under sea if bombed :lol:) to Himalayas??

These guys screwed their foreign policy, the image of China has been tarnished world wide with these issues.

dahhhhhhhhh no image of China is perfectly ok. Its Chinese Economic power that is scaring the world.

and oh when was the last time you ever heard sold out for Chinese generals?
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dahhhhhhhhh no image of China is perfectly ok. Its Chinese Economic power that is scaring the world.
and oh when was the last time you ever heard sold out for Chinese generals?

Image of China in Asia is Tarnished particularly in Pacific rim where SCS and East sea issues are happening, Now it is in India.

Economic power do not guarantee anything, they are not even a confident military power, their hitech defense toys are copied versions.

Look at the bullying of these guys as if they have found out strength for the first time and don't know how to handle it. In the mean time USA is very happy seeing the behavior of Chinese which will give them enough reason to interfere.

The policy seems to be screwed up and flawed one which points to the fact that the PLA leadership and the policy makers are compromised :cheers:

If you look at the issues in SCS and East sea, those islands are not that worth nor any major discovery is been done in SCS but the bullying continues.

Same with India, India rejected their flawed agreement on border issue and see how they are behaving in order to put pressure on India.

Again the land which they are camping is of no use and is uninhabitable.
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