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Jiang group in Chinese army behind incursions

Funny stories….

These days PLA busy with search & rescue operations

Gen. Ma Xiaotian in Command of search & rescue operations

Air Force Gen. Ma Xiaotian reads a map of the quake-hit zone on the plane. A 7.0-magnitude earthquake hit Lushan County of Ya'an City in southwest China's Sichuan Province at 8:02 a.m. Upon hearing the news, Commander Ma Xaotian of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF), who is inspecting air force troops stationed in Yunan Province these days, changed his prefixed plan and immediately flew to the Qionglai airport, the nearest airport to the quake-hit zone, to direct the earthquake relief work of the Air Force troops.



China Defense Blog: Air Force Gen. Ma Xiaotian in Command
Yup, time will tell.

But the article is about the state of the Chinese military. 1/2 a mile of barren land with tents is not as concerning , if I was Chinese, vs. the fact that segments of your military pledge allegiance to " personal ambitions" vs. country first, would be more of a concern. i.e. if your goal is truly a peaceful rise as claimed ...

I mean for all purposes your relationship with India is on the mend and moving in a positive direction AKA your peaceful rise agenda. What does this act do to help that? things that make you go hmmmm...

Why are you trying to explain that to numnuts like Him? They are so stupid to realise how many times they contradict themselves, thier so called peaceful rise can only be achieved by bloodshed. China is a anther Germany in the making. Give it time what goes up must come down – time will tell.
Quite a bullshit by an Indian author. Indians have poor relation with pretty much every neighbors of her's: Pakistan, Nepal, Kashmir, Sri Lanka, China, Bangladesh...

Oh really"

Pakistan : 4 Neighbour, Bad relation with Afghan /India.
China : Bad relation with all neighbour except PAK /Russia
India : Bad relationship with PAK only.
The writer of the lead article has no idea about the Chinese system - chain of command in the administration / armed forces. Things just don't happen haphazardly in PRC. However, I doubt the veracity of the article and question the motive.
Chinese Troops 20 Kilometers Across Disputed Border: India

NEW DELHI — New Delhi on Friday said Chinese soldiers have advanced nearly 12 miles (20 kilometers) into Indian-claimed territory after intruding across the disputed border earlier this month, a report said.

Defence Secretary Shashi Kant Sharma and other military officials presented a report on the incursion to a parliamentary watchdog, the Press Trust of India reported, marking a renewal of tensions between the Asian neighbours.

Sharma also told MPs attending the meeting that India has deployed troops in the contested region to "keep a close watch on the border,” it quoted unnamed sources as saying.

India and China have an unresolved boundary dispute, and relations are often prickly and marked by mutual suspicion — a legacy of a brief border war in 1962.

A senior defence ministry official confirmed the meeting took place and that Sharma briefed MPs on the alleged Chinese advance but he did not elaborate.

“The officials told the committee that Indian army patrols reported on April 16 the presence of Chinese People's Liberation Army pitching tents 19 kilometers inside the LAC [Line of Actual Control],” PTI quoted a source as saying.

The LAC is the de facto border that runs across the Himalayas.

The meeting came a day after Indian Foreign Minister Salman Khurshid announced he would head for China on May 8, saying both countries had a mutual interest in not allowing the dispute to "destroy" long-term progress in ties.

A foreign ministry official also confirmed reports that the new Chinese Premier Li Keqiang would travel to New Delhi India late next month, without giving an exact date.

Lower-level talks have so far failed to break the impasse in the dispute in the western part of India-administered Kashmir's Ladakh region.

According to officials in New Delhi, a platoon of Chinese troops set up a camp inside Indian territory on April 15.

India has since called on the Chinese soldiers to withdraw, but several meetings between local army commanders and diplomats from both sides have failed to resolve the stand-off.

China has denied any wrongdoing.

In 1962, China gave India a bloody nose in the war fought in the Himalayan regions of Ladakh and Arunachal Pradesh.

Small incursions are not uncommon across the LAC but it is rare for either country to set up camps in disputed territory.

In recent years, the countries have increased their military presence on each side of the border and hold frequent meetings to diffuse tensions.

Despite the border tensions, trade between the Asian giants has soared in recent years.

Chinese Troops 20 Kilometers Across Disputed Border: India | Defense News | defensenews.com
I don't care what or who, bottom line is that we are inside Indian territory and India is powerless to do anything about it

Really.....we will see what China does in a week? As for not being able to do anything.......China couldn;t do anything when Sikkim and AP became PART OF INDIA>
Oh really"

Pakistan : 4 Neighbour, Bad relation with Afghan /India.
China : Bad relation with all neighbour except PAK /Russia
India : Bad relationship with PAK only.

your statements contradict itself. china and India are neighbors and China has bad relationship with india but India has good relationship with China. Its a one way good relationship?
Senior officers loyal to erstwhile President Jiang Zemin do not want India-China relations normalised.
". These sources point out that "both the Pakistan as well as the US lobbies within the PLA are eager to sabotage cooperation with India", and that Xi Jinping's open call for military to military cooperation between Beijing and Delhi has been followed by efforts at a coordinated hard line towards the Taliban in Afghanistan. Such moves have alarmed the Pakistan and US lobbies within China, who are both working through their agents to sabotage the Xi Jinping reset in relations with Delhi, these sources claim.

Jiang group in Chinese army behind incursions

:lol: hahahaha sunday guardian? an indian BS internet-cum blog source.

the writer is MADHAV NALAPAT an Indian. and the funniest attempt he is making is to sell the conspiracy theory that there is division in Chinese Army and above all the mother of conspiracies that US has a lobby withing Chinese Army.

on one hand the Indians are runing to US to share the Chinese camping information and on the other Indians are now blaming US that its infact US who wants an Indo-China war hence US lobby is instigating Chinese Army.

oh Indians why are you trying to have more eggs on your face
your statements contradict itself. china and India are neighbors and China has bad relationship with india but India has good relationship with China. Its a one way good relationship?

Its probably Indian bollywood logic..
Sunday Guardian is a cheap tabloid.

But Nisha ma'am is right. Communist parties have massive factionalism and the timing of the event with State Level visit shows something stinking like a polluted river.

India's military might whether Pakistan and China or for that matter USA is increasing rapidly. Quietly we have followed China's hush - hush policy and built 2 nuke subs leased 2 more, built a aircraft carrier and 8000km ICBM not to mention a 12000km one under wraps. This is worrying Pakistan like hell and recent staff articles show this. Chinese military factions too believe India is ahead in many capabilities and despite it's slow elephant like nature is catching up steadily in others.

Question is, will we do it fast enough or Maun Mohan Singh and party will give in to US pressure

Military might is not the winner in current era.
EDIT : ARABNEWS has some updates. Google it.
"China ex-leader Jiang a new force behind scenes"

:what: an old write up from 2012

Thursday 15 November 2012

Last Update 15 November 2012 2:55 am

and that too is not about this incident.

"Don't waste time on jealousy. Sometimes you're ahead, sometimes you're behind."

- Mary Schmich

:what: what the facts have to do with jealousy?

If military attack based on military might was something to win wars today then US would have won Iraq/Afghanistan
Sunday Guardian is a cheap tabloid.

But Nisha ma'am is right. Communist parties have massive factionalism and the timing of the event with State Level visit shows something stinking like a polluted river.

India's military might whether Pakistan and China or for that matter USA is increasing rapidly. Quietly we have followed China's hush - hush policy and built 2 nuke subs leased 2 more, built a aircraft carrier and 8000km ICBM not to mention a 12000km one under wraps. This is worrying Pakistan like hell and recent staff articles show this. Chinese military factions too believe India is ahead in many capabilities and despite it's slow elephant like nature is catching up steadily in others.

Question is, will we do it fast enough or Maun Mohan Singh and party will give in to US pressure

Is anything India do is regarded as "quiet" with the Indian media? If India is really trying to do something quietly, than news would be leaked to its media and they would print the article about India try to do something quietly.
@Spring Onion with out these hawkish and sold out generals. How the PLA is behaving that stupidly all these days from East sea(for silly rocks which will be under sea if bombed :lol:) to Himalayas??

These guys screwed their foreign policy, the image of China has been tarnished world wide with these issues.
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May be some days India media will say: Nehru group want forward policy 2.0 behind India army
:what: what the facts have to do with jealousy?

If military attack based on military might was something to win wars today then US would have won Iraq/Afghanistan

Who says USA want to with Iraq and Afghanistan??

They want to burn Asia.
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