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The Nathu La skirmish & The Chola Incident: when Chinese were given a bloody nose

Nathu La of 1967

Three years later, in 1965, two significant events took place on the Sine-Indian border. The first was the warning issued to India about Chinese sheep not being allowed to graze on their side of the border by India. This happened in September 1965 when the Indo-Pak war was simmering on India’s western border.

At the same time, in September-December 1965, the PLA sent probing missions on the entire Sikkim-Tibet border. According to one account, there were seven border intrusions on the Sikkim-Tibet border between September 7 and December 12, 1965, involving the PLA. In all these border incursions, the Indian side responded “firmly” without provoking the other. Though details of casualties of these PLA border incursions are not reported, there were reports indicating that the PLA suffered “heavy” casualties against “moderate” loss by India.

Two years later, in September 1967, in spite of their setbacks in 1965, the PLA launched a direct attack on the lndian armed forces at Nathu La, on the Sikkim-Tibet border. The six-day “border skirmishes” from September 7-6 to 13, 1967, had all the elements of a high drama, including exchange of heavy artillery fire, and the PLA soldiers tried to cross the border in large numbers.

The attack was repulsed at all points, According to an account of this incident, from the details of the fighting available, it appeared the Chinese had received a severe mauling in the artillery duels across the barbed wire fence. Indian gunners scored several direct hits on Chinese bunkers, including a command post from where the Chinese operations were being directed. The Chinese were also known to have suffered at least twice as many casualties as the Indians in this encounter between Indian and Chinese armed forces.

The important point to be remembered in this context is that the late Chairman Mao launched his Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution (GPCR) in 1965 and it reached its peak in 1967 to weed out all ‘anti-socialist elements” from the Chinese polity. Though many Sinologists would not like to describe the GPCR in any other manner, for an outsider like me, it was essentially a power struggle between Chairman Mao and his adversaries.

However, for the purposes of this essay, three significant things emerged from the Nathu La episode on the Sikkim-Tibet border. First, the Indian armed forces demonstrated beyond doubt that the PLA is not as strong and motivated as it was made out to be. In fact, there were rumours, around September 10, 1967, that the PLA was planning to bring in the Air Force to escalate the conflict. Sensing that the Indians were getting ready for such an eventuality, the Chinese official news agency, Xinhua, denied having any such plans.

Second, the Indian politico-military leadership quickly realised this myth about the PLA. This was clearly reflected in the unconditional ceasefire proposed by India in a note delivered to the Chinese on September 12, 1967, all along the Sikkim-Tibet border from 05.30 hrs on September 13. Though officially, the Chinese rejected this unilateral ceasefire offer by India, except for an occasional salvo by the PLA on September 13, 1967, there was a lull all along the border. Many observers felt India scored a psychological victory over the Chinese for the latter’s unilateral ceasefire in 1962.

Lastly, the Indian political leadership also realised that the PLA’s behavioural pattern on the border had something to do with the domestic turmoil then going on in China.

China Becoming a Superpower and India's Options - Sreedhar
Is it mothers day or Indian national propaganda day today? Why are all the articles about 1962 war and 1971 war are posted today?
The biggest proof that after china warn India about Oil exploration in South China sea , India extend the mission for 2 more years and told , Do whatever you want.

China knew what happen after chola etc , so they are smart enough not engage india now , So there defeat can't flash all over world
More racism. :lol:

Tell it to the NE Indians.

While I never support racial attack, neither I am supporting now, but for NE Indians this 'chinki' issue has been blown out of proportions, almost all Indians from different states and ethnicity has at least one or more nicknames and it is not that NE Indians are singularly victim of racial abuse, while most Indians take these nicknames lightly and make fun of these, that 'chinki' one has earned some special status. But I agree that nobody should utter that word if some of our own people feel really bad about it.

Is it mothers day or Indian national propaganda day today? Why are all the articles about 1962 war and 1971 war are posted today?

What should we expect in a defence forum if not war related articles? :)
Nathu La incident. is it included in the Chinese history books?:-)
The Chinese propaganda machine will never ever allow the Nathula incident to be publicized as they had got a bloody nose in that skirmish. They want to show to their sheeple that the PLA are invincible, like supermen from planet Krypton!

And the way they withdrew from the Somdorung Chu Valley in Arunachal in 1987 is more than shameful, when Gen Sundarjee warned them to get the fuk out of there or face the consequences of what happened at Nathula.

And the sheeple are out here on this very forum calling everything a piece of fiction!!

That's proof enough of CPC's brain washing of the Hans into believing that the PLA can never get hammered!!

That statement makes no sense. If it is propaganda as you call it , then what does it matter what they release.
We know what happende at 87. Diplomacy prevails. Which is a good thing.
Eaxctly,you hit the nail on the head.
We cant always post articles with "feel good"for our Pakistani friends and their chinese brothers.:D

Well you always post "feel good" articles for yourself. You Bharatis inherently are too immature for introspection.
Remind every Indian member on the site when they yapp about peace with China about this thread. When we are fighting pakistan, they tried to counter us. We know where their loyalty lies and it is not us. Support the Far East.....Japan. Vietnam, Philippines. etc. Make no mistake......they are just trying to lull us into a flase sense of security....
The biggest proof that after china warn India about Oil exploration in South China sea , India extend the mission for 2 more years and told , Do whatever you want.

China knew what happen after chola etc , so they are smart enough not engage india now , So there defeat can't flash all over world

Yes yes, the Chinese are smart enough to let India armed forces rot by itself with dwindling fighter jet and self destruction submarine. :lol:

There is probably artillery exchange but the indian will then brag about unaccountable of casualty. Fabrication at best. The only well known incident between China and India is 1962 which the Indian soldier happily surrender. Do you want me to show you the video? While where is yours to prove your fabrication account?
Yes yes, the Chinese are smart enough to let India armed forces rot by itself with dwindling fighter jet and self destruction submarine. :lol:

There is probably artillery exchange but the indian will then brag about unaccountable of casualty. Fabrication at best. The only well known incident between China and India is 1962 which the Indian soldier happily surrender. Do you want me to show you the video? While where is yours to prove your fabrication account?

That's we voted Modi. Regardless, of what all say.....we still voted for him to be our PM.
Yes yes, the Chinese are smart enough to let India armed forces rot by itself with dwindling fighter jet and self destruction submarine. :lol:

There is probably artillery exchange but the indian will then brag about unaccountable of casualty. Fabrication at best. The only well known incident between China and India is 1962 which the Indian soldier happily surrender. Do you want me to show you the video? While where is yours to prove your fabrication account?
Did anyone here say India won 62 ,we all agree the war was a result of the chinese rulers wanted to divert the attention of ordinary citizens of china from the internal problems,the famine,and they wanted to divert peoples attention to avoid a civil war in China.
If you want to know fabrication tell me i will show how things are fabrictaed,which you call truth and the rest of the world says lies and propaganda.
Did anyone here say India won 62 ,we all agree the war was a result of the chinese rulers wanted to divert the attention of ordinary citizens of china from the internal problems,the famine,and they wanted to divert peoples attention to avoid a civil war in China.
If you want to know fabrication tell me i will show how things are fabrictaed,which you call truth and the rest of the world says lies and propaganda.

We are already aware of this, expect the things to get troublesome again whenever CCP faces a crisis, economic or political, heightened nationalism during war time diverts the public attention from the domestic turmoil.
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