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Chinese PM Visits Bangladesh

It’s better to be independent.

But they are already independent, right? :enjoy:

The point is, that China has nothing called ethics in its foreign policy. It will do whatever it needs to do in order to protect its own interests.

By alienating India, Bangladesh will shoot itself in the foot and become a virtual Chinese colony.
Actually Bangladesh will be a more independent state by allying with China than ever with India.

Myanmar theory goes more against your idea than supporting it.
Sure am mate we are very much worried about Bangladesh, already reports are coming that global warming will affect BD in a big mannerand nearly 1/4 th of the land will dissappear we Indians need to be seriously be worried already North India is teeming with migrants and beggers from BD now the situation will only get worse. I hope they dont enter south by any chance.


What the f does global warming has to do with this thread?

Ever heard of surge in global population? What about those flooding Indians sneaking in Bangladesh, China, Pakistan, and some ending up in the Indian Ocean?

Grow the hell up.
But they are already independent, right? :enjoy:

The point is, that China has nothing called ethics in its foreign policy. It will do whatever it needs to do in order to protect its own interests.

By alienating India, Bangladesh will shoot itself in the foot and become a virtual Chinese colony.

Yes! They are already independent and they are allowed to form good relations with Pakistan and China.

We can say the same for Indian foreign policy.
Actually Bangladesh will be a more independent state by allying with China than ever with India.

Myanmar theory goes more against your idea than supporting it.

Dude, Myanmar is stuck with a repressive military regime that shoots dissenters on sight.

That's all thanks to the Chinese. The Chinese will support whichever regime obeys their instructions the best.

Bangladesh already has a history of dictators. If B'desh submits to Chinese will, it has absolutely no hope.

The point is, that China has nothing called ethics in its foreign policy. It will do whatever it needs to do in order to protect its own interests.

By alienating India, Bangladesh will shoot itself in the foot and become a virtual Chinese colony.

Don't tell us India's foreign policy isn't for Indian interest. :taz:

Dare you say Nehru's "forwarding policy" is for Chinese interest? :rofl:

According to your evaluation of Burma, are you saying that India's sale of weapons to Burma "junta" is ethical foreign policy? :rofl:

To keep a peaceful S. Asia is in the best interest of China. In my estimation, China will try to keep Pakistan free of any military harassment, to keep BD more independent, to keep Burma from any foreign interference of its internal affairs.

It is probably not in BD's interest to take a hostile stance against India.
Dude, Myanmar is stuck with a repressive military regime that shoots dissenters on sight.

That's all thanks to the Chinese. The Chinese will support whichever regime obeys their instructions the best.

Bangladesh already has a history of dictators. If B'desh submits to Chinese will, it has absolutely no hope.

It depends what you mean by 'hope'. Immediately after the independence, a 25 year friendship treaty was forced down on us by our Indian friends; according to that treaty Bangladesh could have an army or its own foreign policy. It stipulated that Bangladesh had to consult with the Indian government before forming any foreign policy. I'm pretty sure most of the people of Bangladesh do not want to see that kind of 'hope' again. Some Indians have the audacity to say that it is better to be a surrogate of India, this way they admit that they are always working to make Bangladesh an Indian surrogate. To them refusing to be Indian surrogate means becoming the surrogate of China.:guns:
It depends what you mean by 'hope'. Immediately after the independence, a 25 year friendship treaty was forced down on us by our Indian friends; according to that treaty Bangladesh could have an army or its own foreign policy. It stipulated that Bangladesh had to consult with the Indian government before forming any foreign policy. I'm pretty sure most of the people of Bangladesh do want to see that kind of 'hope' again. Some Indians have the audacity to say that it is better to be a surrogate of India, this way they admit that they are always working to make Bangladesh an Indian surrogate. To them refusing to be Indian surrogate means becoming the surrogate of China.:guns:

Fine man, its your country...your decision.

Just remember that its better to be close to a democratic country than to a communist one.
The Chinese Foreign Minister said yesterday that China wanted to see Bangladesh as strong as Pakistan. I think China has finally realised the goals of Indo-US friendship. The problem is the present caretaker government of Bangladesh is completely pro-Indian.

Nothing wrong in being strong.

But the issue is what is strong?

Would it be better to have corrupt govts of Khaleda and whatever the other lady's name is, than the present govt?!

If the present govt is pro India, how come the Chinese chap has been called there?
it is better to be independent Bangladesh

As long as B'desh is stuck between two emerging powers, there is definitely going to be some interference in its internal affairs from both sides.

Its a fact of life, whether they like it or not.

Now, it upto them whether they want to be under the influence of a democratic nation or a totalitarian regime.
Now, it upto them whether they want to be under the influence of a democratic nation or a totalitarian regime.

Lol! Just because india seems itself as a growing power doesnt make it one, secondly being a power does not mean that other countries have to go through your influence. BD is an independent country and they can choose themselves, how they want to proceed with their relations with both china and india and also pakistan. And that has nothing to do with being democratic or communist. What interest does india being a democratic serves to BD that china does not or for that matter what favour can BD get from india because india is demotratic, that it cannot get from china?
Get out of this democracy paranoia of yours and see the world the way it is and not the way you intend too.
Lol! Just because india seems itself as a growing power doesnt make it one, secondly being a power does not mean that other countries have to go through your influence. BD is an independent country and they can choose themselves, how they want to proceed with their relations with both china and india and also pakistan. And that has nothing to do with being democratic or communist. What interest does india being a democratic serves to BD that china does not or for that matter what favour can BD get from india because india is demotratic, that it cannot get from china?
Get out of this democracy paranoia of yours and see the world the way it is and not the way you intend too.

Of course BD is an independent country and no one would know it better than India since they ensured its independence. No big deal,there!

Like Pakistan cannot ignore Afghanistan politics, India should not either ignore BD's influence to promote third party interest either!! ;) :))

If India does, then India will be left Icecold!! :))
Nothing wrong in being strong.

But the issue is what is strong?

Would it be better to have corrupt govts of Khaleda and whatever the other lady's name is, than the present govt?!

If the present govt is pro India, how come the Chinese chap has been called there?

The pro-Indian government of Sheikh Hasina was the most corrupt government and the Rangs Building at Bijoy Sharani is a monument to that fact. It is being demolished as it was built on the land of poor people.
Lol! Just because india seems itself as a growing power doesnt make it one, secondly being a power does not mean that other countries have to go through your influence. BD is an independent country and they can choose themselves, how they want to proceed with their relations with both china and india and also pakistan. And that has nothing to do with being democratic or communist. What interest does india being a democratic serves to BD that china does not or for that matter what favour can BD get from india because india is demotratic, that it cannot get from china?
Get out of this democracy paranoia of yours and see the world the way it is and not the way you intend to

Ice cold you need to understand that given the geographical location of BD it will be completely unavoidable that it shall be falling under some kind of influence or the other. The question is not whether India is a democracy or not , the point is nation states that are relatively powerful will tend to exert their influence over the other , any nation state worth its salt would have been either under influence of another or would have influenced another one according to their strategic interest.

Say whatever may the internet warriors from BD, Bangladesh will have to be under the strategic influence of India, just like Pakistan exerts its influence in Afghanistan, like Russia exerts its influence over CIS, Just like the French exert influence over Africa.
The geography and the economic condition of BD does not help it either. We do have an interest in the affairs over BD, there is a significant amount of migration taking place across the border which is a huge problem in India.

Also one has to remember that economic relations dont always correlate with strategic interest. BD wants Chinese assistance in Railroads(example), then it is purely an economic decision based on rational economic decision, but however relating it to strategic interest and equations with India is a bit naieve. So according to T Rex'slogic if Manmohan sigh visits China then does India come under Chinese influence. What does Chinese premiers visit to BD have to do with Indo BD relations, is BD technically hostile towards China that Chinese premier's visit warants bellcosity between India and BD. Then Iraninan premier visited India does it mean that we shall be hostile towards US. The days of coldwar are over where you either belonged to one block or the other , nowadays relationships between nations tend to be modular and according to what they are comfortable with.

Accepted there has always been problems between the two nations, but pray tell me which two nations sharing a long border never had problems with each other, as I pointed out in another thread US has immigration and drug problems with Mexico, free trade problem with Canada so does that make them enemies , nope. These issues are bone of contention that will be solve through bilateral interest and negotiations. i think you seriously underestimate the potential and power of diplomacy and negotiations in conflict resolution, countries dont go to war or become hosytile because internet warriors want them to do so or due to certain problems with trade. Relationship with BD has been built over years and it will only be naive to underestimate Indian power and to assume that while Pakistan and China engage in such menuvers India will be static and well asleep

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