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Chinese PM Visits Bangladesh

Infact, I say that if India, B'desh, Pakistan and other countries in the subcontinent can keep their differences aside and work together, we can be a real force in the world and take China head-on.

Considering the past we've had, it's a vision versus a bitter reality we have to live with today.

A more formidable economic block is emerging is we speak China, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka.
I find it most embarrassing when I see Pakistanis hanging on to China's coat tails to find their place in the sun.

Pakistan may not be the most progressive country in the world, but given Neo's statistics, it does show that inspite of all odds, Musharraf put Pakistan on the world map!

That is what is Pakistan's strength and not hanging on to someone's coattails to prove anything.

I would be the first one to object if some Indian hangs on to the US' coattails to say how great she is.

India is great in its own rights!

If she is not, she better pull up her socks and not hang on to someone else!!


I think Pakistanis are insulting themselves!
Considering the past we've had, it's a vision versus a bitter reality we have to live with today.

A more formidable economic block is emerging is we speak China, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka.

True, it is an idea, and far from reality. However, I'd consider it a more natural alliance than one with China involved.

China and Pakistan are definitely emerging as a major block. Infact, in the next 30 years, Pakistan will be a virtual colony of China and an arm for Chinese power projection.

Sri Lanks, B'desh, I am not so sure. They will be influenced by both China and India and won't owe unstinting allegiance to either.

However, I consider it unfortunate, that South Asia allowed itself to be divided up in such a way.
Salim, the same can be said for Indo-Ruso relations.

But, I won't fall down to your levels and abuse my vocal abilities
Oh come on.

It is widely accepted by economists and think tanks that China will emerge as a giant (If not the only one) in the future

So what did they say India will not emerge as a power because China becomes one.
The African energy resources? ring a bell?

So what we are exploring Sakhlain gas fields, does China have exploration rights in Russia. Well who said we lost out in Africa, ONGC Videsh as good number of projects in Africa, google them if you can .
Salim, the same can be said for Indo-Ruso relations.

But, I won't fall down to your levels and abuse my vocal abilities

The same doesn't infact apply to Indo-Russia relations.

India's policy was Non-Aligned, though they had a Russian-tilt. That's about it.
A more formidable economic block is emerging is we speak China, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka.

Pakistan + China= ya may happen
Forget BD and Srilanka, just because China engages with them doesnt mean India will loose its grip , both these nation have a lot to loose in turning off India.
Pakistan + China= ya may happen
Forget BD and Srilanka, just because China engages with them doesnt mean India will loose its grip , both these nation have a lot to loose in turning off India.

In case you haven't been following news lately.

Who do you think Sri Lanka and BD go to for economic and defence related assistance?
In case you haven't been following news lately.

Who do you think Sri Lanka and BD go to for economic and defence related assistance?

Economic: India, no ifs and buts, their economies are pretty much ingrained with India, BD receives huge cash influx through migrants in India.

Defence: SL buys weapons from Pakistan because India does not sell them and you sell them cheaply , If Burkina fao sold weapons cheaper they would buy from Burkina farso instead of you.

ps: Find out why SL does not have Chinese 3D CAR radars when they are available and are much needed in SL
Nope , did we hang on them or depend on them to improve our economy .

We do not depend on them. We have great or beyond great relations with several other countries.

It is a fact that we have signed FTA with China, Malaysia and several other countries including SAARC (except India).
Economic: India, no ifs and buts, their economies are pretty much ingrained with India, BD receives huge cash influx through migrants in India....................

We gave over 100 mil USD in terms of economic and defence related asssistance to Sri Lanka in 2007.
We gave over 100 mil USD in terms of economic and defence related asssistance to Sri Lanka in 2007.

So what , we gave Iran 200 mil USD a few years age. What makes you think SL runs on your aid, what makes you think we have never assisted them economically , the very notion that Sethu Samuthram project did not begin till few years ago in order for SL to profit from ships anchoring in their port shows how far India has gone to hel SL.
Regarding the biased analysis.

One such example, is the list of billionaires. There are no or only a few chinese in it!

Any Chinese billionaires that you have discovered and we do not know?
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