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China's Military Strategies

If there is war at SCS, all of tanker and other trading vessel that previously using SCS route should pass our sea line of course, it is our strategic important. We can block the sea route if necessary for one particular country. We also can use sabotage and also our long coast line using artillery to punch any tanker or container ship passing trough our sea line.
Not with 28 modern fourth-generation fighters.

The Indonesian air force is too puny and will be wiped out in days.

With the loss of air superiority, Indonesia will have to hide like the Serbs and suffer bombing from the air.

Indonesia will be turned into mincemeat after a month-long bombing campaign.
LoL, as a democratic peaceful country in which doesn't have to spent a lot for military spending , at any given times we are capable enough to bought and purchasing lot of fighter if its a must and have justified reason for such spending, just waiting for Chinese to do their foolish movement and the whole country can go berserk like in the past.
Yeah but until now, Indonesia's military is categorically WEAK.
Not with 28 modern fourth-generation fighters.

The Indonesian air force is too puny and will be wiped out in days.

With the loss of air superiority, Indonesia will have to hide like the Serbs and suffer bombing from the air.

Maybe you should study more Today at US instead of doing this. Trust me, your present here really not helping China at all. Either you are a non Chinese citizen who want to give bad image to that country, or you just want to cure your psychological problem by using your country to feel superior instead of your own individual achievement. And surely I dont feel inferior on you, trust me.......It is a Muslim mentality, event though this mentality some time can cause more problem ......... :D

Furthermore, dragging Indonesia to the conflict surely will endanger your energy availability, do you think Middle East countries will keep giving you gas and oil with that particular situation, surely their people will side to us and force their government to cut any diplomatic relation and any trade with your country.
Maybe you should study more Today at US instead of doing this. Trust me, your present here really not helping China at all. Either you are a non Chinese citizen who want to give bad image to that country, or you just want to cure your psychological problem by using your country to feel superior instead of your own individual achievement. And surely I dont feel inferior on you, trust me.......It is a Muslim mentality, event though this mentality some time can cause more problem ......... :D

Furthermore, dragging Indonesia to the conflict surely will endanger your energy availability, do you think Middle East countries will keep giving you gas and oil with that particular situation, surely their people will side to us and force their government to cut any diplomatic relation and any trade with your country.
Give me a break. Indonesian trade with China is ridiculously small.

China's merchandise trade surplus is US$2 billion PER DAY.

No one cares about Indonesia. If China needs to annex the Malacca Strait, it will do so.

China trade surplus hits new record as exports grow - BBC News
"China's monthly trade surplus hit a record $60.6bn (£40.3bn) in February, as exports grew and imports slid back. Exports were up 48.3% year ..."
Give me a break. Indonesian trade with China is ridiculously small.

China's merchandise trade surplus is US$2 billion PER DAY.

No one cares about Indonesia. If China needs to annex the Malacca Strait, it will do so.

OK mate, I want to eat first, nice to talk to you by the way................ :smokin:
OK mate, I want to eat first, nice to talk to you by the way................ :smokin:
Nothing personal.

I'm just making the point that China should annex the Malacca Strait if the US Navy tries to block it. Strictly a military discussion. That's all.

I'm merely arguing that an army can be used to negate a naval threat under special circumstances (such as a direct land connection to China). This is an academic discussion. I'm interested in the China-US military dynamic. I'm not really interested in Indonesia.

By the way, discussing the idea of annexing the Malacca Strait should preclude the necessity to do so. Once American think tanks realize blocking the Malacca Strait would lead to a Chinese annexation, I doubt the US Navy will attempt the losing strategy.

Knowing there is an excellent Chinese counter-move (e.g. annexation), the U.S. think tanks will have to come up with a better plan.
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Yeah but until now, Indonesia's military is categorically WEAK.

You know, Indonesia military capability doesn't matter in regard of the war of Influence between China and US. Because this is not our war, but yours and US. The problem is that who will the countries around China will side into. If they are at your side, you'll get a lot of benefit from them, because you won't have to struggle to send your trade ships, tankers, even your military assets via their land / sea. But if they side with US, so be prepare to face the US Military present at their land, and you'll face a US fortress there.

Look at what happen to your East Sea. You face a fortress! Even if your military assets still can go around there, You can't go freely around there. And look at the US Military Asset around you. They build a lot of bases in here and there. So, just imagine this war of influence like in a Xiang Ji Chess game play. You can see that your position is being surrounded by them. US. And where is your gate to free yourself around here?

Myanmar and Pakistan are a strategic place that very important to China. But not only them, Indonesia is also a gate that is very important to China. The problem is that US won't allow you to have these open gates forever. Until now Indonesia is considered as a contested area between China and US. That's because we always position ourselves as neutral. But be warned, historically, Indonesia is closer with US, thanks to Soeharto. So we can always go to US side anytime, Yet, the Chinese influence in here is rising.

Myanmar is historically China friend. They are still China's friend. So JUST imagine if China annex them. It will be a game changer, but not to the benefit of China. When it happen, nobody will thrust China anymore. Thus, the war of influence will be won by US. You will be surrounded by countries who afraid and hate you. And US can put their assets anywhere to contain your position. And at that time, according the rule of Xiang Ji Chess, you lose.

Remember, Xiang Ji chess is not a mere game for entertainment. A lot of Ancient Chinese Strategists play them. And Xiang Ji Chess is about how to contain your enemy. That's mean, even your ancient Strategist know, that the one who contain will win, and the one who is being contained will lose.
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The US is all bark and no bite.

If a naval blockade is so simple, why not do it on Iran first? Block their oil exports. Not enough balls to do it?:rofl:

Air-Sea Battle is equally worthless. US airstrikes against ISIS have been ongoing since September 2014. Have they been beaten yet?:rofl:
If US Navy block Malacca Strait, Why China must attack 3 Countries (Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia) to Annex Malacca Strait?
That Waste of Energy.

If US Navy Block Malacca Strait, China still have Another "Easy" Route to counter that.

China Can Send their Troops to help Defend Pakistan and Iran.
From Gwadar Port-Pakistan, China can build Oil Pipeline and Railway to China Mainland via Western Route. And also Build Pipeline From Iran Oil Well to Pakistan and to China Mainland.

So, if US Navy block Malacca Strait in order to Prevent Oil Flowing to China Mainland. That's will become USELESS !

China Still Have Better Route, From Iran, Pakistan to China via Western Route. :)
The US should just admit defeat and stop wasting resources on Asia anymore.

By 2030, China will completely dominate Asia - biggest GDP, biggest army, second largest air-force but more powerful than all other air-forces in Asia combined. and a Navy second only to the US but still powerful enough to dominate Asian waters up to Hawaii.
@Martian2 Robust military strategies exist to counter US Navy, but unfortunately they were not mentioned in your post.

US strategy against China is called "AirSea Battle". It's basically a munitions heavy strategy assuming that massive strikes against targets from both Sea and Air will win the day. It has very little involvement of ground forces. That is the Achilles's Heel China is aiming for.

Chinese strategy involves missile strikes with short and medium range missiles against air bases present in the vicinity. It's estimated that within few hours, all US air bases within the region will be inoperable. The only platforms available for airplanes will be on carriers.
It is not known how effective the carrier killer is, but it is known that it's threat will be enough for admirals to keep their AC's at a safe distance. F-35's have a very reduced combat radius and payload capacity compared to Super Hornets, so if F-35s make up most of the fighters, they will be in trouble and very limited in what they can do.

The biggest threat will come from US submarines. They remain a problem for the Chinese. They will be able to limit Chinese naval operations in the region. But it will be impossible for the surface fleet to support the submarines considering the new anti-ship missiles being developed. So even if the submarines are able to operate through out the conflict, they may not make a game changing impact.
The US should just admit defeat and stop wasting resources on Asia anymore.

By 2030, China will completely dominate Asia - biggest GDP, biggest army, second largest air-force but more powerful than all other air-forces in Asia combined. and a Navy second only to the US but still powerful enough to dominate Asian waters up to Hawaii.

lol you are right, please Chinese take over the US territories of Guam, Saipan, CNMI, Midway, Howland Island, Johnson Atoll, even America Samoa in the Pacific

We surrender, please take our land, if you can, you happy?
lol you are right, please Chinese take over the US territories of Guam, Saipan, CNMI, Midway, Howland Island, Johnson Atoll, even America Samoa in the Pacific

We surrender, please take our land, if you can, you happy?

China will let US have these territories as they would be a monumental waste of resources for US once it loses it's superpower status. If the US tries anything funny from these territories then the US would be tossed out

Still Chinese military will dominate the Pacific all the way to Hawaii.
@Martian2 Robust military strategies exist to counter US Navy, but unfortunately they were not mentioned in your post.

US strategy against China is called "AirSea Battle". It's basically a munitions heavy strategy assuming that massive strikes against targets from both Sea and Air will win the day. It has very little involvement of ground forces. That is the Achilles's Heel China is aiming for.

Chinese strategy involves missile strikes with short and medium range missiles against air bases present in the vicinity. It's estimated that within few hours, all US air bases within the region will be inoperable. The only platforms available for airplanes will be on carriers.
It is not known how effective the carrier killer is, but it is known that it's threat will be enough for admirals to keep their AC's at a safe distance. F-35's have a very reduced combat radius and payload capacity compared to Super Hornets, so if F-35s make up most of the fighters, they will be in trouble and very limited in what they can do.

The biggest threat will come from US submarines. They remain a problem for the Chinese. They will be able to limit Chinese naval operations in the region. But it will be impossible for the surface fleet to support the submarines considering the new anti-ship missiles being developed. So even if the submarines are able to operate through out the conflict, they may not make a game changing impact.

lol, yours are the most "sane" intrepretation as close to strategy as I can see in this post, but still WAY OFF.

1.) Missile strike DO NOT ever render a base permanent inoperatable. In Six day war, Egypt Airbase was bombed and strafed by the Israeli everyday, simply because the Israeli bomb them by day, Egyptian fixed them by night.

I don't know how you can render a base inoperatable by missile strike (Consider ballistic and Cruise Missile is a point to point weapon, Where bomb were area weapon) Maybe they have more payload than a 2000 pounder?

The only way you can effective render an airfield inoperable is to sink it to the bottom of the earth...Which is impossible.

2.) US does not need to get close to China to block Chinese route out. Set aside if DF21D actually work or not, let say that they do, unless they can set it up at Pusan in South Korea or at Java in Indonesia, they would have no effect on the American Fleet, because thats where the 3 choke points connecting China with North and South Pacific and Indian Ocean located.

During WW2 and cold war, the US dont need to block the whole Mediterranean Sea and Black sea to limit the German Uboat and Russia black sea fleet, they only need to control Gibraltar and Turkey where the choke point is, thats the same as the situation with China

What you were saying is if and when US fleet get close to China, but cor what? Why they need to come close to China if they can simply block the exit in Japan, Indonesia and India?

China will let US have these territories as they would be a monumental waste of resources for US once it loses it's superpower status. If the US tries anything funny from these territories then the US would be tossed out

Still Chinese military will dominate the Pacific all the way to Hawaii.

lol if you say so...

How exactly China can dominate anything if US still hold the territories? You do know there are no port in between and a single journey from China to Hawaii need to take at least 15 days. So, you purpose they all went to Hawaii and never come back? Since there were no provision and US is still holding on all those Island and dont let china resupply?
lol, yours are the most "sane" intrepretation as close to strategy as I can see in this post, but still WAY OFF.

1.) Missile strike DO NOT ever render a base permanent inoperatable. In Six day war, Egypt Airbase was bombed and strafed by the Israeli everyday, simply because the Israeli bomb them by day, Egyptian fixed them by night.

I don't know how you can render a base inoperatable by missile strike (Consider ballistic and Cruise Missile is a point to point weapon, Where bomb were area weapon) Maybe they have more payload than a 2000 pounder?

The only way you can effective render an airfield inoperable is to sink it to the bottom of the earth...Which is impossible.

2.) US does not need to get close to China to block Chinese route out. Set aside if DF21D actually work or not, let say that they do, unless they can set it up at Pusan in South Korea or at Java in Indonesia, they would have no effect on the American Fleet, because thats where the 3 choke points connecting China with North and South Pacific and Indian Ocean located.

During WW2 and cold war, the US dont need to block the whole Mediterranean Sea and Black sea to limit the German Uboat and Russia black sea fleet, they only need to control Gibraltar and Turkey where the choke point is, thats the same as the situation with China

What you were saying is if and when US fleet get close to China, but cor what? Why they need to come close to China if they can simply block the exit in Japan, Indonesia and India?

lol if you say so...

So are you saying that even if use our short ballistic missiles armed with tactical nukes to target India's forward operating bases (AS A LAST RESORT) we still wouldn't be able to render them useless ?
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