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China's Insecurity. Part 4 of China's Reckoning

Of course such project would see delay and cost overrun, as Washington & Brussel funded NGO sabotage them along the way. That's taking place in almost all of the BRI projects where these NGO can find their way in.
I've watched some of these NGO's documentary over the road, complaining over the temporary access road in building the supporting pylons, and that the pylons are built into the mountain side, as if these roads can be airlifted and dropped into place. It's like watching a large group of Karens going into a frenzy.

just read the link nobody is sabotaging the deal except for the chinese.
But u cant deny that CN desperately wanna take house, ports, lands from other nations like Sri Lanka. Thats why Indonesian hate u guys bcs u guys supported communist group there for the plan to annex their lands, ports, houses :pop:

What lands, ports and houses did China get for supporting communist in Vietnam? The support for communist revolution in the Southeast Asia in the 50-60 were ideological driven, often to the detriment of Chinese national interest. China actually given away an island to North Vietnam in support of its war against the US. A major blunder, as China should have helped the US to rebuild the kingdom of Champa instead.
just read the link nobody is sabotaging the deal except for the chinese.

That's like listening to the case of harassment from the mouth of harasser. They wouldn't tell you how these NGO organize protest and litigations against the construction, to order the repair of what's still a construction site. Of course no work can be done.
It depends on the amount of investment and what industry the investments are in. And yes, there are significant numbers of Japanese living in China that came with their companies too. Nobody call them colonist as colonialism the byproduct of occupation not business investment.

And are you accusing China of colonizing Montenegro now? If the project can be done cheaper, then they can certainly use a different vendor and lender. The French and Americans didn't even want to participate after feasible study.

You are creating a new definition for subdued as China doesn't even enjoy extraterritorial jurisdiction in Africa that all colonial powers have in their colonies. Matter fact, US demand extraterritorial jurisdiction in all of its oversea bases, and yet I don't hear you calling them colonialists.

As my late friend and esteemed academic scholar - Prof Ali Mazuri noted - beware of communism influence in Africa - it is another form of western imperialism.

Look at Zambia as a casing point - it is now a complete colony.
As my late friend and esteemed academic scholar - Prof Ali Mazuri noted - beware of communism influence in Africa - it is another form of western imperialism.

Look at Zambia as a casing point - it is now a complete colony.

Zambia owes China 3 billion, 25% of its external debt. Another 3 billion is in Eurobonds with 10% interests. While Zambia is rich in resources, the western mining companies operating its mines are exempted from tax at IMF's "recommendation". Yet, its China's fault that Zambia cannot service its debt.

Chinese are in Africa for business. If any Africa nation doesn't want those business, they can ask the Chinese to leave anytime. China is not going to launch an invasion, stage a coupe, or instigate a color revolution to gain control of their country.
What lands, ports and houses did China get for supporting communist in Vietnam? The support for communist revolution in the Southeast Asia in the 50-60 were ideological driven, often to the detriment of Chinese national interest. China actually given away an island to North Vietnam in support of its war against the US. A major blunder, as China should have helped the US to rebuild the kingdom of Champa instead.
CN supported VN bcs Stalin told Mao to do that when VN came to Soviet and ask for supoort . Mao owed Soviet a big debt after civil war, so Mao had to do what Stalin told Mao to do to pay back the debt.

In January 1950, Moscow belatedly recognised Ho Chi Minh and the Viet Minh as the ‘official’ rulers of Vietnam. Ho Chi Minh journeyed to Moscow and sought Soviet military backing for his war of independence against the French. Stalin, whose attentions were concentrated on Europe, rejected his overtures. Instead, Stalin encouraged his communist ally, Mao Zedong, to support the Viet Minh.

Btw, I just explain to u guys why ppl from other nations dislike CN. Bcs Mao wanted to annex their lands , Xi want to take their port like in Sri Lanka.
That's like listening to the case of harassment from the mouth of harasser. They wouldn't tell you how these NGO organize protest and litigations against the construction, to order the repair of what's still a construction site. Of course no work can be done.

There's no mention of NGO in montenegro you just lying right now. No work hasn't been done because the chinese sides are sketchy as hell while they conduct audit. Not to mention all the other stuffs that's stopping construction.
Zambia owes China 3 billion, 25% of its external debt. Another 3 billion is in Eurobonds with 10% interests. While Zambia is rich in resources, the western mining companies operating its mines are exempted from tax at IMF's "recommendation". Yet, its China's fault that Zambia cannot service its debt.

Chinese are in Africa for business. If any Africa nation doesn't want those business, they can ask the Chinese to leave anytime. China is not going to launch an invasion, stage a coupe, or instigate a color revolution to gain control of their country.
Business is one thing scamming billions from country with shady dealing, stealing resources while giving the local next to none, bribing politicians, then sending huge influx of migrant workers akin to old times colonialism stealing lands & displacing natives to make way for this chinese migrants.

This is why China is not winning any friend.
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From insulting dipolomats, supporting conspiracies theories, engaging in debt trap diplomacy, mocking india's covid deaths & making suggestion to strike australia with a ballistic missile. China is making more enemies as it continues to go along.

& it's not just the western countries that china is losing its influences in eastern european, asian & african countries are reevaluating its ties with beijing:

All six countries that snubbed China on Tuesday were from the 2004 intake of Eastern European NATO members. Bulgaria, Romania and Slovenia joined the three Baltic countries — Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania — in not sending their presidents or prime ministers to join what China had hoped to be a "Xi plus 17 leaders" summit. For the Baltic states in particular, NATO's role as a guarantor of security against Russia outstrips other concerns.


Lithuania even goes as far to recognize the Uighur Genocide despite China's threat.

People in Africa are even starting to see pass through China investment for what it truly is a new form of colonialism:

There's no mention of NGO in montenegro you just lying right now. No work hasn't been done because the chinese sides are sketchy as hell while they conduct audit. Not to mention all the other stuffs that's stopping construction.

Business is one thing scamming billions from country with shady dealing, stealing resources while giving the local next to none, bribing politicians, then sending huge influx of migrant workers akin to old times colonialism stealing lands & displacing natives to make way for this chinese migrants.

This is why China is not winning any friend.

Lol. Read the article you linked yourself, as it clearly stated "a NGO backed by EU".
CN supported VN bcs Stalin told Mao to do that when VN came to Soviet and ask for supoort . Mao owed Soviet a big debt after civil war, so Mao had to do what Stalin told Mao to do to pay back the debt.

In January 1950, Moscow belatedly recognised Ho Chi Minh and the Viet Minh as the ‘official’ rulers of Vietnam. Ho Chi Minh journeyed to Moscow and sought Soviet military backing for his war of independence against the French. Stalin, whose attentions were concentrated on Europe, rejected his overtures. Instead, Stalin encouraged his communist ally, Mao Zedong, to support the Viet Minh.

Btw, I just explain to u guys why ppl from other nations dislike CN. Bcs Mao wanted to annex their lands , Xi want to take their port like in Sri Lanka.

The partition of Vietnam was in 1954, and by 1956, relation has already turn hostile between USSR and China. Mao should have withdrew its assistance for Viet Minh in their effort to take the south by then, and help to make the partition permanent.
Business is one thing scamming billions from country with shady dealing, stealing resources while giving the local next to none, bribing politicians, then sending huge influx of migrant workers akin to old times colonialism stealing lands & displacing natives to make way for this chinese migrants.

This is why China is not winning any friend.
Somebody's jealous of China's power and influence :rofl:
The partition of Vietnam was in 1954, and by 1956, relation has already turn hostile between USSR and China. Mao should have withdrew its assistance for Viet Minh in their effort to take the south by then, and help to make the partition permanent.
U think u r smarter than Mao ??

If not, then pls study the history carefully , mate
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