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Paranoia from Soviet Union collapse haunts China's Communist Party

Why are their some Indian trolls wet dreaming of China collapse?

Look at your own nation. Corruption is rampant throughout the government, just like how poverty is rampant throughout your nation.

Fix your government first before dreaming of China collapsing.
Why are their some Indian trolls wet dreaming of China collapse?

Look at your own nation. Corruption is rampant throughout the government, just like how poverty is rampant throughout your nation.

Fix your government first before dreaming of China collapsing.

As if China do not have them ...... :rolleyes:
People have been predicting the 'collapse of China' since 1948.

Chinese have learned their lessons from the USSR, and i am sure it will keep rising to the higher echelons of power....'peacefully'.
People have been predicting the 'collapse of China' since 1948.
So what? They thought the Iron Curtain would never fall. Before you know it it crashed down burning when nobody was expecting it. The writing on the wall is already appearing. China can't stop this. Production is moving to newly developing countries.
So what? They thought the Iron Curtain would never fall. Before you know it it crashed down burning when nobody was expecting it. The writing on the wall is already appearing. China can't stop this. Production is moving to newly developing countries.

Now we are moving into the world of conspiracy theories, thats not my area.

As of now China is going up and in a positive trajactory.
So what? They thought the Iron Curtain would never fall. Before you know it it crashed down burning when nobody was expecting it. The writing on the wall is already appearing. China can't stop this. Production is moving to newly developing countries.
The difference is chinese themselves are moderately happy with their regime. This might be for two reasons.
1. Asian in general do not dissent much, and are easier to control
2. Each generation of chinese are more affluent than previous one, and happy with their lives.

As long as china grows economically, at least for next few decades, people wont want sudden change. The eastern way of life prefers stability to uncertainty.
And chinese communist party has been quite successful in learning the lessons of other communist regime, the succession is not scary, and they gradually opening up. The transition to democracy will be gradual, I think.
True that. I read an interesting article about this. I think it is good because the world shouldn't support a country who murder Uighur and Tibetians. These are the countries who will replace China:


The writting is appearing on the wall. It seems that US has planned everything out.

Everyone who did some research knew that the Uyghur terrorists attack anyone on the streets. China has built Urumqi into the most beautiful city in Central Asia.

Now we are moving into the world of conspiracy theories, thats not my area.

As of now China is going up and in a positive trajactory.
And who posts stuffs like india's water war with pakistan, desertification of pakistan? Are these not counted as conspiracy theories?
The last thing Chinese want is a fragmented states. I assure you Chinese hate the Communist Party but there are no other alternative. Many communist cadre are liberal democrat but they are willing to serve the communist party because democracy in China may bring chaos. Chinese still remember how we got invaded by Japan, whose aim was to destroy China as a unitary state.

Chinese still remember if Mao did not unite China in 1949, Tibet will be India land.
The communist party system is quite some adaptation from the ancient imperial system. It is fast, and efficient. But Chinese are aware that even though the system is often manned by capable people, it is fully of high risk and may implode anytime.

The Chinese are still searching on how to perfect the system.

The only chance for Uighur independence is a Chinese civil war or fragmentation within 30 years. Else there will be no chance at all. 60 years back, Kazak want independence. Now, Kazak do not want independence anymore.

Also Tibetan are getting rich and many could fly to India shitt hole and give Dalai a visit. The image of India is so sucks that fewer and fewer is heeding Dalai. For next 10 years, Tibetan independence is expected to die.

There are 93% Han Chinese in China. Uighur is just 0.6% and sooner or later, they will be assimilated. Right now China have not flood Uyghurland with Han Chinese so their economy is not so good. When China flood it with Han Chinese, their economy will be good, and many will say bye bye to independence and start assimilating.
Communism is WORST CRIME like MADE IN CHINA VEHICLES they look good,run superbly in few days later PROBLEM STARS from small to BIG:bounce:But the POWER SHARKS (CCP) dont want to loose power ............. then finally COLLAPSE (all communist countries)
CCP will have to eventually give away to democracy ........ Asia will be at peace when this happens.

no it wont, if chinese people get to decide their leadership it would be some crazy nationalists for sure
True that. I read an interesting article about this. I think it is good because the world shouldn't support a country who murder Uighur and Tibetians. These are the countries who will replace China:


The writting is appearing on the wall. It seems that US has planned everything out.

Another nonsense of "murdering Uighur and Tibetans",
1. The CCP indeed has done something really unacceptable to its people, but using the term "murder" is too far, you people are really brainwashed by exaggerate, unfair reports from your Pan-Turkism media (you are the one who distracts attention from your home and playing with nationalism);
2. All of the countries that "will replace China" are not better than China, especially for Philippines which have been killing Moro people for over 1 century, Indonesia and Myanmar. Not to mention YOUR mighty Turkey.
CCP is using SCS , east sea and Arunachal pradesh to divert the people's attention from the short falls of CCP governance. But a Democratic china do not need that as Govt. changes always.

Chinese economy is experiencing credit crunch and the news is getting suppressed.

In future also china cannot see the boom of high growth rates of 2000's since wages are increasing and production facilities are shifting to countries like Vietnam, India and other nations.

CCP is trying to increase the GDP rate by venturing into Africa and replicate colonialism, but the efforts will not be successful as West also have concerns of China in Africa.

That's right.

Chinese economy has become too large and this alone reason is enough to slow down her.

When economies become bigger, they slow down.
The difference is chinese themselves are moderately happy with their regime. This might be for two reasons.
1. Asian in general do not dissent much, and are easier to control
2. Each generation of chinese are more affluent than previous one, and happy with their lives.

As long as china grows economically, at least for next few decades, people wont want sudden change. The eastern way of life prefers stability to uncertainty.
And chinese communist party has been quite successful in learning the lessons of other communist regime, the succession is not scary, and they gradually opening up. The transition to democracy will be gradual, I think.

Good points. However the mainland Chinese I talk with feel they would be doing far BETTER if the corrupt Communist Party was replaced. They feel their success has been held back and has only been achieved due to "cracks" in the communist wall allowing money to flow out to the common people.
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