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Paranoia from Soviet Union collapse haunts China's Communist Party

I think you guys should keep in mind another threat the Communist Party is faced with - a sudden standard of living rise is VERY dangerous to them.

You see with affluence comes a feeling of being able to control their lives better. So when people feel that they are going to start making demands on their government to make sure they can live better. I want more police because i have a nice house and everybody wants to rob it. The street Infront of my house should be repaved. My local school is substandard and my kids deserve better. There are too many poor people begging me for money can you implement some welfare system so they are not in my face all day. Hey when I get old and can't work anymore the government should take care of me. Stuff like that happens.

Now people start makind demands that they wouldn't have dared to previously. The government tries to push it back. People start talking about having more say in the government. The monopoly of the Communist Party starts collapsing.
no it wont, if chinese people get to decide their leadership it would be some crazy nationalists for sure

I have repeated over and over to those disillusioned Indian trolls that the Chinese in general are much much more nationalistic than the party. The party still chants united world proletariats and give aids to Africa, but the people are fed up with this crap and would rather take care of ourselves first.

I think you guys should keep in mind another threat the Communist Party is faced with - a sudden standard of living rise is VERY dangerous to them.

You see with affluence comes a feeling of being able to control their lives better. So when people feel that they are going to start making demands on their government to make sure they can live better. I want more police because i have a nice house and everybody wants to rob it. The street Infront of my house should be repaved. My local school is substandard and my kids deserve better. There are too many poor people begging me for money can you implement some welfare system so they are not in my face all day. Hey when I get old and can't work anymore the government should take care of me. Stuff like that happens.

Now people start makind demands that they wouldn't have dared to previously. The government tries to push it back. People start talking about having more say in the government. The monopoly of the Communist Party starts collapsing.

That's the logical prediction. However, there is a difference between a party leadership and a single man's dictatorship like NK. When a party has successful leadership mechanism in place, the political system might be able to evolve in itself, instead of radical changes. We got all hues of democratic systems in the world, but how many of them are successful? Japan's democracy is vastly different from the U.S., but they are equally successful. Therefore, no one can predict what system might develop in China. But I can assure you, the people in China already have quite noticeable influence on government policies etc. You have to remember that the party's membership base is as big as the Democracy/Republic Party; they are not some elite group that can simply ignore the general public.
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As long as Chinese don't invade the Islamic World, they are fine.

And oh yeah, please don't go overly hard on Chinese Muslims too. This just fuels radicalism and attract radicals to China, which is the last thing Muslims or the Chinese want.

Hui Muslims people are very good people in China.

Please don't use the whole Islamic World name. You are slandering the good Muslims around the world who want to live peaceful and happy, be friend to anybody around the world.

I never understood China's version of Communism..there is way too much nationalism in there ideology and last I checked any form of nationalism was highly restricted in communism.

In the Taiwan, democracy fanatics are also high too.

Both Communism and Democracy are foreign things, they have nothing to do with China.

Both should be expelled from China!
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I never understood China's version of Communism..there is way too much nationalism in there ideology and last I checked any form of nationalism was highly restricted in communism.

CPC is still partial nationalist and partial ideologist, if you want a full democratic China, then you should expect some crazy hardcore nationalist into power, then this will be what the West wants to see, it will be the chaos for both China and Asia.

So CPC is the best choice for the Chinese people and Asia, it will keep helping the Chinese people improving their living standard and maintain the border peace with its neighbors.

Good points. However the mainland Chinese I talk with feel they would be doing far BETTER if the corrupt Communist Party was replaced. They feel their success has been held back and has only been achieved due to "cracks" in the communist wall allowing money to flow out to the common people.

Unfortunately, these people are just minorities among the modern Chinese society who got marginalized.

Many Chinese don't like CPC is true, but it doesn't mean they want it to be replaced.

Since most of Chinese are sick of the so-called western "democracy".
Many Chinese don't like CPC is true, but it doesn't mean they want it to be replaced.
Without the CPC we wouldn't have got to where we are today. We are a Space, Military, Sports, Economic power. We would have probably been another puppet to the US just like Taiwan if it hadn't been for the CPC.
I prefer the present Government any day than to be under the US.

Communism is WORST CRIME like MADE IN CHINA VEHICLES they look good,run superbly in few days
Reality Check, my friend. Or have you forgotten to take your pills?
Without the CPC we wouldn't have got to where we are today. We are a Space, Military, Sports, Economic power. We would have probably been another puppet to the US just like Taiwan if it hadn't been for the CPC.
I prefer the present Government any day than to be under the US.
In fact, without the CPC would not be united China.
Without the CPC we wouldn't have got to where we are today. We are a Space, Military, Sports, Economic power. We would have probably been another puppet to the US just like Taiwan if it hadn't been for the CPC.
I prefer the present Government any day than to be under the US.

Reality Check, my friend. Or have you forgotten to take your pills?

I agree
Ok Commies were bad
They killed 10s of million people
But they pulled out 100s of millions out of poverty & as long as china is growing
One shouldn't care if the Cat is Black or White
Simple as that
no it wont, if chinese people get to decide their leadership it would be some crazy nationalists for sure

Thank you for mentioning this, what outsiders don't seem to understand is if China gets democracy it will be friendly to them untrue it will embolden nationalists. The CPC is currently the most friendly government they will get.

China learned from all the mistakes of the USSR, many Chinese know what happened to Russia in the 90's and do not want to repeat that.
Chinese economy, having a crisis next year, every year. Indian economy, growing faster than China by next year, every year. Guess who's only talking and who makes it real.
I think the CPC is doing a great job in modernizing the nation. Just wait for 2050, and then China's economy passes the US economy.
The threat of collapse from inside once the power continue to be arranged by a small group.
Anyway, the USA has more advancement in controlling the power.
I can smell the paranoia, and it is not from China.
Anyway, the USA has more advancement in controlling power.

Stop sucking up to Uncle Sam.

Those warmongers in Washington DC have power because they spy on people and send enemies to prison. (or whatever)
execute as many corrupt officials as you can to reach the US level of transparent.
we are same to you in corruptions aspect.

When you have no corrupt official to be executed, then you become great
Another nonsense of "murdering Uighur and Tibetans",
1. The CCP indeed has done something really unacceptable to its people, but using the term "murder" is too far, you people are really brainwashed by exaggerate, unfair reports from your Pan-Turkism media (you are the one who distracts attention from your home and playing with nationalism);
2. All of the countries that "will replace China" are not better than China, especially for Philippines which have been killing Moro people for over 1 century, Indonesia and Myanmar. Not to mention YOUR mighty Turkey.

Hahaha and yet they still here and most live in Metro Manila, Cavite and other places untouched and been vital members of Society hahahaha nice joke racist arrogant d bag

Stop sucking up to Uncle Sam.

Those warmongers in Washington DC have power because they spy on people and send enemies to prison. (or whatever)

Spoken like true chinamen d bag
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