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China's Insecurity. Part 4 of China's Reckoning

Zambia owes China 3 billion, 25% of its external debt. Another 3 billion is in Eurobonds with 10% interests. While Zambia is rich in resources, the western mining companies operating its mines are exempted from tax at IMF's "recommendation". Yet, its China's fault that Zambia cannot service its debt.

Chinese are in Africa for business. If any Africa nation doesn't want those business, they can ask the Chinese to leave anytime. China is not going to launch an invasion, stage a coupe, or instigate a color revolution to gain control of their country.
I suggest you take a trip to Zambia first before you write. For example - high degree of criminality across the board - illegal timber, fake documentation on copper purity and paying off corrupt officials - i can go on and on.

The only good thing the Old Chinese did and I mean with deepest respect to the Chinese Govt of that time which was not clouded by greed/profit was TAZARA. This was their first ever project in Africa. I have gone on this train several times.

Other countries are waking up and Ghana being most present to take a very hard line to all the dealing; - illegal gold mining, Botswana already told them where the ceiling was as they pay for work done on equal footing; Tanzania is reviewing everything related to chinese and paying for efforts.

We cannot be replacing one colonial mindset with another.
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You mean how western states disguise their clandestine operations as NGOs?

I don't know what kind of drugs u on but there's no NGO mentioned here.

Bojan tells us that he would have preferred Montenegro to choose Europe for this loan instead of China. He believes that choosing Europe would have meant more checks would have been done "and the construction would be done by now". It is his belief that 100 million euros have been stolen from the project.

The deputy project manager of the State-run China Road and Bridge Corporation, CRBC, in charge of construction took us on a lengthy car ride, but refused to comment about the project. On this journey we noticed the road to CRBC's headquarters was covered in graffiti. Some of it says: “Milo – you are a thief”. This refers to the Montenegrin President's alleged links to local subcontractors. Clearly many Montenegrins are upset by what's happening.
I don't know what kind of drugs u on but there's no NGO mentioned here.

Are you blind? Read on.

"An NGO backed by the EU is investigating corruption allegations involving subcontractors. Dejan Milovac is part of the team digging the dirt on the motorway project. Out of the huge loan from China, 400 million euros were given to subcontractors. Milovac says some are linked to the President."
U think u r smarter than Mao ??

If not, then pls study the history carefully , mate

It's not about who is smarter, but what's the goal. Mao's action is based on ideology, not national interests, and the consequence is in plain sight with Vietnam's betrayal.
It's not about who is smarter, but what's the goal. Mao's action is based on ideology, not national interests, and the consequence is in plain sight with Vietnam's betrayal.
Mao owed Soviet a big debt, he could not do anything better but to do what Stalin told him to do ( ceded vladivostok aka Manchusrian land to Russia and sent support to VN to pay back the debt) :cool:

CN is betrayal to Soviet after SOviet help her to win the civil war instead
Mao owed Soviet a big debt, he could not do anything better but to do what Stalin told him to do ( ceded vladivostok aka Manchusrian land to Russia and sent support to VN to pay back the debt) :cool:

CN is betrayal to Soviet after SOviet help her to win the civil war instead

You need to get some basic fact right before going on with these nonsense. Vladivostok and the rest of the outer Manchuria was ceded in 1860 under the Qing dynasty. Stalin died in 1953. Khrushchev denounced Stalin when he succeeded him, and Mao in response denounced Khrushchev for his revisionism. That was the start of the Sino-Soviet hostility. By the time of the Vietnam war, USSR and China was openly hostile, yet Vietnam still seeks assistance from China, and then quickly switch sides after the war.
If anything, the Soviet helped the KMT more than the CCP during the Chinese civil war as the KMT's rise to power via the northern expedition was funded by Stalin. And the withdrew of Soviet troops from Manchuria after the Japanese surrender at the demand of the KMT almost spell doom for the CCP if not for the Americans. Politics is simply too complicated for one tracked mind to grasp.
Are you blind? Read on.

"An NGO backed by the EU is investigating corruption allegations involving subcontractors. Dejan Milovac is part of the team digging the dirt on the motorway project. Out of the huge loan from China, 400 million euros were given to subcontractors. Milovac says some are linked to the President."

It's not about who is smarter, but what's the goal. Mao's action is based on ideology, not national interests, and the consequence is in plain sight with Vietnam's betrayal.

So there's no corruption on the >$4B road & everything was just a figment of imagination. Is that it?
. Stalin died in 1953. Khrushchev denounced Stalin when he succeeded him, and Mao in response denounced Khrushchev for his revisionism. That was the start of the Sino-Soviet hostility.
Lying only make people dislike CN more. Khrushchev realized that Great Leap Forward was a very stupid idea, so he stop supporting Mao.

btw, u still cant deny the fact that Mao owed Soviet a big debt after civil war and had to do what Stalin told him to do .

In response to the insults, Khrushchev withdrew 1,400 Soviet technicians from the PRC, which cancelled some 200 joint-scientific-projects. In response, Mao justified his belief that Khrushchev had, somehow caused China's great economic failures, and the famines occurred in the period of the Great Leap Forward; nonetheless, the PRC and the USSR remained pragmatic allies, which allowed Mao to alleviate famine in China and to resolve Sino-Indian border disputes. To Mao, Khrushchev had lost political authority and ideological credibility, because his US-Soviet détente had resulted in successful military (aerial) espionage against the USSR, and public confrontation with an unapologetic capitalist enemy. Khrushchev's miscalculation of person and circumstance voided US-Soviet diplomacy at the Four Powers Summit in Paris.[38]

So there's no corruption on the >$4B road & everything was just a figment of imagination. Is that it?

Lol. It's called lobbying. The very fact that the Euronews acknowledge the involvement of EU backed NGO shows how prevalent are these western apparatus.
Lying only make people dislike CN more. Khrushchev realized that Great Leap Forward was a very stupid idea, so he stop supporting Mao.

btw, u still cant deny the fact that Mao owed Soviet a big debt after civil war and had to do what Stalin told him to do .

In response to the insults, Khrushchev withdrew 1,400 Soviet technicians from the PRC, which cancelled some 200 joint-scientific-projects. In response, Mao justified his belief that Khrushchev had, somehow caused China's great economic failures, and the famines occurred in the period of the Great Leap Forward; nonetheless, the PRC and the USSR remained pragmatic allies, which allowed Mao to alleviate famine in China and to resolve Sino-Indian border disputes. To Mao, Khrushchev had lost political authority and ideological credibility, because his US-Soviet détente had resulted in successful military (aerial) espionage against the USSR, and public confrontation with an unapologetic capitalist enemy. Khrushchev's miscalculation of person and circumstance voided US-Soviet diplomacy at the Four Powers Summit in Paris.[38]

Another messed up interpretation as even according to the excerpt you've provided, the GLF took place after the split. You can't even read properly.
And no, go read on how Mao rise to power within the CPC, as it was done by ousting the Russia appointed leadership, after which Stalin pretty much ignored the CPC.
I suggest you take a trip to Zambia first before you write. For example - high degree of criminality across the board - illegal timber, fake documentation on copper purity and paying off corrupt officials - i can go on and on.

The only good thing the Old Chinese did and I mean with deepest respect to the Chinese Govt of that time which was not clouded by greed/profit was TAZARA. This was their first ever project in Africa. I have gone on this train several times.

Other countries are waking up and Ghana being most present to take a very hard line to all the dealing; - illegal gold mining, Botswana already told them where the ceiling was as they pay for work done on equal footing; Tanzania is reviewing everything related to chinese and paying for efforts.

We cannot be replacing one colonial mindset with another.

The legal apparatus is not in the hands of China, yet you are blaming the inability of the local government on China.
Africa states can review all they want. Just like Malaysia and Myanmar that once called off Chinese projects, they will find what China offers are the most competitive and the least intrusive. Africa will need outside investment in order to develop. Either you deal with China or go back to the old colonialists. If you think all these corruption will not exist without Chinese involvement, then I have a bridge to sell you. Much like in many Southeast Asia nations, the Chinese immigrants success draw resentment from the local population even after centuries of coexistence, and even when they have been citizens of these country for generations. Yet that's all China's fault.
Another messed up interpretation as even according to the excerpt you've provided, the GLF took place after the split. You can't even read properly.
And no, go read on how Mao rise to power within the CPC, as it was done by ousting the Russia appointed leadership, after which Stalin pretty much ignored the CPC.
Mao used Khrushchev as the scape goat for his Great leap backward disaster making Great famine in CN, u cant deny that

Khrushchev was right, Mao was so wrong and he even had to step down as chairman in 1959.

And dont derail the main point that Mao owed Soviet a big debt and he had to do what Stalin told him to do (support VN to pay back the debt ):pop:
Mao used Khrushchev as the scape goat for his Great leap backward disaster making Great famine in CN, u cant deny that

Khrushchev was right, Mao was so wrong and he even had to step down as chairman in 1959.

And dont derail the main point that Mao owed Soviet a big debt and he had to do what Stalin told him to do (support VN to pay back the debt ):pop:

How old are you? How did VN repay China for all its assistance? The very thought of any country needs to repay another by following it's order is beyond juvenile.

What does Khrushchev have anything to do with the GLF? Absolutely nothing, as there was no mention of him where Mao accepted his failure in the GLF and stepped down as the party chair.

Lol. It's called lobbying. The very fact that the Euronews acknowledge the involvement of EU backed NGO shows how prevalent are these western apparatus.

I trust the NGO more than the chinese. I mean China filled the AU headquarters with Bugs and put a backdoor inside the server building.

Also being NGO doesn't mean anything. If they do their jobs well in revealing corruption then they are good regardless.

I trust the NGO more than the chinese. I mean China filled the AU headquarters with Bugs and put a backdoor inside the server building.

Also being NGO doesn't mean anything. If they do their jobs well in revealing corruption then they are good regardless.

There is no different between the government and the NGO when the NGO are funded by the government and carry out operations for the government. You simply prefer the West over China even though all that you alleged of China have actually been done by the west and more.
How old are you? How did VN repay China for all its assistance? The very thought of any country needs to repay another by following it's order is beyond juvenile.

What does Khrushchev have anything to do with the GLF? Absolutely nothing, as there was no mention of him where Mao accepted his failure in the GLF and stepped down as the party chair.

We paid Soviet for assistance only, bcs we didnt ask help from CN. CN supported VN bcs Stalin told Mao do that to pay back the debt.

Even CN govt still dare not request VN to "pay back" the debt, bcs we owed CN Nothing. Sri lanka has to lease the port to CN bcs she's in debt wt CN, we lease u Nothing now bcs we are not owe u anything.
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