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China's Insecurity. Part 4 of China's Reckoning

The last time I check there's no influx of japanese & american migrant workers in here despite the foreign investments.

China doesn't need gun when they can took advantages of poorer nations & gave them unfavorable loans. In the case of montenegro even goes as far as charging 40M per miles for a road. This is modern colonialism not the old one.


It depends on the amount of investment and what industry the investments are in. And yes, there are significant numbers of Japanese living in China that came with their companies too. Nobody call them colonist as colonialism the byproduct of occupation not business investment.

And are you accusing China of colonizing Montenegro now? If the project can be done cheaper, then they can certainly use a different vendor and lender. The French and Americans didn't even want to participate after feasible study.
2 thousand years ago, Sun Tzu already knew that subdue the enemy without fighting is the best way to win :pop:

  1. The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.
  2. Supreme excellence consists of breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting.

You are creating a new definition for subdued as China doesn't even enjoy extraterritorial jurisdiction in Africa that all colonial powers have in their colonies. Matter fact, US demand extraterritorial jurisdiction in all of its oversea bases, and yet I don't hear you calling them colonialists.
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It depends on the amount of investment and what industry the investments are in. And yes, there are significant numbers of Japanese living in China that came with their companies too. Nobody call them colonist as colonialism the byproduct of occupation not business investment.

And are you accusing China of colonizing Montenegro now? If the project can be done cheaper, then they can certainly use a different vendor and lender. The French and Americans didn't even want to participate after feasible study.

You are creating a new definition for subdued as China doesn't even enjoy extraterritorial jurisdiction in Africa that all colonial powers have in their colonies. Matter fact, US demand extraterritorial jurisdiction in all of its oversea bases, and yet I don't hear you calling them colonialists.

How many japanese are working as day laborers in China? I know you chinese have to lie to prove a point but please try to be consistent with your lie.

It cost now cost $4 billion it is literally the most expensive motorway on planet earth!
How many japanese are working as day laborers in China? I know you chinese have to lie to prove a point but please try to be consistent with your lie.

It cost now cost $4 billion it is literally the most expensive motorway on planet earth!

Wait, you are calling day laborer colonists? That's the opposite of what colonists and colonialism is.
And yes the highway is very expensive as its elevated for almost its entire length due to environmental concerns. It is essentially a 160km long bridge.
Wait, you are calling day laborer colonists? That's the opposite of what colonists and colonialism is.
And yes the highway is very expensive as its elevated for almost its entire length due to environmental concerns. It is essentially a 160km long bridge.

read the link
You are creating a new definition for subdued as China doesn't even enjoy extraterritorial jurisdiction in Africa that all colonial powers have in their colonies. Matter fact, US demand extraterritorial jurisdiction in all of its oversea bases, and yet I don't hear you calling them colonialists.
Im against both CN and bad white US. VN got support from black US people, so we r not against them.


Srilanka lost the port due to CN debt trap. CN debt trap is the way to win without fighting like Sun tzu said
read the link

The link is to an article that's nothing but allegations from questionable NGOs. One can clearly see however from the pictures that the road is almost fully elevated that's designed with the least footprint on the landscape.
Srilanka lost the port due to CN debt trap. CN debt trap is the way to win without fighting like Sun tzu said

A lie repeated a thousand times is still a lie. Sri Lanka leased its port to pay off debt it owed not to China but to the west.
A lie repeated a thousand times is still a lie. Sri Lanka leased its port to pay off debt it owed not to China but to the west.
U cant deny that u guys also want Sri lanka port, thats why CN keep giving loan to Sri lanka till she cant pay back and had to lease that port to u.

Thats why CN is as bad as her white master.


Lessons from Sri Lanka on China's 'debt-trap diplomacy'
For vulnerable African countries, a reliance on Chinese financing could pose a threat to sovereignty.

Sri Lanka’s recent dealings with China offer a cautionary tale for many African countries. The way the island nation has ceded control of the strategic port of Hambantota highlights the issue of ‘debt-trap diplomacy’. It poses the question of whether developing countries are naively mortgaging their resources and strategic assets to China.

Given Africa’s huge reliance on China as a source of funding, there is concern that African states will suffer a similar fate to Sri Lanka – and unwittingly become pawns in China’s global strategic agenda.

It is important to recap what happened in Sri Lanka. Post-civil war Sri Lanka went on a borrowing binge to reconstruct dilapidated infrastructure. To successive Sri Lankan governments, China was a benevolent friend, offering cheap, easy and addictive money – an attractive alternative to the strict conditionality of Western financing arrangements. But the country soon ran into economic woes, and when the debt burden became untenable, the Sri Lankan government was forced to relinquish majority control over the port in 2017 in lieu of repayment.

This sparked outrage across Sri Lanka. To critics, it was confirmation of China’s imperial agenda and demonstrated the pitfalls of Chinese financing: that despite a lack of explicit political conditionality, there is certainly ‘no free lunch’, and such arrangements pose a threat to the sovereignty of vulnerable countries.

Many believe the Sri Lankan example demonstrates China’s unique form of ‘debt-trap diplomacy’ – a predatory system designed to ensnare countries into a straightjacket of debt servitude.

U cant deny that u guys also want Sri lanka port, thats why CN keep giving loan to Sri lanka till she cant pay back and had to lease that port to u.

Thats why CN is as bad as her white master.

That's like saying the bank loan you money because it wants your property.
That's like saying the bank loan you money because it wants your property.
Thats why Ant group got heavy fine for keep giving loan to poor ppl in order to take away their houses :cool:
Thats why Ant group got heavy fine for keep giving loan to poor ppl in order to take away their houses :cool:

What? Ant group does not do mortgage. Ant group gives out small loans with a 100 to 1 leverage. It means they are loaning out far more money than they actually have.
What? Ant group does not do mortgage. Ant group gives out small loans with a 100 to 1 leverage. It means they are loaning out far more money than they actually have.
But u cant deny that CN desperately wanna take house, ports, lands from other nations like Sri Lanka. Thats why Indonesian hate u guys bcs u guys supported communist group there for the plan to annex their lands, ports, houses :pop:


Before we were to leave, Mao met with Brother Truong Chinh and myself. Mao sat down to chat with us, and in the end he announced: “Comrades, I would like you to know this. I will be president of 500 million land-hungry peasants, and I will bring an army to strike downwards into Southeast Asia.” Also seated there, Deng Xiaoping added: “It is mainly because the poor peasants are in such dire straits!”

Once we were outside, I told Brother Truong Chinh: “There you have it, the plot to take our country and Southeast Asia. It is clear now.” They dared to announce it in such a way. They thought we would not understand. It is true that not a minute goes by that they do not think of fighting Vietnam!

I will say more to you comrades so that you may see more of the military importance of this matter. Mao asked me:

In Laos, how many square kilometers [of land] are there?

I answered:
About 200,000 [sq. km.].

What is its population? [Mao asked]:

[I answered]: Around 3 million!

[Mao responded:] That’s not very much! I’ll bring my people there, indeed!

[Mao asked:] How many square kilometers [of land] are there in Thailand?.

[I responded]: About 500,000 [sq. km.].

And how many people? [Mao asked].

About 40 million! [I answered].

My God! [Mao said], Szechwan province of China has 500,000 sq. km., but has 90 million people. I’ll take some more of my people there, too [to Thailand]!

As for Vietnam, they did not dare to speak about moving in people this way. However, he [Mao] told me: “Comrade, isn’t it true that your people have fought and defeated the Yuan army?” I said: “Correct.” “Isn’t it also true, comrade, that you defeated the Qing army?” I said: “Correct.” He said: “And the Ming army as well?” I said: “Yes, and you too. I have beaten you as well. Did you know that?” I spoke with Mao Zedong in that way. He said: “Yes, yes!” He wanted to take Laos, all of Thailand – as well as wanting to take all of Southeast Asia. Bringing people to live there. It was complicated [to that point].

In the past [referring to possible problems stemming from the Chinese threat during these times], we had made intense preparations; it is not that we were unprepared. If we had not made preparations, the recent situation would have been very dangerous. It was not a simple matter. Ten years ago, I summoned together our brothers in the military to meet with me. I told them that the Soviet Union and the US were at odds with each other. As for China, they had joined hands with the US imperialists. In this tense situation, you must study this problem immediately. I was afraid that the military did not understand me, so I told them that there was no other way to understand the matter. But they found it very difficult to understand. It was not easy at all. But I could not speak in any other way. And I did not allow others to grab me.

At the same time, more hoaxes are surfacing on Indonesian social media, reflecting growing anti-
sentiment that is fuelled by fears over the country’s economic influence in terms of its imports and workers entering Indonesia, and questions over Beijing’s treatment of Muslim Uygurs in
. There is also unhappiness that Chinese fishing fleets are entering Indonesian waters around the Natuna Islands.
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The link is to an article that's nothing but allegations from questionable NGOs. One can clearly see however from the pictures that the road is almost fully elevated that's designed with the least footprint on the landscape.

A lie repeated a thousand times is still a lie. Sri Lanka leased its port to pay off debt it owed not to China but to the west.

Do you have eyes or just can't read. Those are article from Euronews saying that the road that construction has slowed down, went WAYYYY over budget by billions, mired in corruptions, caused irreversible ecological damages & are in the process of being scrapped.

Do you have eyes or just can't read. Those are article from Euronews saying that the road that construction has slowed down, went WAYYYY over budget by billions, mired in corruptions, caused irreversible ecological damages & are in the process of being scrapped.


Of course such project would see delay and cost overrun, as Washington & Brussel funded NGO sabotage them along the way. That's taking place in almost all of the BRI projects where these NGO can find their way in.
I've watched some of these NGO's documentary over the road, complaining over the temporary access road in building the supporting pylons, and that the pylons are built into the mountain side, as if these roads can be airlifted and dropped into place. It's like watching a large group of Karens going into a frenzy.

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