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China's Insecurity. Part 4 of China's Reckoning

& what doesn't need to know for generations is that you can't trust the chinese. China is not an angel in this giving country an alternative for investment many articles from around the world would tell you how corrupt the BRI is & how it preys on country's naivette & desperation (look up debt trap.) The West & Japan doesn't engage in debt trap and for the most times they are transparent when doing business. Unlike China. & which country is to blame for facilitating these country's corruption? Najib Razak even went as far as going to china & ask straight up for a Bribe & the chinese just gave them instead of u know don't.

In this analogy China is drug dealer taking advantages of other country's addiction.

In the case of Myanmar it is even worse the Chinese are just straight up colonial power exploiting the country & not only that the CCP fund & support the Ethnic armed groups & the military dictatorships there. Not to mention other human rights atrocity inside the country. Which makes china infinitely worse than the west.

Lol. Someone failed history class. What the West and Japan is known for, most Southeast Asia nations are very familiar with.

As said many times before, no one is forced to take loan from China. If IMF or any other loans offers more favorable terms, China is not going to instigate color revolution, assassination and invasion to get its way, unlike the west.

Putting Najib out of power, and Mahathir still come back to China for the same project, and getting rid of Mahathir, and Yassin continues its cooperation on these projects. And whether it is Suu Kyi or the Junta, they invariably come to China for more agreements and projects, regardless all the busy work by the 5th column. Even creating the new country South Sudan, and China are still there making deals. It doesn't matter what the west do, what China offers are simply business deals that will help these countries in projects that they actually need to develop.

China is not there to tell others how they should govern their own country, or to enforce any ideology, standard or values. That's none of China's business. And that in fact is what makes Chinese participation even more attractive as compared to the self-righteous west that you so wanted to cling to.

Mahathir’s government agrees to revive China-backed Bandar Malaysia project
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From insulting dipolomats, supporting conspiracies theories, engaging in debt trap diplomacy, mocking india's covid deaths & making suggestion to strike australia with a ballistic missile. China is making more enemies as it continues to go along.

& it's not just the western countries that china is losing its influences in eastern european, asian & african countries are reevaluating its ties with beijing:

All six countries that snubbed China on Tuesday were from the 2004 intake of Eastern European NATO members. Bulgaria, Romania and Slovenia joined the three Baltic countries — Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania — in not sending their presidents or prime ministers to join what China had hoped to be a "Xi plus 17 leaders" summit. For the Baltic states in particular, NATO's role as a guarantor of security against Russia outstrips other concerns.


Lithuania even goes as far to recognize the Uighur Genocide despite China's threat.

People in Africa are even starting to see pass through China investment for what it truly is a new form of colonialism:

Citing a bunch of Eastern European countries is not improving your case. These countries are scared little lambs next to Russia and would do anything the Americans ask them to do. For now the Americans are ordering them to hate China and so they go. On the other note, the US has been very successful waging a propaganda war against China, so it's not surprising these 'ignorant' countries did not know well. But the European powerhouses like Germany, France, and Italy know better. It's all about US trying to prevent China from removing the Americans from the throne. Time will tell. After 10 or 20 years, these countries will still be begging for money that never come.
Lol. Someone failed history class. What the West and Japan is known for, most Southeast Asia nations are very familiar with.

As said many times before, no one is forced to take loan from China. If IMF or any other loans offers more favorable terms, China is not going to instigate color revolution, assassination and invasion to get its way, unlike the west.

Putting Najib out of power, and Mahathir still come back to China for the same project, and getting rid of Mahathir, and Yassin continues its cooperation on these projects. And whether it is Suu Kyi or the Junta, they invariably come to China for more agreements and projects, regardless all the busy work by the 5th column. Even creating the new country South Sudan, and China are still there making deals. It doesn't matter what the west do, what China offers are simply business deals that will help these countries in projects that they actually need to develop.

China is not there to tell others how they should govern their own country, or to enforce any ideology, standard or values. That's none of China's business. And that in fact is what makes Chinese participation even more attractive as compared to the self-righteous west that you so wanted to cling to.

Mahathir’s government agrees to revive China-backed Bandar Malaysia project

Name me 1 time where Japan took a country's port if they can't pay their debt & turn them into a military base...
There are many friends in the United States, which one is willing to help him pay his debts? After the recession of the United States, China must have the most friends, and the time is on the Chinese side.
There are many friends in the United States, which one is willing to help him pay his debts? After the recession of the United States, China must have the most friends, and the time is on the Chinese side.

That's not how national debt worked einstein.

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