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China's Insecurity. Part 4 of China's Reckoning

LOL unlike Pakistan / India's dispute over Kashmir, China has no territorial dispute with any developed country except for Japan. A nuclear strike would bring out the appreciation these developed countries have for China's patience and mercy.
"Gaze unto me and offer me thine love ye ignorant plebs, for do you not see?

I can annihilate your entire race at the push of a button but I choose not to, does this not inspire undying love and affection?"

That's what a pretentious brat sounds like for refrence, see if you can find some similarities.
Indonesia is a perfect sample how they control everything from natural resources , infrastructures and manufacturings they even have about 9 million descendent the largest in south east asia
"Gaze unto me and offer me thine love ye ignorant plebs, for do you not see?

I can annihilate your entire race at the push of a button but I choose not to, does this not inspire undying love and affection?"

That's what a pretentious brat sounds like for refrence, see if you can find some similarities.
Nothing wrong with showing some puny "developed countries" our might. When you have a superpower arsenal like China, you would be eager to advance your interests too.

Why would we need them to like us? why should we care about their feeling as if they care about our feeling? to be feared by your enemy is the best thing you could get..
Indonesia is a perfect sample how they control everything from natural resources , infrastructures and manufacturings they even have about 9 million descendent the largest in south east asia

Look like you are Malaysian, nope it maybe the case in your country but not in Indonesia

The most profitable natural resources in Indonesia is actually oil, gas, and coal

Oil production is 70 percent owned by Pertamina. Pertamina and PGN, both are state owned company, are also major gas producer, the rest are foreign company like Exxon, BP and others. PGN also dominate gas infrastructure distribution in Indonesia.

Even fourth largest energy companies after state owned Pertamina, state owned PLN, and state owned PGN is Medco Energy which is owned by Native Muslim, Arifin Panegoro.


For coal, the three biggest coal company in Indonesia which are PT Kaltim Prima Coal, Bumi Resources, and Arutmin are owned by Bakrie Brothers (Conglomeration)

This is the CEO of Bakrie Brothers

Anindya Bakrie

Other is PT Adaro where the biggest share holder is Garibahaldi Tohir (Chinese Indonesian Muslim) and other significant share holder is

Sandiaga Uno (native), he has private share and also through his company, PT Saratoga


Arini Subianto (native)

Next big coal company is Indika Energy which is also a conglomeration and own by native, Agus Lasmono Sudwikatmono, who has linked to Soeharto family


Indika Energy President Director is Arsyad Rasyid, native Muslim


Other big coal mining company is state owned PT Bukit Asam that is also now transforming into energy company and start building biggest power plant in North Sumatra.


Gold and copper are basically dominated by PT Freeport Indonesia where Today 51 percent is owned by state owned PT Inalum and the rest are own by US company Freeport Mcmeron.

Other biggest gold and copper miner is PT Newmont Nusa Tenggara which is 80 percent owned by Medco Energy (majority share holder is native Arifin Panigoro family) and the rest are owned by Newmont International (foreign company)

State owned PT Aneka Tambang (ANTAM) also one of the biggest gold and copper miner in Indonesia.


Nickel around 30 percent are owned by state owned mining holding, PT MIN ID, while the rest majority are owned by foreign companies like PT VALE and small mining companies

Infrastructure is basically dominated by state owned companies

Manufacturings are mix, there are state owned, native owned, Chinese Indonesian owned, and foreign owned like Toyota and others
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Yes, but it is CIA role that scare African etc about China bringing issue that they want to occupy Africa etc; in fact China has help Africa alot.

They also involved in many activities in Indonesia:

What part of this song that says "CIA" made us build road, hotel, infrastructures & extract resources.
This song encapsulate how china is currently being viewed in africa.

It always baffles me how blind the average chinese is about their country is being perceived by others especially by those they screwed with their OBOR scams.

Everything about you guys is CIA this & that but won't address how china themselves pretty much burn every bridge they have by acting like this.
Oh look insecure Americans projecting their genocidal and vulgar behavior on China again. 🙄
But but but independent French and British puppet regime paid indpendent free thinkers representing nobody outside of the West parott U.S. regime propaganda handed directly to them by another "not-CIA"-CIA front too, so it cant be wrong, after all the truth is decided by some minority vote of the biggest and boldest liars.

Oh no the yellow man said the truth again, better spam some false reports to silence it and hope one gets trough, for peak irony.
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Oh look insecure Americans projecting their genocidal and vulgar behavior on China again. 🙄
But but but independent French and British puppet regime paid indpendent free thinkers representing nobody outside of the West parott U.S. regime propaganda handed directly to them by another "not-CIA"-CIA front too, so it cant be wrong, after all the truth is decided by some minority vote of the biggest and boldest liars.

Oh no the yellow man said the truth again, better spam some false reports to silence it and hope one gets trough, for peak irony.
Too bad for the CIA, the vast majority of the developed world see through their lies and support China with their votes at the UN.
How funny, the countries that actually colonized africa, east asia and south asia now warning these people of colonialism. Wonder why i dont believe their bs.

To raise the price of water is hard, to build a 100 billion dollar project in redistributing the water is easy. Funny how the world is upsidedown to these people.
How does raising water price reduce water scarcity? It only artificially depresses consumption which even the video admit is detrimental to economic development and living standard. But somehow the video made it sound like that's the better solution to the problem. That is just how twisted these logic become when one is paid to malign another.
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Ah, offering market price is colonialism. Guess these people never heard of business deal. Sure one can get preferential loans from Japan provided you can afford the Japanese project price tag in the first place. As if China is forcing any country to accept it's loans. The matter of fact is that Chinese loans are sought after all over Africa due to the package provided by China on any project including the loan is highly competitive.
Ah, offering market price is colonialism. Guess these people never heard of business deal. Sure one can get preferential loans from Japan provided you can afford the Japanese project price tag in the first place. As if China is forcing any country to accept it's loans. The matter of fact is that Chinese loans are sought after all over Africa due to the package provided by China on any project including the loan is highly competitive.

Another name for what china is doing is called "Predatory Lending." China gives an exorbitant loans of which most country can't pay them back & when they can't china seizes the property & turn them into military bases in the case of sri lanka & djibouti.

In addition to that China exports their workers/colonists to the country stealing labor jobs from the local & also bribing politicians to make policy that benefits the chinese investors & governments.

This is just a colonialism with an extra steps.

Indeed, the general features of China’s relations with many countries today bear close resemblance to the European colonial powers’ relations with African and Middle Eastern countries in the 19th and 20th century. Among other things, we witness countries exchanging their primary products for Chinese manufactured ones; China dominating the local economy; countries becoming heavily indebted to Beijing; China exerting greater weight on local political, cultural and security dynamics; and Chinese abroad living in their own “expat enclaves.”

Another example of China being out of touch with reality.

Beijing-backed Drawing Contest in Turkey Backfires as Students Submit Depictions of Xinjiang Abuses
Turkey’s opposition has also called out the Ministry of Education for supporting the competition.


Beijing-backed Drawing Contest in Turkey Backfires as Students Submit Depictions of Xinjiang Abuses
A Uyghur woman (C) walks through a security checkpoint to enter a bazaar in Hotan, in China's Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (XUAR), May 31, 2019.

A drawing competition launched by the Chinese Embassy in Turkey to promote interest in China among students appears to have backfired after several submissions depicting state-backed policies of repression in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (XUAR) were posted online.

The “China in my Dreams” contest—which Turkey’s International Science and Culture Foundation, the country’s Ministry of National Education, and the Chinese Embassy launched in 2016—rewards Turkish high school students whose artwork best depicts the theme of ties between Beijing and Ankara.

Students are required to submit their entries between May 3 and June 13 and winners are presented with trips to China, where they visit Beijing, Shanghai, and Xi’an. In order to mark the 50thanniversary of ties between the two nations, this year’s trip is set to feature tours of mosques in Xi’an, an ancient city traditionally viewed as the eastern end of the Silk Road trading route that linked China with the West.
But while the competition is generally welcomed for highlighting the strength of bilateral relations and cultural connections between Turkey and China, it has also drawn condemnation from members of the public who believe that the country’s government has no right to support China amid widespread reports of abuses in the XUAR.

Turkey is home to more than 50,000 of the world’s nearly 12 million Uyghurs, who historically have viewed their fellow Turkic nation as a refuge and advocate for their religious and cultural rights.

Ahmet Davutoğlu, Turkey’s former prime minister and the head of the country’s opposition Future Party, is leading a group of politicians, intellectuals, and officials from nongovernmental organizations in combatting China’s soft diplomacy narrative and working to hold Beijing accountable for its rights record in the XUAR. Reports suggest that authorities in the region have held up to 1.8 million Uyghurs and other Muslim minorities in a vast network of internment camps since early 2017.

Davutoğlu recently called on students in Turkey to instead submit artwork to the Ministry of National Education for an “East Turkestan in my Dreams” competition, using the name many Uyghurs prefer for their homeland, as part of a bid to highlight China’s tactics of persecution in the region.

“Dear young people! Draw pictures of your brethren in the homeland being saved from the oppression and send them into the competition,” he tweeted, accompanying a picture drawn by Faruq Nazmi that depicts a young girl saluting the blue star-and-crescent flag of the short-lived Uyghur republic.

Selçuk Özdağ, vice president of the Future Party, also tweeted a message to Turkish Minister of Education Ziya Selçuk urging him to “ask the Chinese Ambassador in Turkey about the issue in this drawing and then share his answer with the Turkish people,” referring to a drawing of a young girl holding a sign that reads, “Where are my relatives?”
“Let’s see what a scholar and politician you really are,” he added.

Social media movement

On social media, critics of the competition have shared since other drawings, including one of Chinese President Xi Jinping surrounded by Uyghur skulls, and another that shows a man dressed in clothing made of the Chinese flag putting his hand over a Uyghur’s mouth, expressing the idea that Uyghurs have no freedom of speech.

Other social media users posted drawings on various themes, including Uyghurs hanged by nooses made from China’s flag; Uyghurs killed while China and Turkey carried on “friendly relations;” and Chinese [state representatives] demolishing mosques and imprisoning Uyghurs.

A drawing by a girl named Aisha Zawki depicts Chinese police imprisoning Uyghurs and hanging them from trees, while other images depict Chinese-language slogans including, “Let’s invade and assimilate Uyghurs in every way [possible].”

While Beijing initially denied the existence of the camps, China in 2019 changed tack and began describing the facilities as “boarding schools” that provide vocational training for Uyghurs, discourage radicalization, and help protect the country from terrorism.

But reporting by RFA’s Uyghur Service and other media outlets suggest that those in the camps are detained against their will and subjected to political indoctrination, routinely face rough treatment at the hands of their overseers and endure poor diets and unhygienic conditions in the often-overcrowded facilities.

Reports also suggest that Uyghurs being subjected to torture, forced labor, state-enforced birth control including forced sterilizations and abortions, and cultural eradication. These practices amount to a policy of genocide, the U.S. State Department determined in January.

A drawing by Faruq Nazmi that depicts a young girl saluting the blue star-and-crescent flag of the short-lived Uyghur republic East Turkestan. RFA
Call for access
The Turkish Writers’ Union recently issued a statement calling on the Turkish Ministry of Education to immediately cancel the “China in my Dreams” contest, calling it “unacceptable” that it would support the competition given the current situation in the XUAR.

“It is impossible to explain why Turkey would be looking the other way and holding such a competition today, when some governments have recognized the policies of repression China is carrying out in the Uyghur region as genocide,” the statement said.

“Today, when the entire world is rejecting what China is doing to Uyghurs, when all Uyghurs, whose religion, language, and culture as the same as those of the Turks, are facing China’s oppression, what can one even draw in a competition called ‘China in my Dreams’ other than the tears and blood that are flowing?”

The Writer’s Union added that if China is rejecting reports of repression in the XUAR, it should allow international observers into the region to investigate the claims.

China in 2019 organized two visits to monitor internment camps in the XUAR—one for a small group of foreign journalists, and another for diplomats from non-Western countries, including Russia, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, and Thailand—during which officials dismissed claims about mistreatment and poor conditions in the facilities as “slanderous lies.”

During the U.N. General Assembly in New York in September last year, U.S. Deputy Secretary of State John J. Sullivan told the gathering that these trips and the China-friendly accounts they produced were “Potemkin tours in a failed attempt to prove” that the camps were humane training centers.

Protests growing
Osman Oktay, a well-known journalist in Turkey, recently spoke with RFA about the competition, calling the Turkish government “blind and deaf” for its involvement.

“It is shocking that they would hold this while the Uyghurs are facing such oppression,” he said. “We must express our dissatisfaction with this.”

Hidayetullah Oğuzhan, head of the Union of East Turkistan Associations, told RFA that he had written to the Ministry of Education as well as to some public organizations in Turkey to condemn the competition, and said that protests against the contest are growing.

He also noted that his organization plans to hold a poetry writing competition alongside a drawing competition called “East Turkistan in my dreams.”

“Many in Turkey, including both [political] parties and famous individuals in the social media space alike, have expressed very urgent protest against this,” he said.

“Inshallah, we will not give way to the plans of Sinophiles and the Chinese Embassy to minimize the activities of the East Turkestan cause here in Turkey.”

Reported by Erkin for RFA’s Uyghur Service. Translated by the Uyghur Service. Written in English by Joshua Lipes.

Another name for what china is doing is called "Predatory Lending." China gives an exorbitant loans of which most country can't pay them back & when they can't china seizes the property & turn them into military bases in the case of sri lanka & djibouti.

In addition to that China exports their workers/colonists to the country stealing labor jobs from the local & also bribing politicians to make policy that benefits the chinese investors & governments.

This is just a colonialism with an extra steps.

LOL then I guess Indonesia is a Chinese colony too. Bend down on all fours now before your Chinese masters!
"Gaze unto me and offer me thine love ye ignorant plebs, for do you not see?

I can annihilate your entire race at the push of a button but I choose not to, does this not inspire undying love and affection?"

That's what a pretentious brat sounds like for refrence, see if you can find some similarities.

My friend, I’m sure you realize he has absolutely no authority outside of this forum.
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