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China's Insecurity. Part 4 of China's Reckoning

We paid Soviet for assistance only, bcs we didnt ask help from CN. CN supported VN bcs Stalin told Mao do that to pay back the debt.

Even CN govt still dare not request VN to "pay back" the debt, bcs we owed CN Nothing. Sri lanka has to lease the port to CN bcs she's in debt wt CN, we lease u Nothing now bcs we are not owe u anything.

that's OK you repaid us already with the Paracel Islands.
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We paid Soviet for assistance only, bcs we didnt ask help from CN. CN supported VN bcs Stalin told Mao do that to pay back the debt.

Even CN govt still dare not request VN to "pay back" the debt, bcs we owed CN Nothing. Sri lanka has to lease the port to CN bcs she's in debt wt CN, we lease u Nothing now bcs we are not owe u anything.

Now that do sound like a typical deadbeat.
Ho Chi Minh went to China in 1955 asked for 200 million in grant, and in 1965 Ho requested Chinese AAA units in a meeting with Mao. Stalin was long dead.
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There is no different between the government and the NGO when the NGO are funded by the government and carry out operations for the government. You simply prefer the West over China even though all that you alleged of China have actually been done by the west and more.

What is it with you guys hating all NGO? I hate specific NGO but the one exposing corruption in Montenegro is one of the good one.
What is it with you guys hating all NGO? I hate specific NGO but the one exposing corruption in Montenegro is one of the good one.

Since when I hate all NGO. But government sponsored NGO that serve its agenda is but as you said, an oxymoron.
Since when I hate all NGO. But government sponsored NGO that serve its agenda is but as you said, an oxymoron.

What agenda. Is spotting corruption is a bad thing?

From the link the NGO is doing a good thing overall. You just being paranoid.

Maybe china should not be corrupt in in building infrastructures.
And nobody is ever interested in investigate the origins and the sources of all these deliberated disinformation.
The whole idea of such manipulations is to work up the readers and viewers to support their politics.

The fabrication of China's uncontrollable debris of China Long March 5 into cities and after that they never offered any apologies nor retractions.
Neither did they apologized fot not reporting the debris of US Space X over cities.

And earlier on Wuhan virus although WHO investigators has vindicated China by in its report saying that Wuhan is not the souce.
Since Wuhan virus itself was in fact a mutated variant and they called it China virus, I don't really see anything wrong in calling this mutated variant B1.617 from India, India virus or India variant.

Didn't India Hindustan News not alleged of a Singapore variant and twisted it the other way around saying that it infected India instead.

Now when India is having a taste of their own medicine, Modi immediately gagged their own news media.
What agenda. Is spotting corruption is a bad thing?

From the link the NGO is doing a good thing overall. You just being paranoid.

Maybe china should not be corrupt in in building infrastructures.

Ever heard of a thing called impartiality? It's the basic requirement of any investigation that any party with a conflict of interests shall be extricated from the process. NGO funded by foreign government with a political agenda shall neither be entrusted nor entitled to play the role of the investigator.
Ever heard of a thing called impartiality? It's the basic requirement of any investigation that any party with a conflict of interests shall be extricated from the process. NGO funded by foreign government with a political agenda shall neither be entrusted nor entitled to play the role of the investigator.

I think finding out corruption is impartial as it get. Also any proof of this "political agenda" from what I can see there's none. That is if losing 4B is political in anyway.

So you either pro or anti-corruption which is it?

From insulting dipolomats, supporting conspiracies theories, engaging in debt trap diplomacy, mocking india's covid deaths & making suggestion to strike australia with a ballistic missile. China is making more enemies as it continues to go along.

& it's not just the western countries that china is losing its influences in eastern european, asian & african countries are reevaluating its ties with beijing:

All six countries that snubbed China on Tuesday were from the 2004 intake of Eastern European NATO members. Bulgaria, Romania and Slovenia joined the three Baltic countries — Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania — in not sending their presidents or prime ministers to join what China had hoped to be a "Xi plus 17 leaders" summit. For the Baltic states in particular, NATO's role as a guarantor of security against Russia outstrips other concerns.


Lithuania even goes as far to recognize the Uighur Genocide despite China's threat.

People in Africa are even starting to see pass through China investment for what it truly is a new form of colonialism:

Another Bollywood prapoganda?
Which was exposed in laddakh with the Battons in Chinese soilders hands? 😀😀😀😀
India can keep talking making third class prapogandas but that won't save u from thundering dragons ????lolzz
I think finding out corruption is impartial as it get. Also any proof of this "political agenda" from what I can see there's none. That is if losing 4B is political in anyway.

So you either pro or anti-corruption which is it?

Don't tell me you seriously believe states fund NGOs to conduct operations in other countries without political goal. You must've been new to this world.
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