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China tells navy to prepare for combat

the photo shows that our solider is tending Vietnamese women's wounds.you are so shameless and gave your women military uniform and put them to the front and you guys hid behind your women,what a bunch of cowards and how pathetic,put your women on the line.
come on guys over 18 pages and still you are fighting over the past. is there no posibility of dialogs and peace for the future. The Chinese are talking superior and the Viets are even talking more superior than the Chinese.
In the end you guys are forgetting the importance of life and to make every one happy arround you with your actions and words.
I am not asking you guys to be Budha or M K Gandhi, I am just asking you to be sane and respect every one as equal.
The human blood is always red in color, and its not going to change over geography.
the photo shows that our solider is tending Vietnamese women's wounds.you are so shameless and gave your women military uniform and put them to the front and you guys hid behind your women,what a bunch of cowards and how pathetic,put your women on the line.
population of North Vn only 20million that time with many disable people, and we needed lots of soliders to control South VN-Cambodia , we didn't have enough men to guard along the VN-China border . So why didn't your PLA come to Cambodia and fight like a man or PLA could simply warned us before war happen so we could have enough time to transfer our forces back ??

PLA only good at supprise backstabbing , but every one is aware of your dishonest and betrayal character now, so it's time for everyone to spank your fat @$$ :P

People will be very happy when we sink your merchan ship in Malacca or gulf of Thai Lan to destroy China miracle economy grow:cool:
come on guys over 18 pages and still you are fighting over the past. is there no posibility of dialogs and peace for the future. The Chinese are talking superior and the Viets are even talking more superior than the Chinese.
In the end you guys are forgetting the importance of life and to make every one happy arround you with your actions and words.
I am not asking you guys to be Budha or M K Gandhi, I am just asking you to be sane and respect every one as equal.
The human blood is always red in color, and its not going to change over geography.
To us life is precious but our land is much much more precious than our life , we only have one choice : life or land .Million die , then we can give birth another million, but once land is lost, it too hard to create more land, that's it.

May be your land is too big , so losing some land is not your problem, but we only have a small land to live , we can not lose even an inch, dude
To us life is precious but our land is much much more precious than our life , we only have one choice : life or land .Million die , then we can give birth another million, but once land is lost, it too hard to create more land, that's it.

May be your land is too big , so losing some land is not your problem, but we only have a small land to live , we can not lose even an inch, dude
why fight if China is just excersiing their right to travel through the sea route. I don;t think they are planing to occupuy your main land.
To us life is precious but our land is much much more precious than our life , we only have one choice : life or land .Million die , then we can give birth another million, but once land is lost, it too hard to create more land, that's it.

May be your land is too big , so losing some land is not your problem, but we only have a small land to live , we can not lose even an inch, dude

You have already lost a lot. The amount of suffering the Vietnamese people have taken cannot be gauged.
Mass genocide by the Americans , multiple wars.. and yet you survive resilient. It is commendable in the records of modern history.
However, is it not better for Vietnam to try to now work on more peaceful solutions(as long as they do not compromise the core national interests) with its neighbors. And work on taking the Vietnamese economy to the next level and compete globally.
It will be the ultimate laugh at those who have, are and wish to hurt Vietnam.
You have already lost a lot. The amount of suffering the Vietnamese people have taken cannot be gauged.
Mass genocide by the Americans , multiple wars.. and yet you survive resilient. It is commendable in the records of modern history.
However, is it not better for Vietnam to try to now work on more peaceful solutions(as long as they do not compromise the core national interests) with its neighbors. And work on taking the Vietnamese economy to the next level and compete globally.
It will be the ultimate laugh at those who have, are and wish to hurt Vietnam.

brother , what is the use of developing economy if your army is not strong enough to protect your economy grow ??even rich nation like Japan still suffer a great loss when US forced her to increase her currency , so I don't think VN can develope our economy better than Japan and successful avoid being squeezed by US-China

btw: we have US-EU-Japan support in economy now , so we will develop it slowly but steady , but taking back islands in SCS(east sea)is always our first priority. As long as we still can control SCS(east sea)-Malacca then US still have to support us for her own economic benefit :)
no point living in the past. Past glories mean nothing.

Live in the present and prepare for the future.
To us life is precious but our land is much much more precious than our life , we only have one choice : life or land .Million die , then we can give birth another million, but once land is lost, it too hard to create more land, that's it.

May be your land is too big , so losing some land is not your problem, but we only have a small land to live , we can not lose even an inch, dude

Can you stop derail the thread no one interest in vietnam here.
Very shortly there will be no friendly nations for China in ASEAN with this kind of aggressive , expansionist mindset .... Myanmar is already warming up towards USA and India ... Malaysia and Indonesia would remain neutral ..... Vietnam ,Philipines ,much of south east Asia Japan, Australia , Korea too are vary of China ....diplomatically Its only going to be tough for China !!!!
I prefer gunboat diplomacy anyway. Strength speaks, like we've learned from Europe and United States. Besides, we're pulling in Malaysia, Indonesia and Burma into our circle. Little Viets can die in a hail of naval gunfire, like they did in 1974 and 1988.
I prefer gunboat diplomacy anyway. Strength speaks, like we've learned from Europe and United States. Besides, we're pulling in Malaysia, Indonesia and Burma into our circle. Little Viets can die in a hail of naval gunfire, like they did in 1974 and 1988.
Works both ways. In fact, currently the US is the only power that can SUSTAIN our 'gunboat diplomacy' in any part of the world. This is no longer pre WW II Nazi Germany where Hitler can threaten individual countries and each of them are too scared of its neighbors to ally themselves to challenge the Nazi threat.
I prefer gunboat diplomacy anyway. Strength speaks, like we've learned from Europe and United States. Besides, we're pulling in Malaysia, Indonesia and Burma into our circle. Little Viets can die in a hail of naval gunfire, like they did in 1974 and 1988.

burma just gave the massive middle finger and dumped your what was it, 19 billion dollar project . Malaysia and indonesia will never militarily ally with china period. The only country you have is pakistan... you have no friends because of your affinity for have emotional outburts. In a conventional war, just because of the sheer vast land and numbers you posses - I would give US 72 hrs longer than it took us to take out IRAQ's military. We have NATO and other than pakistan, not one single country will shed a drop of their blood for you. that includes canada :woot:
Shameless soldiers even captured our women , why didn't you come to Cambodia and fight with our regular forces ?? how shamless and gutless your soliders were , only can bully women :no:

Your women are happy Chinese citizens now. China is a multicultural nation, and they are welcome to join us. Only Viet extremists cannot join us.

burma just gave the massive middle finger and dumped your what was it, 19 billion dollar project . Malaysia and indonesia will never militarily ally with china period. The only country you have is pakistan... you have no friends because of your affinity for have emotional outburts. In a conventional war, just because of the sheer vast land and numbers you posses - I would give US 72 hrs longer than it took us to take out IRAQ's military. We have NATO and other than pakistan, not one single country will shed a drop of their blood for you. that includes canada :woot:

If you couldn't even beat tiny Vietnam, and you couldn't beat us in the 50's, this time it might be US seceding Hawaii.
burma just gave the massive middle finger and dumped your what was it, 19 billion dollar project . Malaysia and indonesia will never militarily ally with china period. The only country you have is pakistan... you have no friends because of your affinity for have emotional outburts. In a conventional war, just because of the sheer vast land and numbers you posses - I would give US 72 hrs longer than it took us to take out IRAQ's military. We have NATO and other than pakistan, not one single country will shed a drop of their blood for you. that includes canada :woot:
That's a pretty good Indian dream. This is the 5th one you had today? United States with all its technological advantage could not defeat a China with barely any industry. I am sure they'll steamroll us today, like Indians steamrolled us in 1962.

India will always simply be a pawn between great powers, never able to decide its own fate.

---------- Post added at 04:53 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:52 PM ----------

Works both ways. In fact, currently the US is the only power that can SUSTAIN our 'gunboat diplomacy' in any part of the world. This is no longer pre WW II Nazi Germany where Hitler can threaten individual countries and each of them are too scared of its neighbors to ally themselves to challenge the Nazi threat.
Sure, United States replaced Nazi Germany in global bullying. You would be replaced too one day.
Sure, United States replaced Nazi Germany in global bullying. You would be replaced too one day.
The impression of China as regional bully intending to propagate communism was cemented during the Cold War. That impression may no longer contain the ideological factor but the bully bit remain. :lol:

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