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China tells navy to prepare for combat

the fascist american regime is the most cold, brutal and barbaric regimes in human history.
the american regime makes the nazi regime look like nice guys.
when it comes to pure evil, there aint no worse than the americans.
heinous crimes committed against iraqis by dropping depleted uranium, agent orange in vietnam, nuking civilians in japan, raping teenage children and then killing them and then burning their bodies to hide the evidence in iraq and afghanistan.
millions and millions killed directly and indirectly by the american regime all over the world over the last few decades.

americans are ruthless human savages. pure monsters.
america is the devil's favourite demon.

Babies suffer of the US Warmongers deadly legacy Part 2/2 ( Depleted Uranium in Iraq ) - YouTube
You certainly don't help the Ethiopian military with your angel like morals.

U.S. support key to Ethiopia's invasion - USATODAY.com
That is against Islamic terrorism.

China: Stop Supporting State Sponsored Terrorism in Ethiopia | Andinet North America Association of Support Organizations (ANAASO)
China has a terrible human rights record at home and supports human rights violations abroad. It is time for China to stop supporting war criminals like Meles Zenawi, who has been suppressing basic liberties of the Ethiopian people. It is time for China to reassess its dealings with rogue regimes like that of Meles Zenawi of Ethiopia and other African dictators.
Looks like China is continuing the same Cold War scoreboard.
The impression of China as regional bully intending to propagate communism was cemented during the Cold War. That impression may no longer contain the ideological factor but the bully bit remain. :lol:

What's wrong with communism? Why is it wrong for people to choose communism? If it makes enemy states weaker, then the US should cheer for the spread of communism.

The real reason is because communism is anti-colonialism, and the US fears loss of its empire. Manifest Destiny is still alive in the US. The neocons, radical evangelical KKK members and Fox News watching zombies are the most dangerous fanatics in the world, worse than Bin Laden.
That is against Islamic terrorism.

China: Stop Supporting State Sponsored Terrorism in Ethiopia | Andinet North America Association of Support Organizations (ANAASO)

Looks like China is continuing the same Cold War scoreboard.

I am sure you can justify this in the name of fighting Islamic terrorism too:


Or this:

Torture and Madness at Guantnamo Bay

Or this:


Same sh*t, different excuses. "Spreading democracy" then, "fighting terrorism" now.
I am sure you can justify this in the name of fighting Islamic terrorism too:

Same sh*t, different excuses. "Spreading democracy" then, "fighting terrorism" now.
Nope. Never has. But the spread of communism required those same methods you accused me of believing in. Today China is no longer threatened by ideology but driven by economics and China's wishes for either unstable and/or oppressive regimes today for economic benefits is no different than what served China yesterday for ideological/political reasons. So spare everyone the fairy tale that somehow China's hands is clean of other people's blood. Asia does not forget. Same sh!t, same methods.
Nope. Never has. But the spread of communism required those same methods you accused me of believing in. Today China is no longer threatened by ideology but driven by economics and China's wishes for either unstable and/or oppressive regimes today for economic benefits is no different than what served China yesterday for ideological/political reasons. So spare everyone the fairy tale that somehow China's hands is clean of other people's blood. Asia does not forget. Same sh!t, same methods.
I never said China has clean hands, but it's a funny attempt watching you trying to say we're somehow worse without checking your own scoreboard. A scoreboard that has yet to be surpassed.
I never said China has clean hands, but it's a funny attempt watching you trying to say we're somehow worse without checking your own scoreboard. A scoreboard that has yet to be surpassed.
The only reason why you can call it 'worse' is because we dare to expose our own, whereas China works hard to suppress information of the same. Today in Africa, China's economic colonization of the continent is opined by many to be oppressive and puppeteered by Beijing and fortunately mostly ignored by the press. Back then it was Asian blood, today it is African's.
The only reason why you can call it 'worse' is because we dare to expose our own, whereas China works hard to suppress information of the same. Today in Africa, China's economic colonization of the continent is opined by many to be oppressive and puppeteered by Beijing and fortunately mostly ignored by the press. Back then it was Asian blood, today it is African's.

I know many Vietnamese are racist against blacks, but you have no right to be. Vietnam's GDP/capita is lower than sub-Saharan Africa's average.

And for your American side, how could we forget the illegal kidnap and slavery of millions of Africans? How could we forget "coloreds only" signs? For more modern examples, what about US's toxic waste dumping in Africa?
Nope. Never has. But the spread of communism required those same methods you accused me of believing in. Today China is no longer threatened by ideology but driven by economics and China's wishes for either unstable and/or oppressive regimes today for economic benefits is no different than what served China yesterday for ideological/political reasons. So spare everyone the fairy tale that somehow China's hands is clean of other people's blood. Asia does not forget. Same sh!t, same methods.

Iraqi Girl Raped and killed by US soldier - YouTube
The only reason why you can call it 'worse' is because we dare to expose our own, whereas China works hard to suppress information of the same. Today in Africa, China's economic colonization of the continent is opined by many to be oppressive and puppeteered by Beijing and fortunately mostly ignored by the press. Back then it was Asian blood, today it is African's.
Yeah you dare "expose" your own that so much so you tried everything in your power to shut down Wikileak scandal. Your scoreboards are things that have been leaked. I wonder how much more you are doing away from public eye. Hell I am willing to bet your country is committing some atrocities at this very moment without us knowing. Spare us the lecture about your so called "morals".
I know many Vietnamese are racist against blacks, but you have no right to be. Vietnam's GDP/capita is lower than sub-Saharan Africa's average.

And for your American side, how could we forget the illegal kidnap and slavery of millions of Africans? How could we forget "coloreds only" signs? For more modern examples, what about US's toxic waste dumping in Africa?

That's what "you know" but your can not prove what Vietnamese racist "black men". Prove that to me then we can talk Mr/Mrs: Unbiased
Be prepared for combat doesn't translate into preprared to wage a war. Any navy, or army and airforce that does not prepared for combat will suffer heavily in event of an attack. Military history has shown us many times, and anybody who forget will end up losers.

US was unprepared when Japan attacked Pearl Harbor, Chinese imperial Beiyang fleet navy was unprepared when it was destroyed by Japanese navy. In both cases US Pearl Habor fleet and Chinese Beiyang fleet navy were theoritically more stronger than the Japanese navy.
This time, we won't hold back. Navy and Air Force will be involved as well.

next time unlike in 1945 , uncle sam wont nuke your enemies to save you and give you independence !

Due to your aggressive , expansionist attitude you will be left with no friends and only enemies in south east asia !

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