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China tells navy to prepare for combat

Today in Africa, China's economic colonization of the continent is opined by many to be oppressive and puppeteered by Beijing and fortunately mostly ignored by the press. Back then it was Asian blood, today it is African's.

Liberals opined Africa being colonised because they don't see Africans as anything other helpless savages - a bit ironic isn't it, since liberals are always to first to be political correct? Why do liberals always need someone to protect anyway? Are you liberals so blinded by your own propaganda that you couldn't see your own actions were holding back the people you were trying to help? China has done for Africa in 20 years what the west couldn't for 200, time to take down those Bob Geldolf posters.

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Liberals opined Africa being colonised because they don't see Africans as anything other helpless savages - a bit ironic isn't it, since liberals are always to first to be political correct? Why do liberals always need someone to protect anyway? Are you liberals so blinded by your own propaganda that you couldn't see your own actions were holding back the people you were trying to help? China has done for Africa in 20 years what the west couldn't for 200, time to take down those Bob Geldolf posters.

He's not a liberal. I'm a liberal. He's a neocon.
Looks like China is continuing the same Cold War scoreboard.

When it comes to arming autocrats in Africa, upstart China is no match for the United States, a study of arms exports finds.

China's sales of weapons to dictatorial regimes such as Sudan and Zimbabwe have sparked outrage from human rights advocates, academics and officials in the West. Some say that Beijing is undermining the development of democracy and rights in Africa.

In a State Department cable recently released by WikiLeaks, the top US diplomat for Africa, Johnnie Carson, summed up the basic sentiment for an audience of oil executives in Lagos, Nigeria, in February last year when he noted: "China is a very aggressive and pernicious economic competitor with no morals."

But compared with the US, China actually shows a preference for relatively democratic clients such as Zambia and Namibia, according to a review of arms transfers from the end of the cold war until 2006.

And morals or not, the US tends to favour autocrats and human rights abusers - most notably its ally Egypt.

"The US is promoting its strategic interests even if it means promoting authoritarian regimes, while China is more interested in economic relationships," said Paul Midford, who co-authored the study with Indra de Soysa using data compiled by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute.

The findings turned common wisdom on its head, said Barry Sautman, a political scientist at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.

"People naturally assume that because China is an authoritarian state, it will want to sell arms to other authoritarian states, and that the US will do the opposite," Sautman said.
The actual record is more complicated. In Sudan, a state with an egregious record of atrocities against its people, China has indeed supplied weaponry. But it is not the most important supplier of arms, the authors note. From 2001 to 2008, as international attention to China's involvement in Sudan grew, Russia sold five times more arms to Khartoum, according to the Stockholm data.

More of China's arms went to Egypt - its biggest market in Africa. But there, Beijing's sales were dwarfed by the US. From 1989 to 2006, the US provided Egypt with billions of dollars worth of fighter jets, tanks, missiles and other arms.

"This is not to excuse Chinese arms sales to undemocratic or human rights-violating regimes," says Ian Taylor, a professor of international relations at the University of St Andrews who has written about China's role in Africa. "But we need to remember that firstly, China is not the worst culprit in this - the United States is, by far."

US far outstrips China in arms sales to dictators | China News Watch | Latest Hong Kong, China & World News | SCMP.com
http://stockholm.sgir.eu/uploads/Midford de Soysa AUG 22 2010_final.pdf
He's not a liberal. I'm a liberal. He's a neocon.

Perhaps, I haven't been around long enough to id posters. But all the same, liberals use the same line of argument against Chinese investment in Africa (see Hilary Clintons comments about Chinese colonising Africa etc). In the spectrum of American politics though, particularly in foreign policy, neocon and liberals are all the same.
Perhaps, I haven't been around long enough to id posters. But all the same, liberals use the same line of argument against Chinese investment in Africa (see Hilary Clintons comments about Chinese colonising Africa etc). In the spectrum of American politics though, particularly in foreign policy, neocon and liberals are all the same.

in the US, I'm considered a liberal. In China I'm considered a moderate leftist; liberals are considered the far right in China.
in the US, I'm considered a liberal. In China I'm considered a moderate leftist; liberals are considered the far right in China.

In the US, anyone left of Sarah Palin is considered a liberal :lol:. So it doesn't say much. I mean Obama is considered a liberal but his record is worse than Bush. But liberals cling to him nevertheless.

Anyway, since we're on the topic of America and it's the 70th anniversary of pearl harbour... I'll just leave this here. :usflag:



Yeah you dare "expose" your own that so much so you tried everything in your power to shut down Wikileak scandal. Your scoreboards are things that have been leaked. I wonder how much more you are doing away from public eye. Hell I am willing to bet your country is committing some atrocities at this very moment without us knowing. Spare us the lecture about your so called "morals".
Wikileaks? :lol: The fact that Julian Assange is still ALIVE and enjoying his confinement in a palace pretty much give US the latitude to lecture China on human rights and morals. Would the Chinese version of Assange be breathing 48hrs after exposure? We all know the answer to that: Nope.
Alright folks.


(just in case people dont get the impact).

NiceGuy, Having a strong military is important.. but a strong military does not ensure you supremacy. This goes twofold for a military supported by the money of others. Currently vietnam needs to Stall China by either diverting attention or working for a stalemate. China's stance is cautiously aggressive.
There is no guarantee that aggression will beat aggression, there are clever ways that vietnam has used before to contain the dragon.
Vietnam knows that once our carrier enters PLAN service in the South China Sea, we can simulatenously attack all its navy and ports in the North from Hainan Island and Paracel Islands and attack all its navy and ports in the South with J-15 from our carrier battle group. Vietnam wanted USA to help them against China, but USA supports Philippines instead. So they are stuck with getting help from india. LOL.
Vietnam knows that once our carrier enters PLAN service in the South China Sea, we can simulatenously attack all its navy and ports in the North from Hainan Island and Paracel Islands and attack all its navy and ports in the South with J-15 from our carrier battle group. Vietnam wanted USA to help them against China, but USA supports Philippines instead. So they are stuck with getting help from india. LOL.

Vietnam is going to re-attack in the same way as chine do. USA navy will come and watching how red rivals are killing and destroying mutual brutally. USA will present in region with to keep peace.:coffee:
Wikileaks? :lol: The fact that Julian Assange is still ALIVE and enjoying his confinement in a palace pretty much give US the latitude to lecture China on human rights and morals. Would the Chinese version of Assange be breathing 48hrs after exposure? We all know the answer to that: Nope.

Ai Weiwei and Liu Xiaobo are still alive.

Ai Weiwei's crime is tax evasion, but in the process he sold out many high level leaders.

Where's Bradley Manning? Being tortured in a military prison?

Also what is interesting is how much the American neocons cheered after the earthquake hit Japan, when Pearl Harbor was historically irrelevant since Franklin Roosevelt just wanted an excuse to kill Japanese, yet China, which was the target of Japanese atrocities, had no such cheering for the earthquake.

We know who is civilized, and who is not, in emergencies.
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