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China tells navy to prepare for combat

Because you are ******: it is legal, USA f**k you, the pay for it, you also is happy, is it? Or you are:Just like after be ra*ped by a country, then the crime give her a lot money, she is so happy, she said happily, come on, once again!!!RUBBISH!!!

Don't say dirty words here, you are uneducated chinese guy.
Don't say dirty words here, you are uneducated chinese guy.
Treat vietnam, do you think i should be gentleman? It doesn't work. And you can post such comment:
It's evident for that Chinese is too low IQ than Jews (Kissinger). Chinese is very happy about it, but USA paid for landclean from mine.
It's true face of China.
post by you:
you let me know how licentious you are!!! keep it, find you western man!! they will………………
Treat vietnam, do you think i should be gentleman? It doesn't work. And you can post such comment:
It's evident for that Chinese is too low IQ than Jews (Kissinger). Chinese is very happy about it, but USA paid for landclean from mine.
It's true face of China.
post by you:
you let me know how licentious you are!!! keep it, find you western man!! they will………………

You don't like to be a gentleman? What kind of guy are you ? my comment on you is correct: uneducated.
You don't like to be a gentleman? What kind of guy are you ? my comment on you is correct: uneducated.
Are you illiterate person? you don't know the meaning"Treat vietnam, do you think i should be gentleman?"?
Oh, my god, I also forget that, you are pig, From your comment, maybe you are vietnam pig, they have lowest IQ. Does it?
Are you illiterate person? you don't know the meaning"Treat vietnam, do you think i should be gentleman?"?
Oh, my god, I also forget that, you are pig, From your comment, maybe you are vietnam pig, they have lowest IQ. Does it?
are you chinese pig ?
Don't beg USA help you, but why don't do it youself, Does you accept that you can't or you dare to do this?? And when you post the comment, Please ask USA first, You are not USA, You can't represent for them, and you just a loser!!!
We will not beg , US will only come . So if u want to start a WWIII for Iran, US wouldnt hesitate to help India particularly China is its main enemy . I do wonder every time how Japan beat you :tongue:
Oh no they dont have ACC . US planes would hit every Chinese ship by A2S missiles . That would be funny :lol:
Since when does Anglo's slave speak for its master?

China submitted to Vietnam Period :coffee:

LOL....... Islam enslaved you hindus for 800 years. You should know everything about submission and subjugation. You were utter totally submitted by Hindu Kush.
We will not beg , US will only come . So if u want to start a WWIII for Iran, US wouldnt hesitate to help India particularly China is its main enemy . I do wonder every time how Japan beat you :tongue:
Ok, still again, why not one by one!! China don't post your such comment, We are we, we can do it lonely, We are boss, Not let you!!! You are big, why should let USA out? Aren't you self-confident when face china?!!
Yes, WW2, Japan bully china, and they occupy half of china, but they never occupy all? Does't it can said, they beat us? and do you know in the history, Japan invade china and KOREA, but we beat them at last? Ok you don't know this, and you don't want to know this!!!
And Does you enjoy the time when Britsh occupy all your india??
I should be gentleman, Sorry for infract the rule, but isnt sorry for insult vietnam!!! It is hard to be gentle to treat vietnam!! Oh, my god!!
You vietnam are invincible, you always boast that what brave and good your solider and you weapon from Russian, You can easily beat china, why do you need to let USA in? Does it prove your incapability. And do you give USA protection fee? can you afford this? And why do you compare us with Jews? Why don't compare with you? doesn't prove you low IQ!! It is fight between you and us, You are invincible, You don't any help from others!!!!
So why did you drag US in from 1979 to 1988 ?? do you feel ashamed that to battle with a small communist brother , a big communist country like you had to beg for US-NATO support(but still lost)

This time , it's our turn to have US in our side and we will spank your fat a$$ to pay back what you did to us from 1979 to 1988.:sick:
When the other anglo slave became copying every thing
Same way our Buddihists enslaved you or like mongolians and japanese ****** you every time?

what weapon do you have to counter US ? We dont eat insects and reptiles like you .

I thought it was US who beat Japan . lol u copied US image too . Wont u leave any thing in this world?

---------- Post added at 06:49 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:48 PM ----------

edit your posts then:tup:
Missile and others!! And you stand in front of hina, Forget USA, They are not god!! Why do you like let USA involve in anything? You always said how strong are you?!! without USA, you have not gut with China?
Yes, USA Beat Japan, But do you think only one war happened between china and japan? What i want to said, at least, Japan don't occupy tha whale china, But British dominate you all country, and approximate 100 years!!! But we always fight Japan, not a little, but there are many regular and guerrilla in china, to fight japanese every day and night!!
haha .we captured 2210 Vietnamese Prisoners of War and Vietnam just got 238 of Chinese POWs in 1979

Shameless soldiers even captured our women , why didn't you come to Cambodia and fight with our regular forces ?? how shamless and gutless your soliders were , only can bully women :no:

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