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China ramps up pressure over Kashmir

N maybe you can focus on similar articles in chinese media about India too. This sort of stuff is very regular for 'analysts'

Here you go:

People's Daily Online - Home Page

Now please go to the search bar and type in India. Then see how many "bashing" articles come up in the style of ToI, and the Indian media's general obsession with hating on China, with even NDTV talking about a 2012 Sino-Indian war.

See it for yourself, clearly the Chinese media is not obsessed with India. In fact, it hardly talks about India at all. This is not just state media, but "private media" in HK too. Contrast this to the Indian media.
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I still don't see what kind of backdoor deal you could offer to China that will be more important than Gwadar, KKH, pipelines, and a long-standing alliance/friendship with Pakistan.

Even for Gwadar alone... India doesn't have any ports at the mouth of the Persian gulf, India doesn't have a land-link to the Middle East for pipelines... India is also blocked from the OIC, so they can't give us any influence there either.

And if all we wanted to do, was to bypass the Malacca straits, we could just use Burma.

Also, India claims Chinese land (Aksai Chin) as part of Kashmir. If India takes even the slightest bit of land from Pakistan, that would set a very bad precedent for us.
That when we're bombing Karachi, ISlamabad etc. we won't touch your ports, pipelines etc. In all likelihood if provoation is from non state actors, India would target muridke etc.- HQs of terror organizations rather than pak govt. buildings.

It's so easy to think of war isn't it. You know what'll happen to your economy? all those soft toys & nike shoes your sending out--the moment you go to state of war, the insurance shoots up, shipping costs shoots up, supply gets disrputed whether or not your cities are falling into a 'zone of war' or not. That's the real reason why India didn't attack- not coz we didn't have an army three times their size but because our plans to mobilize a trillion dollars of infra investments would be sc**wed. And it's just not worth it.So we go about embarassing them and putting tangential pressure in international fora instead- something that even china is very compfortable tacitly supporting coz they too don't want the party poopers around.
So, you've given up on the IQ taunts, now you're calling people "childish" and "babies".

This is the height of debating skill. :D 高手!!

Sometime necessity really dictates me to come to the level of the opposite debator. :D மாக்கா !
That when we're bombing Karachi, ISlamabad etc. we won't touch your ports, pipelines etc. In all likelihood if provoation is from non state actors, India would target muridke etc.- HQs of terror organizations rather than pak govt. buildings.

The sole land-link between China and Pakistan is Gilgit-Baltistan... which is claimed by India. In any future conflict, GB will be put at risk, which means our entire strategic artery in Pakistan is put at risk. Not to mention the fact that India also claims our region of Askai Chin.

Any future India-Pakistan war, will involve China's interests, one way or another.
Here you go:

People's Daily Online - Home Page

Now please go to the search bar and type in India. Then see how many "bashing" articles come up in the style of ToI, and the Indian media's general obsession with hating on China, with even NDTV talking about a 2012 Sino-Indian war.

See it for yourself, clearly the Chinese media is not obsessed with India. In fact, it hardly talks about India at all. This is not just state media, but "private media" in HK too. Contrast this to the Indian media.

CD, actually you will be lucky to find an negative or positive news article about India on Chinese official media, since if i found any good one, i will be posting it with no hesitation.:lol:
Why do you people always fight like a girl and stab us from behind, they bla and ttp are pakistanis who r funded by bharat, we pakistanis never use this shoddy tactic of brainwashing bhartis to fight bhartis, We fight like men, Yes we send 10 pakistanis teenagers to take all of bharat for a ride for 72 hours, we send pakistani forces in kargil whenever we feel like,

Why dont you send a bharti agent in balochistan lets see what happens

Everything is fair in bharat and war, If bharat can kill half a million pro pakistani muslim bengalis through mukti bahini, pakistanis can also retaliate with more ferociousness but that was just a trailer to see the might of indian army who were being entertained by 10 teenagers for 72 hours

Don't you feel like an idiot when you make such kind of posts?
The sole land-link between China and Pakistan is Gilgit-Baltistan... which is claimed by India. In any future conflict, GB will be put at risk, which means our entire strategic artery in Pakistan is put at risk. Not to mention the fact that India also claims our region of Askai Chin.

Any future India-Pakistan war, will involve China's interests, one way or another.
Then for the period of the conflict, we'll tell them that neither will we touch Gilgit Baltistan nor will we push for Askai Chin. 'War' isn't some insane and raving mad effort.
It is always timing and planning. Solve Askai CHin the way it has to be solved and solve paskistan the way it has to be solved. Indian planners aren't a bunch of naive players. We know how to play these games better than most.
B.S. busting time again, for you Mr. (im) Pure Aryan!:disagree:

But it will be OT here!

Start a thread in the History section and we'll bust you myths about Shivaji and afzalkhan (the a**hole) one by one!

On this thread I'll only say that you are a clueless babe when it comes to history of India!

Hai dum to Thread open kar!:angry:

You are not worth to challenge me. I dont accept your challenge because the thing is most of you bhartis here on pakdefence forum are just hordes of illiterates who just come here to prove their racial and historical superiority but most of us know their reality. Everytime i have discussion with you bhartis i give you references but i have not seen a single reference from any bharati. I already gave a google book link written by a bharti hindu calling shivaji a terrorist i dont have to further prove anything,

About afzal Khan, he was brutally killed by Shivaji whose army was twice destroyed twice by Adil Shah's army, Fearing another defeat he asked for negotiation and came out of his rate hole, Why would shivaji come out of his fortress if he was winning against Afzal Khan It is always the losers who ask for negotiation not someone who is winning. Shivaji killed afzal a peace emissary who was clad only in muslin, Shivaji concealed in his left hand a weapon consisting of 4 curved claws of steel , he ripped apart afzal's belly and stabbed him with a dagger,

Any lawyer or judge would classify killing a peace emissary an act of terrorism, Shivaji is a hero of hindutva who have been slaughtering muslims in bharat since 47, many american senators have called for calling it a terrorist organistaion, Modi is banned from visiting USA, wiki leak rahul gandhi confirmed it.

Read all about shivaji's duplicity here

This book is written by brits written in 1922 when bharati propaganda was nowhere to be seen
Lastly you dont have to throw insults we already know the mentality of bhartis,

http://books.google.com.au/books?id...age&q=shivaji%20killed afzal khan&f=false
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You are not worth to challenge me. I dont accept your challenge because the thing is most of you bhartis here on pakdefence forum are just hordes of illiterates who just come here to prove their racial and historical superiority but most of us know their reality. Everytime i have discussion with you bhartis i give you references but i have not seen a single reference from any bharati. I already gave a google book link written by a bharti hindu calling shivaji a terrorist i dont have to further prove anything,

About afzal Khan, he was brutally killed by Shivaji whose army was twice destroyed twice by Adil Shah's army, Fearing another defeat he asked for negotiation and came out of his rate hole, Why would shivaji come out of his fortress if he was winning against Afzal Khan It is always the losers who ask for negotiation not someone who is winning. Shivaji killed afzal a peace emissary who was clad only in muslin, Shivaji concealed in his left hand a weapon consisting of 4 curved claws of steel , he ripped apart afzal's belly and stabbed him with a dagger,

Any lawyer or judge would classify killing a peace emissary an act of terrorism, Shivaji is a hero of hindutva who have been slaughtering muslims in bharat since 47, many american senators have called for calling it a terrorist organistaion, Modi is banned from visiting USA, wiki leak rahul gandhi confirmed it.

Read all about shivaji's duplicity here

This book is written by brits written in 1922 when bharati propaganda was nowhere to be seen
Lastly you dont have to throw insults we already know the mentality of bhartis,

The Cambridge History of India - Google Books

Your rant aside, I'll just respond to the link that you have posted.

My doubts about the book and the motives of the author apart, I have just one question to ask.....

As mentioned in your source

each was to appear armed only with a sword and attended by a single follower

So, that means while meeting shivaji, there was khan and his attendant only.

Now, as per your source both of them were killed on the spot....

his follower soon despatched the gallent attendant

So, the only people coming out of that tent were both marathas, and what do they say about this encounter is this...

Shivaji with sword in hand entered the Shamiyana. Seeing Shivaji Afzal Khan handed his sword to one of his assistant and said "Shivaji you do not accept the authority of Adilshah, kutubshah as well as the Mughals. I have come here to punish you. Give me all your forts. I will personally take you to Vijapur, will make you bow your head in front of Ali Adilshah II. I will request Ali Adilshah II to forgive you and give lot wealth and baronage. Come son of Shahji, leave your ego and embrace me".

When Shivaji embraced Afzal Khan, he drew his dagger and stabbed shivaji. Shivaji was very agile; saved by the armour; he immediately backed off, attacked Afzal Khan by sword and waghnakhs thus disemboweling him.


Sabhasad Bakhar (16xx)

Agnyadas powada (1650)

Shivbharat – Kavi Parmanad (1680)
, Edited by Sadashiv Divekar, Second Edition, November 1998, Shabdvedh Publication, Pune.

Raja Shiv Chatrapati (Vol 1) – Babasheb Purandare, Sixteen Edition, April 02, 2008, Purandare Publications, Pune

Vedh Mahanavcha –Dr.Shrinivas Samant, Fourth Edition, 2009, Deshmukh and Company Pvt. Ltd. Pune

The 33 Strategies of War – Robert Greene, 2009, Viva Books.

Now, whether The author of your book was visited by ghosts of one of the four people present there and thus he knows the real truth is a question you must answer! :rofl::rofl:

P.S. Too many other points could be mentioned here about ytreachery of the khan but this much deviation from the original topic is enough!

This is my final post on this topic on this thread . If you still want to discuss then start a new thread or do not respond! :wave::wave::wave:
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Your rant aside, I'll just respond to the link that you have posted.

My doubts about the book and the motives of the author apart, I have just one question to ask.....

As mentioned in your source

So, that means while meeting shivaji, there was khan and his attendant only.

Now, as per your source both of them were killed on the spot....

So, the only people coming out of that tent were both marathas, and what do they say about this encounter is this...


Sabhasad Bakhar (16xx)

Agnyadas powada (1650)

Shivbharat – Kavi Parmanad (1680)
, Edited by Sadashiv Divekar, Second Edition, November 1998, Shabdvedh Publication, Pune.

Raja Shiv Chatrapati (Vol 1) – Babasheb Purandare, Sixteen Edition, April 02, 2008, Purandare Publications, Pune

Vedh Mahanavcha –Dr.Shrinivas Samant, Fourth Edition, 2009, Deshmukh and Company Pvt. Ltd. Pune

The 33 Strategies of War – Robert Greene, 2009, Viva Books.

Now, whether The author of your book was visited by ghosts of one of the four people present there and thus he knows the real truth is a question you must answer! :rofl::rofl:

P.S. Too many other points could be mentioned here about ytreachery of the khan but this much deviation from the original topic is enough!

This is my final post on this topic on this thread . If you still want to discuss then start a new thread or do not respond! :wave::wave::wave:

You just lost the argument, by giving me the source of a book written by a hindu and he wrote in 98 when there was a fanatic government incharge of bharat, It only proves me you cant find a credible writer, I gave you a link of a book written by Cambridge University and all you gave me was hindu name who has no credibility and noone except hindutva fans would have read his book.

I told you kids stay away from me, This is all you can do when you are being bombarded with ocean of facts written by top university professors in the world you run away.
You just lost the argument, by giving me the source of a book written by a hindu and he wrote in 98 when there was a fanatic government incharge of bharat, It only proves me you cant find a credible writer, I gave you a link of a book written by Cambridge University and all you gave me was hindu name who has no credibility and noone except hindutva fans would have read his book.

I told you kids stay away from me, This is all you can do when you are being bombarded with ocean of facts written by top university professors in the world you run away.

Neglect that one source if you want! Though your assumption that a "hindu" author will always tell a lie is an indicator of your mentality!

I'll just repost my sources again! (xxxx) indicates the year!

Sabhasad Bakhar (16xx)

Agnyadas powada (1650)

Shivbharat – Kavi Parmanad (1680)
, Edited by Sadashiv Divekar, Second Edition, November 1998, Shabdvedh Publication, Pune.

Raja Shiv Chatrapati (Vol 1) – Babasheb Purandare, Sixteen Edition, April 02, 2008, Purandare Publications, Pune

Vedh Mahanavcha –Dr.Shrinivas Samant, Fourth Edition, 2009, Deshmukh and Company Pvt. Ltd. Pune

Also, for your anglophillic mind which says Cambridge only knows the correct history, I've added a firangi, too!

The 33 Strategies of War – Robert Greene, 2009, Viva Books.

The author of your book was a professor of Sanskrit and most of the historical documents of shivaji's time are in Marathi or Urdu. Poor guy made a little error!:smitten:

And my question remains, who told him what hapened in the meeting? As the survivors were marathas only and they do not agree with this version.

1922 or 1650 which year is earlier?

P.S. Start a thread! Do not derail this one!:wave::wave::wave:

Added later in response to post no. 196 by pure aryan.

Ok! My anglophillic friend, here is a western source for you!

Mughal rule in India By Stephen Meredyth Edwardes, Herbert Leonard Offley Garrett

I'll just quote the relevant lines!

1." Krishnaji (khan's emissary) yielded so far as to hint that the khan intended mischief.."

2."(khan) tightened his clasp and held shivaji's neck in his left arm with an iron grip, while with his right hand he tried to run him through with a sword"

So, khan was the original culprit! :wave:
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Shivaji, also spelled Śivaji (b. Feb. 19, 1630, or April 1627, Shivner, Poona [now Pune, India]—d. April 3, 1680, Rajgarh [India]), Indian king (reigned 1674–80), founder of the Maratha kingdom of India. The kingdom’s security was based on religious toleration and on the functional integration of the Brahmans, Marathas, and Prabhus.

Facts about Afzal Khan: defeat by Shivaji, as discussed in Shivaji (Indian king): Early life and exploits: -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia

When the sultan of Bijapur in 1659 sent an army of 20,000 under Afzal Khan to defeat him, Shivaji, pretending to be intimidated, enticed the force deep into difficult mountain terrain and then killed Afzal Khan at a meeting to which he had lured him by submissive appeals. Meanwhile, handpicked troops that had been previously positioned swooped down on the unwary Bijapur army...

Purearyan speaking crap again like usual shame the worlds most concise source Britannica says otherwise lol
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