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China ramps up pressure over Kashmir

"In military terms, both conventional and non-conventional, we neither have the capability nor the intention to match China force for force,"

Yep we don't need to match you we just gotta stay one step ahead in technology hence the purchases of P-8, C-130, C17, Phalcon rador and now Apache block 3 all of which will give us a cutting edge againist any evil eye on our land.
Killing pillaging and looting Afghan invaders to save the motherland ,by any means, is very much acceptable and indeed it is an obligation to do so.

Shivaji was indeed a great military strategist who brought the Mughals to their knees.

Not going to get into Shivaji, but Marathas were known bandits in Bengal. Its ingrained in the culture. Even Rabindranath Thakur called them bandits in one of his songs.
"In military terms, both conventional and non-conventional, we neither have the capability nor the intention to match China force for force,"

Yep we don't need to match you we just gotta stay one step ahead in technology hence the purchases of P-8, C-130, C17, Phalcon rador and now Apache block 3 all of which will give us a cutting edge againist any evil eye on our land.

Hahaha, I only will direct you to one quote:

"National strength can never be purchased with money." - Senior General Liang Guanglie
Hahaha, I only will direct you to one quote:

"National strength can never be purchased with money." - Senior General Liang Guanglie

your right you can not buy strength but you sure can pack a punch with the equipment we bought :tup: just take the P-8 for example China has nothing of its kind and will not for the many years.
Not going to get into Shivaji, but Marathas were known bandits in Bengal. Its ingrained in the culture. Even Rabindranath Thakur called them bandits in one of his songs.

Exactly...I dont dispute that.

By the same yardstick dont paint the Afghan looters and their local cohorts as some kinda heroes in India.

It is ingrained in our culture.
Please have some self-respect, stop ranting like a mad man with nothing to back yourself up.
Learn something called "reality" from a honest professional military chief:

Yes lets see.

"In military terms, both conventional and non-conventional, we neither have the capability nor the intention to match China force for force," said Admiral Sureesh Mehta

True. You dont need to match an enemy bullet by bullet to fight them.

Only a fool ( in this case some high IQ chinese) will think the nation that goes on an offensive and the nation that is simply going to defend will need the same amount of capability.

We dont have the capability (atleast as of now) to go on an offensive against Chinese. But we very well can defend our land ang give you a bloody nose in case you come with a bad intention.

For a nuclear-armed military representing the interests of a billion-plus people, the lack of confidence is quite striking. India's military leadership has made a stunning confession that New Delhi doesn't have the stomach for a fight, if push came to shove on the disputed Sino-Indian boundary.

And these are not the words of the Chief, rather the words of a 'genuis' who wrote this report.

"Whether in terms of GDP, defence spend or any other parameter, the gap between the two is too wide to bridge and is getting wider by the day," he said.

While India spends about $30 billion annually on defence, China spends at least thrice as much, although some estimates go up to $ 200 billion.

Spend all you want...But the fact is you can do nilch against India. :wave:

Keywords= India's military leadership has made a stunning confession that New Delhi doesn't have the stomach for a fight, if push came to shove on the disputed Sino-Indian boundary.:tup:

Again these are not the words of the Chief, rather the reporter who wrote this.

Sorry, so much for your "chest thumping":lol:

Sorry, so much for your 120 IQ. :lol:
Not going to get into Shivaji, but Marathas were known bandits in Bengal. Its ingrained in the culture. Even Rabindranath Thakur called them bandits in one of his songs.

Marathas did loot the bengal province which was under Mughal occupation. Normally , that is what you do to the enemy strongholds, when the enemy has ravaged and raped your land for centuries.

For fat muslim traders in Bengal, the marathas were indeed bandits and we are proud of that!:mps:

Also, the chief invader of bengal was the Bhosale clan from Nagpur. And they were autonomous from Shivaji.

I'd like to see where Mr. Tagore has called Marathas as bandits!

P.S. If what marathas did was banditry, then what mughals did was "haivaniyat"! :flame:
Only a fool ( in this case some high IQ chinese)

LOL this seems to be your only retort, talking about IQ. :D

And of course calling Chinese people fools.

We dont have the capability (atleast as of now) to go on an offensive against Chinese. But we very well can defend our land ang give you a bloody nose in case you come with a bad intention.

The more likely scenario, is that after another disaster like a repeat of the Mumbai attacks for example, the Indian government will be under enormous domestic pressure to attack the so-called training camps across the Pakistani border. That is where the war will most likely start.

Those strikes will bring Pakistan into the war, and China too. In that situation, your inability to even match even China by itself, will prove to be a serious problem when you are fighting both China and Pakistan at the same time, in a two-front war.
LOL this seems to be your only retort, talking about IQ. :D

And of course calling Chinese people fools.

The more likely scenario, is that after another disaster like a repeat of the Mumbai attacks for example, the Indian government will be under enormous domestic pressure to attack the so-called training camps across the Pakistani border. That is where the war will most likely start.

Those strikes will bring Pakistan into the war, and China too. In that situation, your inability to even match even China by itself, will prove to be a serious problem when you are fighting both China and Pakistan at the same time, in a two-front war.
Lol CD!!! I had heard that you were very ticked off that India attended the nobel felicitation of that punk who's been giving your government such a touch time, but never imagined you'd be so pi$$ed off!!!:lol::lol::D
Lol CD!!! I had heard that you were very ticked off that India attended the nobel felicitation of that punk who's been giving your government such a touch time, but never imagined you'd be so pi$$ed off!!!:lol::lol::D

It is nothing to do with Liu Xiaobo, otherwise I would be equally annoyed at all the other nations that attended the ceremony. Which I'm obviously not. :azn:
LOL this seems to be your only retort, talking about IQ. :D

And of course calling Chinese people fools.

The more likely scenario, is that after another disaster like a repeat of the Mumbai attacks for example, the Indian government will be under enormous domestic pressure to attack the so-called training camps across the Pakistani border. That is where the war will most likely start.

Those strikes will bring Pakistan into the war, and China too. In that situation, your inability to even match even China by itself, will prove to be a serious problem when you are fighting both China and Pakistan at the same time, in a two-front war.

I think that's certainly a possibility that should be entertained.

It seems reasonable from the Chinese defense perspective to attack, wage war, against Hind if Hind decides to engage in another war with Pakistan, for whatever reason. It would be a prime opportunity for China to seize South Tibet territory, and if PLA wants to drive into Northern Hind snatch and grab Dalai Lama as a war trophy, but maybe marginalizing him would be more effective.

The vice versa is also possibly likely.

Where China wages war against Hind and Pakistan decides to open a second front, really this would be a severe blow. Phones in Delhi would be busy calling for assistance and back up from Tel Aviv and Moscow hell even Washington.

Before or After such a war, both Pakistan and China should plan to carve out Hind provinces, and redrawing borders to suit Pakistan and China's interest. This would be politically and regionally ideal.

What do you say Gentleman (to Pakistanis and Chinese)?

There is land to be sought and spoil to be captured.
It is nothing to do with Liu Xiaobo, otherwise I would be equally annoyed at all the other nations that attended the ceremony. Which I'm obviously not. :azn:

HaHaHa, CD, see how much damage "Speeder2" have done to the Indians? IQ 81 does hit their "raw nerve" badly, did you noticed how many Indians mentioned IQ this IQ that in their post lately?:lol:
Come on, for pete's sake, the "rating" is not from Chinese eh, live with it man!:D
I think that's certainly a possibility that should be entertained.

It seems reasonable from the Chinese defense perspective to attack, wage war, against Hind if Hind decides to engage in another war with Pakistan, for whatever reason. It would be a prime opportunity for China to seize South Tibet territory, and if PLA wants to drive into Northern Hind snatch and grab Dalai Lama as a war trophy, but maybe marginalizing him would be more effective.

The vice versa is also possibly likely.

Where China wages war against Hind and Pakistan decides to open a second front, really this would be a severe blow. Phones in Delhi would be busy calling for assistance and back up from Tel Aviv and Moscow hell even Washington.

Before or After such a war, both Pakistan and China should plan to carve out Hind provinces, and redrawing borders to suit Pakistan and China's interest. This would be politically and regionally ideal.

What do you say Gentleman (to Pakistanis and Chinese)?

There is land to be sought and spoil to be captured.

If India makes a future attack on an entire nation (Pakistan) for the crimes of a few non-state actors, I would consider that an extremely bad move by India, tantamount to collective punishment on one of our closest allies.

I would of course prefer to avoid war in the first place, but any such Indian attack on Pakistan, is not only an unfair attack on one of our closest allies, but will threaten to cut off China's strategic artery through Gwadar, KKH, pipelines etc. For that reason, China must intervene, especially if there is a chance that Pakistan might lose.

As for the land, I don't have any particular opinion, nor do I want to follow in the colonial footsteps of the Europeans. But of course we should defer to Pakistani wishes regarding Kashmir. :)

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