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‘China provokes us but we still don’t know how to fight it’

is funny when you see chinese talking with the same arrogance, with of course less to back it up, then the ones they claim to despise and hate.. americans lol

and... they dont even realise that their mentality now, is americas in the 70s and 80s lol

we are sooo good, we are the best, we can beat anyone, we are unstoppable bla bla bla

exactly...but adding to that...at least americans in 70s and 80s, even today were/are enjoyed freedom in their life..unlike these caged slaves..they can't even think on their own..but try to ridicule others...:lol::lol: how stupid it is..:lol:

alas...we can pity them..but unfortunately they themselves don't know how pity their lives are...pchhhh :cry:
exactly...but adding to that...at least americans in 70s and 80s, even today were/are enjoyed freedom in their life..unlike these caged slaves..they can't even think on their own..but try to ridicule others...:lol::lol: how stupid it is..:lol:

alas...we can pity them..but unfortunately they themselves don't know how pity their lives are...pchhhh :cry:

lol well that is true, they are taught dribble since early age under nationalism and communism, there perception is quite jaded because of that!. but i guess, if they ever said anything that somehow goes against their dictatorship they would be jailed or beaten, so you cant really expect them to be unbias or objective.
Let me ask you something....this thread was started with a headline putting India in a negative light. My question is why do all the CHinese posters come on and start flaming. It truly shows who is inferior. If you are as great as you state then why do you consistently post how superior you are. Be humble, that is a lesson India can teach you.

U have to have a high IQ to act in such a manner.
C'mon..... no replies? indians finally realized the inferiority of their civilization after 13 pages?

Ok take my reply............. so your PLA has only this much guts, killing one ITBP soldier (pls attach link to confirm) & break one wall. whereas we have captured a huge mass of land (as per your claim), and your PLA doesn't have balls to fight face to face, instead using cent labours like you. But poor u.... today is ur day to get humiliated.

Next... Ya ya we are waiting for your attack. But Lol, it needs balls to attack and ur country don't have that(Japanese took it in 1945).

Last....... though it was no where related, but since you raised the point, here is the reply.
Great Chinese Famine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

chiese died like r*ts.
LOL, Indians can't do anything for themselves. Instead of trying to show they fought valiantly during 1962 (they didn't), they try to steal the glory of other countries. :lol:

- They depended on the British colonialists to create their country out of many independent kingdoms
- Even today their highest leader is a white European

You can see India's true face when they were screaming about the Mumbai attacks and promising retaliation.

But what happened in the end? They went home crying. :rofl:

They can't even stand up to Pakistan, how can they prevent a repeat of 1962? This time though, it will be a two-front war, and the Indian Armed forces have already admitted that they stand no chance.

Even you even cant stand up to Vietnam.. they are humiliating you on daily basis nowadays... and you are whining...LOL
to all Indians. Come on guys why are you giving damn about these chinese trolls? There are puking their all frustration here on this form. Their own people and government does not listen to them why the hell we are giving them so much of importance. Treat them like their government does!!

Frustrated one sided Chinese Association. (FOCA)
there is just 1 very important asset India has vis a vis China, and that is the Tibet card.

Claim all of Tibet(tibettans and world opininion would support the indian claim), the same way as china claims the aksai chin and arunachal pradesh.

and the entire chinese problem is history....china would think twice about claiming any part of india it thinks it can have.
Who cares you what you claim, just give it a ****. Why Indian claim the moon?
yes , before the time your skinny frozen red army will have crossed the Himalayas (if ever), india will have cut your entire oil supply from the middle east, supplied the tibetans and uyghurs with weapons, and you will be buisy saving what little you can save of what is left of china.

1.2 billion Indians will be preparing a special welcome for u in Delhi i am sure.

oh, India is gonna cut our oil supply? Let's not talk about how you're going to determine whether a ship is going to China or Japan, or our 50 day strategic reserve... how are you gonna do that when New Delhi is occupied :lol:

There are more police in China than there are total Tibetans, good luck.

On the other hand, 1/3 of Indian states have Maoist attacks. You can try to eliminate 1/3 your population but more will rise up. Dalits will be free one day.
oh, India is gonna cut our oil supply? Let's not talk about how you're going to determine whether a ship is going to China or Japan, or our 50 day strategic reserve... how are you gonna do that when New Delhi is occupied

There are more police in China than there are total Tibetans, good luck.

On the other hand, 1/3 of Indian states have Maoist attacks. You can try to eliminate 1/3 your population but more will rise up. Dalits will be free one day.

You guys want to attack us with tibetan police ? :woot: :woot:
I never knew CCP opium had such effects :rofl:
You guys want to attack us with tibetan police ? :woot: :woot:
I never knew CCP opium had such effects :rofl:

Nope I'm saying that its useless to arm Tibetans since they will be outgunned and the only result of arming Tibetans is the disappearance of Tibetans as a race because we sure as hell aren't going to give up Tibet.
And what will you say about this?????..........The PLA’s top officer, Gen. Chen Bingde, announced during his recent visit to Washington that China’s is no where close to matching the United States’ in terms of military capability.

---------- Post added at 09:32 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:30 PM ----------

china don't have ball to attack India. it is just showoff.
Why you Indian like involve other countries in the issue between China and India? Do you will beg USA to help you, If the war happen again between China and India as you did before?? From your comment, You just a loser, you are not confident that when the war happened!!!
China will not shot first at present, of course, you don't have the gut to pull the trigger first. I don't want to said how good china is!! At least, we have the mental superiority. And don't forget that, the Tibet plateau is a easily defensive area. But you are different, down the plateau, there are boundless plain, first teach you army how to fight in high plateau, and how to supply the foods and material for you army, And you east north is so easily cut.
Nope I'm saying that its useless to arm Tibetans since they will be outgunned and the only result of arming Tibetans is the disappearance of Tibetans as a race because we sure as hell aren't going to give up Tibet.

Kill those tibetans for all I care. We have the tibetan gene pool safe with us :devil:
Just give us the land ;)
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