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China omits India, Pak from 72-hour visa free travel

Shouldn't be accepted though. Godless heathens have pretty attractive women. :P

Anyway. It is common knowledge that if India and China were not enemies, the Chinese would give the Pakistanis the same amount of attention as the Zimbabweans.

This is where you are wrong.

We have been instrumental in Chinese and US relations, as well as transferring tech.

Actually, Pakistan has done a lot for China.
The Zimbabweans have their uses for the Chinese as well. I don't see how you disprove what i've said.

Have you ever heard of the expression "A friend in need is a friend indeed"? :D

That is the basic principle of foreign policy in my view.
Have you ever heard of the expression "A friend in need is a friend indeed"? :D

That is the basic principle of foreign policy in my view.

Best foreign policy have no place for emotions.
Have you ever heard of the expression "A friend in need is a friend indeed"? :D

That is the basic principle of foreign policy in my view.

Foreign policy should not run on emotion, that is one of Pakistan's problems. Pakistanis leaders use to say America is our brother and ally and then when America put sanctions the Pakistani public got overly hurt.
We face this the world over, my country mates have done enough to justify it. I know how it feels, why only talk about china? Other allies and enemies alike treat us this way, we've brought this upon ourself we have no but ourselves to blame

Nah, the whole world considers us brown people savages.

It is because of pakistanies, the name of brown people have become bad. Indians have suffered a lot in west because of some pakistanies who were involved in "peaceful" activities. Its is the time pakistanis should give up such activities and take the responsibility of past deeds
Foreign policy should not run on emotion, that is one of Pakistan's problems. Pakistanis leaders use to say America is our brother and ally and then when America put sanctions the Pakistani public got overly hurt.

These emotionally charged statements of friendship are now obsolete and were given heavily during the cold war era.

But to be honest, If there is any friend that Pakistan has, it is China.
Title shd be 'china omits pak, bangla and lanaka' where r all cheerleaders, wated to surround india with help of china. China showed true color...dikhadi aukat!
Insult to Pakistan, you would think with all the China-Pakistan Bhai Bhai dorks running about China would find plenty of Pakistanis willing to visit. :rolleyes:

The ugly truth is the Chinese think Pakistanis are a security threat, Indians are enemies, Lankan's existence is irrelevant, and Myanmar is a sticky situation with the recent change to democracy.

we pakistanis arnt even crying, why are you insulting us with you bullshitt here

i agree with indians south asians dont have luxury to be tourists, we will try to illegally migrate if given any opportunity, period
You are not as much smart as you think. What it has to do with Pak-China strategic relationship?

As far as i Know, Chinese used to obtain visa before entering Pakistan as per Pakistan's laws despite Chinese had 72hours visa free entry (which was not specifically for Pakistan), Now if they are changing policies because of problems of missing tourists which is again not specifically for Pakistan - so what??? Their country their rules.

Can't you read writing on the wall ?

It shows China do not trust Pakistani Cheerleaders !
You are mistaken, this ally and friend did nothing in 65, in 71, and in 99 abandoned Pakistan in the international stage. In fact the US/ UK were sending warships to fight India and were deterred by the USSR in 1971. Nixon asked China to move a couple of battalions at the very least and CCP stood steady. If you guys gave any nuke tech to Pakistan it was only to bog down India as India was already building its nukes. Everything you guys do including arming Pakistan with weapons is done to bog down India. China is just using Pakistan.

but it was us who betrayed China in 1962 when China offered Pakistan a joint attack on India for them to liberate arunachal & it was for Pakistan to penetrate in Kashmir & northeast but we were ruled by a backstabbing duffer named ayub khan who instead offered a joint India-Pakistan defense agreement to nehru ( for which he was happily rewarded in 71) not to forget the offer of free corridor to Indian troops through Pakistan controlled Kashmir think about that too how did the Chinese felt ? did ayub not betrayed China ? yes he did ! & history will never forgive him for that ! there is a reason why Quaid-i-Azam Md.Ali Jinnah & mohtarma Fatimah Jinnah dint like this guy from day one, had the Quaid lived a bit longer he would have had this chap kicked out of the military which ayub right fully deserved .

In 1962, a territorial differences increased between India and People's Republic of China, the Beijing was planning to stage an invasion in northern territories of India. Zhou Enlai, Chinese Premier and Mao Zedong invited Pakistan to join the raid and extricate the rest of Indian-held Kashmir from Indian control.[17] Bhutto advocated for the plan, but President Ayub Khan oppose to plan he was feared of retreat by Indian troops.[17] Instead Ayub Khan proposed a "joint defence union" with India,Bhutto was shocked by such statement and felt Ayub Khan was unlettered in international affairs .

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