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China omits India, Pak from 72-hour visa free travel

but it was us who betrayed China in 1962 when China offered Pakistan a joint attack on India for them to liberate arunachal & it was for Pakistan to penetrate in Kashmir & northeast but we were ruled by a backstabbing duffer named ayub khan who instead offered a joint India-Pakistan defense agreement to nehru ( for which he was happily rewarded in 71) not to forget the offer of free corridor to Indian troops through Pakistan controlled Kashmir think about that too that how did the Chinese felt ? did ayub not betrayed China ? yes he did ! & history will never forgive him for that ! there is a reason why Quaid-i-Azam Md.Ali Jinnah & mohtarma Fatimah Jinnah dint like this guy from day one, had the the Quaid lived a bit long he would have had this chap kicked out of the military which ayub right fully deserved .

Lol, you got your dates messed up. That was before the "brotherhood" existed hardly a betrayal as you put it.
If a foreigner is not fluent in speaking/writing Chinese, then they won't be able to hide here.

If a foreigner IS fluent in speaking/writing Chinese, then they won't need to immigrate illegally since they can already earn a decent living as a translator.

do you know how many africans hiding now in guangzhou?
they are many many..............
they dont even need to understand chinese. the africans live together.
the police are unable to send them back. because no one know from which africa courties they coming from. they all have the same looking.

45 countries listed for 72-hour visa-free, all have higher GDP per person than china.
visa free for poor countries is not possible.
india is a poor country.
what the fcuk happened to that deeper than oceans higher than sky friendship bullshiit
what the fcuk happened to that deeper than oceans higher than sky friendship bullshiit

this has nothing to do with friendship.
if pakistan has higher income per person in future, and wipe out TTP
surely we will give pakistan free travel visa.

to india: we will never give you free visa.
I think if you are a Pakistani and you have a ticket to the U.S, Hong Kong allows you to come over and enter visa free. Dunno if that is the case for India as well.

CB4 - for Indians, it is 2 weeks Visa on arrival, after which any extension of stay by Indian nationals is obtained by crossing the border (into Shenzhen or Macau) and get another 2 week stamp. A lot of Filipinas , Indians and other nationals do this. I am at no liberty to speak for Pakistani nationals but an educated guess would surmise the same scenario.
this has nothing to do with friendship.
if pakistan has higher income per person in future, and wipe out TTP
surely we will give pakistan free travel visa.

to india: we will never give you free visa.

who the hell wants a free visa to your country :hitwall:
I have been traveling to China quite often since the late 80s and these have been my observations on how perceptions of the Chinese (in Mainland China) have changed about Indians at the street level.

Whenever we used to go visit Beijing / Shanghai / Tianjin / Guangzhou and other cities in the late 80s and onwards, the oft repeated question by the locals looking at us was "are you Pakistani?" . A reply affirming that we are Indians would be met with a cautious smile in most cases. It was amusing then for many Indians who traveled to China to be asked if we were Pakistani (and not Indian).

We never took offence at such questions but to any Chinese (then) who were interested , we would tell that though we have the same color of skin, the two nations are neighbors . More questions would follow , if Indians are Muslim, etc etc.

In the context of above account(s), I began to understand that at grassroots level, people were perceiving us as Pakistanis because of the atmosphere of friendship between the two nations. India (then) was an insignificant economy then, not much to give and take and the heightened security perception of the 80s had us perceived us as "not so friendly".

It took one to understand this and it was easier to understand where such questions (of us being Pakistanis?) came about. Then the 90s happened, China was already 10 steps ahead with Deng Xiao Ping being at helm of the economic policies. In late 90s, India opened up and Indians began travelling to China via HK . We were still mistaken as Pakistanis but we were getting a wider acceptance by our interactions. Canton Fair (the world's biggest trade fair) began seeing many Indians (and other nationals) going into China. Interactions improved by frequent visits to factories. By the decade of 2000 - and especially the latter part of that decade 2005 onwards, saw a huge number of Indian traders going into China to buy goods or to invest in Chinese manufacturing or go into tie-ups . Indians went not only into Guangzhou but also in places like Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Fujian provinces and their cities for sourcing and setting up buying offices for export trade TO India.

By now, Indians got their due recognition as INDIANS and not Pakistanis. We were and still are getting a healthy respect as an english speaking nation, about Bollywood, about our culture and there is a huge interaction on private level between the two peoples IN CHINA. And though we might not be political friends (in comparison with Pakistan-China friendship), what we DO GET is respect at least on face. No Chinese I have met openly argues that "your country is this that XYZ and my country is ABC.. ".

It would help our Indian brethren on PakDef and other forums that the Chinese are not as bad as many (here) paint them to be. People to people interactions are , I would say, HEALTHY and progressive. The dogmas of propoganda exist , no doubt but I have very good reason to believe that today's China is not as easily "BOXED IN" by what government says. There is curiosity about India, there is interest about India. And though China's internet is heavily censored , nothing can keep the human mind's inquisitiveness to KNOW about others.... Chinese included.
Interestingly enough, in most foreign universities. Chinese and Indian students immediately hit it off regardless of whatever propaganda we get at home. In most universities, you get Indian students bunked with Chinese students through their coursework.

Meanwhile, pakistani students isolate themselves and stick to their own little circle. The few enterprising individuals among them will strive to hit it off with "white people".......or none at all. Eventually ideology, and religion comes into play and these folks will be forced to go back to their ethnic circle.

Exception to this rule, are pakistani girls and the students in UK who get along with Indians on a limited level (LIMITED). But never with Chinese.

Just a few generalizations. Accept or reject.
:what:so....pakistanis are denied this previlage....this is a news:what:

for indians i can understand but no for '' friendship higher then mountain deeper then ocean '' too? :cry:

I can Understand why "India" is not on the list. But the main question is Why "pakistan" is not on the list ?

Well i personally believe, no matter what your criteria for choosing this list of country's are, an exception to your so called 'close allies' and 'higher than mountain and deeper then ocean' friends as a Good Will Gesture is deserved ? Is'nt it ?

Another surprise is they allowed "japan" ?

In case of India, Visa omission is understandable but why Pak ?

Where is that higher than mountains and deeper than oceans :D

Can't you read writing on the wall ?

It shows China do not trust Pakistani Cheerleaders !

what the fcuk happened to that deeper than oceans higher than sky friendship bullshiit

Rubbing salt on their wounds, huh?? :whistle:
The sad thing is that China would grant visa free entry to its mortal enemy Japan, but not to its so-called "blood brother" Pakistan.

China and Japan are both largest trading nation in the world. their trade volume is larger than the the whole GDP of South Korea.
What happened to the deeper than the Arabian sea and Higher than the Himalayan mountains friendship???
On the issue of why China would not give Indians a 72 hour visa, I will leave that to to policy makers explanation.

But from a very fair viewpoint, many South East and East Asian countries require us and other South Asian nations to apply for visa in advance. Before visa restrictions came into place in places like HK, Singapore and till recently Malaysia (just a few examples), we South Asians (Pakistanis, Indians, Bangladeshis, Sri Lankans, Nepalese etc) would often overstay visas.

Now there is no reason why an Indian would overstay his visa in China but there is every possibility of that happening .. and if it is not an Indian, it could be some other national of the S.A.R (South Asian Region).

Frankly, the hard truth about all visa regimes - be they China or be they any other country - is that it is a sovereign nation's right to grant visas to economically well off nationals or to the not so economically well off. A lot of reciprocal agreements also come into place and at that, diplomatically. I can foresee a similar step being raised by Indian govt in restricting Chinese nationals no.of days in India .. you never know.

FOr now, be it Pakistani, Nepali, Indian or whichever national (of the SAR), a country's visa rule is a rule. Pretty much a writing on the wall and no one, be friend or foe, can do much about it. All this talk about brotherhood, enmity, past animosities etc don't really stand any credence on "economical nationals".
Interestingly enough, in most foreign universities. Chinese and Indian students immediately hit it off regardless of whatever propaganda we get at home. In most universities, you get Indian students bunked with Chinese students through their coursework.

Meanwhile, pakistani students isolate themselves and stick to their own little circle. The few enterprising individuals among them will strive to hit it off with "white people".......or none at all. Eventually ideology, and religion comes into play and these folks will be forced to go back to their ethnic circle.
Exception to this rule, are pakistani girls and the students in UK who get along with Indians on a limited level (LIMITED). But never with Chinese.

Just a few generalizations. Accept or reject.

I have lived in the US since 1975 and I have yet to be " FORCED BACK TO MY ETHNIC CIRCLE ".

What planet do you live on ?
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