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China denies visa to top general in Indian Occupied Kashmir

Haven't you read this news....anyway going by comments of Indian posters here you sure must have got what Indian thinks of China...Stop your rants on poverty...go bother about the human right violations in your country.

Lol first you say democracy is formed by the people opinion but how many of India's entire population truly have their opinions heard? You ignore the unprivileged to back your opinion and when someone brings it up you take it as a personal attack? Do you really think someone living hand to mouth cares about who Tibet belongs too? They would rather the GOI build more infrastructure, shoot the corrupted and strengthen the food sources.

Please don't talk on things you don't have idea

Bring up some sources about how China needs India more then India needs China if you want a serious discussion otherwise cut your hogwash.
I believe that China recognize the disputed area of J&K belongs to pakistan and their policy reflects that.
I am not sure on that. I dont think China or anyone else has ever said it is part of Pakistan. Though it is saying it as disputed.
If the source is correct I think thats a good move on China part to send someone down to clear up any misunderstandings. The department denying the Visa probably did not understand the ramifications of doing so.

China in damage-control mode after stopping Indian General's visit


New Delhi: India is fuming over China rejecting a proposal by the Ministry of Defence to send a top Indian Army officer on a visit to that country. China said he was unwelcome because he is serving in Jammu and Kashmir and now seems to be in damage-control mode.

New Delhi has made clear that China saying Lt-General B S Jaswal, the Army's General Officer Commander-in-Chief, Northern Command, was not welcome is unacceptable, government sources said.

China is now sending a senior Colonel (equivalent to a Brigadier in the Indian Army) to sort out the matter in the first week of September. He will meet a Joint Secretary in the Ministry of Defence in charge of international cooperation.

Ministry of Defence sources said Beijing had refused to allow Gen Jaswal's visit because he "controlled" Jammu & Kashmir, a state that China maintains is disputed. Gen Jaswal's visit was to have been a regular high-level exchange trip to China this August.

The sources said Beijing possibly did not expect India to react strongly. India is waiting and watching. Defence ties are on hold, but have not been cancelled, the sources said.

The Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) has said dialogue with China on these issues is on. India, the ministry said, valued its exchanges with China and there must be sensitivity to each other's concerns.

While the MEA is inclined to cautiously downplay the row, the Army and the Ministry of Defence are furious, letting the Chinese know bluntly that this is unacceptable.

Meanwhile, both Congress and BJP have reacted to this controversy.

"I am sure the MEA will take cognizance of this matter. Both India and China must respect the sensitivities of each other," said Congress spokesperson Manish Tewari.

The BJP wants India to take it up at the highest level. "The MEA should urgently take up this issue with China. It is a very serious matter. India should express displeasure," said BJP's Prakash Jawadekar.


The India-China annual defence dialogue held in January 2010 approved high-level delegation visits.

In June 2010, India proposed a visit to China by Gen Jaswal.

India's Defence Attache in Beijing met a senior official of China's Ministry of National Defence.

In the third week of July, India again reminded the Chinese about the scheduled visit.

China rejected the visit and cited the following reasons:

*Northern Command location is sensitive

*People from Jammu and Kashmir are given different type of visa (stapled visa)

*Visit will lead to unnecessary trouble thereby lead to adverse impact on Sino-India relations

*Visit will lead to possible media hype.
Lol first you say democracy is formed by the people opinion but how many of India's entire population truly have their opinions heard? You ignore the unprivileged to back your opinion and when someone brings it up you take it as a personal attack? Do you really think someone living hand to mouth cares about who Tibet belongs too? They would rather the GOI build more infrastructure, shoot the corrupted and strengthen the food sources.
This is not about poverty...China per capita is very abysmal...

Bring up some sources about how China needs India more then India needs China if you want a serious discussion otherwise cut your hogwash.
Both need each other. China needs more because it has no allies in this world except Pakistan and its ambitions to be world power are severely dented with a confrontation with India. Though India is also affected by it.
Admins, Mods kindly merge all dozen threads opened on the same topic after this thread. or merge it with them.

^^^^^^^^ told you this when the thread was started

Pakistan: #@$@#%
New Delhi: Hey whats up?
Beijing: cool how abt ya?
New Delhi: Cool too. hey mate whats up with visa thing.
Beijing: Man told ya we need sort out this stuff.... confidential......
New Delhi: Ok ya i forgot man will do it for ya... and hey man visa thing damn some guys are realy happy look into the visa...
Beijing: will do it man... chill...
New delhi: cool see yaaa dont tell any one.
Beijing: yaa mate know ur relationaship down western lane'
[Most likely cause of Chinese visa denial]

Referring to the Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's meeting with the Dalai Lama on August 11, China last week cautioned India to handle the Tibet issue "prudently" so as not to “disrupt” the ties between the two countries.

India - China standoff over visa row - www.phayul.com
LOL so we made our displeasure known to them, big deal. Equations are simple

you deny us visa = we will deny you visa
you harp on Kashmir = we will start harping on Tibet

India wants friendly relations with China, it's up to China what they want

China is willing to have friendly relations with India, but the problem is that politics is complex, requires more than desire, but also do the steps, really do, in fact, a number of things, India is not clean. Now China and India have many problems, the biggest two, territorial issues, Tibet. Not only desire, but rather the actual work. This is not a debate.
Lol first you say democracy is formed by the people opinion but how many of India's entire population truly have their opinions heard? You ignore the unprivileged to back your opinion and when someone brings it up you take it as a personal attack? Do you really think someone living hand to mouth cares about who Tibet belongs too? They would rather the GOI build more infrastructure, shoot the corrupted and strengthen the food sources.

What can I say? It is hard to explain the concept of democracy to a Chinese.

Bring up some sources about how China needs India more then India needs China if you want a serious discussion otherwise cut your hogwash.

Think…. I have given enough reasons. Have you read Sun Tzu's 'Art of War'?
[Most likely cause of Chinese visa denial]

Referring to the Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's meeting with the Dalai Lama on August 11, China last week cautioned India to handle the Tibet issue "prudently" so as not to “disrupt” the ties between the two countries.

India - China standoff over visa row - www.phayul.com

:) but they said China allowed the visas for officials from Arunchal ;)
aha face saving propaganda fiasco underway to appease two front war mongers.....

:P nah Orange media solacing its public by such headlines otherwise what damage to China?

There is a proverb if entire Chinese nation starts piss.ing while facing India, India will be drowned
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