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India suspends visas for Canadians as row escalates

india visa?.... go to Pakistan and they will make a perfect indian passport with modi's picture on it.
That explains one of the reasons of low ranking of your passport. It has been gained by this type of hard work rather than honourable hard work.
That explains one of the reasons of low ranking of your passport. It has been gained by this type of hard work rather than honourable hard work.

wrong reason.. but then again you have a high error rate.
but then again you have a high error rate.
Keep maintaining high quality of fake passports and you may loose entry to many countries. For some people this would sound like an upgrade and something to be proud of.

Why can’t you maintain quality in other areas? To start with, meat exports to UAE.
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Canada should do same lol

Most Canadians will be happy millions of desperate Indians stop trying to come here.
Desperate...India is 1st world superpower.
Will India impose similar ban on USA too??
Unlikely. We play it smart.

We will first sort out Ottawa for these false allegations. We know that Ottawa is on slippery wicket.
We don’t take decisions based on sentiments.
india is major supporter of state sanction terrorism


India tells Canada to withdraw 41 diplomats

>> quite funny how India is attempting to gas light its act of state sponsored terrorism in Canada ... lets see how this goes. Canada will either have to step up a level or back off and accept that India can kill its citzens at will ..
They are requesting for cooperation , what is wrong ? We will cooperate if they will ask for it , let them come with details what cooperation they want ?

They are "requeting " India to "co-operate".:agree:
Will India impose similar ban on USA too??

whats wrong with it ? He did not say anything against INDIA or condemn INDIA. this is fine. They say, INDIA shud co-operate . and the same thing wud apply for CANADA as well.

india is major supporter of state sanction terrorism

Thats. congress Govt in 1985. Current Govt is BJP
They are "requeting " India to "co-operate".
Shows what kind of leverage they have over these CREDIBLE allegations. If they had conclusive proof, it would have been at a different level already.
quite funny how India is attempting to gas light its act
Yes, it is indeed funny. But the roles are opposite. It was Canada that tried to gas light it, and not India. Justin making public allegations and seeking the support of it‘s allies was the start of this gas lighting. Ottawa’s allies would have provided support, behind the scenes also. What was the aim of public announcement? Would it help in investigation in any way? Doesn’t appear so till now.

His public announcements in-fact have made a laughing stock out of Ottawa’s image. This shows the credibility of his “credible allegations”.

Basically, Justin was trying to gain political mileage and domestic votes through these allegations. The five eyes and any smart person saw through it and no one would allow a mockery of alliance like 5 eyes and NATO.

India knows, it has done no wrong. It is visible from it’s aggressive posture. If you are in the clear then you can go full bore. Which is what India is going.
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Shows what kind of leverage they have over these CREDIBLE allegations. If they had conclusive proof, it would have been at a different level already.

Yes, it is indeed funny. But the roles are opposite. It was Canada that tried to gas light it, and not India. Justin making public allegations and seeking the support of it‘s allies was the start of this gas lighting. Ottawa’s allies would have provided support, behind the scenes also. His public announcements in-fact have made a laughing stock out of Ottawa’s image. This shows the credibility of his credible allegations.

And investigation like this isn’t done through public announcement.

Basically, Justin was trying to gain political mileage and domestic votes through these allegations. The five eyes and any smart person saw through it and no one would allow a mockery of alliance like 5 eyes and NATO.

India knows, if it has done anything wrong. If you are in the clear then you can go full bore. Which is what India is going.

No - it was the "Five Eyes" that provided intelligence to Canada that showed how India state institutions, and embassy were involved in the assasination. There is no confusion over who did it and why in the Five Eyes.

What they choose to do about it, is of course a different issue.. Indian Goverment is guilty - that is guaranteed.
No - it was the "Five Eyes" that provided intelligence to Canada that showed how India state institutions, and embassy were involved in the assasination. There is no confusion over who did it and why in the Five Eyes.

What they choose to do about it, is of course a different issue..
Yet they haven't provided any evidence for the same. It's just a made up story for some electoral brownie points for Trudeau and libs.
No - it was the "Five Eyes" that provided intelligence to Canada that showed how India state institutions, and embassy were involved in the assasination. There is no confusion over who did it and why in the Five Eyes.
Intelligence was provided. Was it conclusive? If it was so, then why did JT use words, CREDIBLE ALLEGATIONS and not CONCLUSIVE PROOF. Devil is in the detail and that is very clear from the language used.

The public statement by JT, would have been written and vetted by experts, who would have weighed each and every word. Even they suggested Allegations and not proof, tells a lot.

What has been the progress in Ottawa’s investigation after the revelations? India has made it clear that no evidence has been shared with it. If this was the JT’s plan then he can keep making public statements. Modi and Co. will take him to the cleaners.
Indian Goverment is guilty - that is guaranteed.
That guarantee has same weight as a post in a public forum. An opinion, nothing more.

At this point, India has been able to take the battle to Ottawa. I am not celebrating yet, but may happen soon.
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