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China denies visa to top general in Indian Occupied Kashmir

:P nah Orange media solacing its public by such headlines otherwise what damage to China?

There is a proverb if entire Chinese nation starts piss.ing while facing India, India will be drowned

Same proverb in India also... This shows commonality in both civilisations even proverbs are almost same..
Hindi Chini Bhai Bhai:cheers:
:P nah Orange media solacing its public by such headlines otherwise what damage to China?
India China if they values each other, then if a mistake is commited by one, there could be attempts to rectify it.
There is a proverb if entire Chinese nation starts piss.ing while facing India, India will be drowned
India 100 ppl, China 101 ppl so its equal. Pakistan only 10 ppl. So think before using such threat against India...!!
and i think the proverb in orignal was for India-Pakistan from a hindi film having Sunny Deol. :)
LOL so we made our displeasure known to them, big deal. Equations are simple

you deny us visa = we will deny you visa
you harp on Kashmir = we will start harping on Tibet

India wants friendly relations with China, it's up to China what they want

Well India arms itself explicitly saying that it is arming against CHINA and not PAKISTAN. The least you could have done was to avoid stating china as major target of your arms purchase. That was complete foreign policy failure on your part and a hilarious one to say the least. These statements started to come out around 2003 and that is when China got into aggressive mode.

To justify military build up against Pakistan your country put it all on China saying India has left Pak worries far behind. Your politicians say that Pakistan does not even deserve half the Indian attention it gets and it is China that's the real deal.

This is when you woke up the red dragon drooling in your arrogance and over confidence. You guys will never match up with China because it will always be 50 years ahead of you in every possible way.

I think China would hardly care about Indian visas and Indian rants on tibet won't work. China has UNSC seat my friend which India just dreams off.


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Just to please its yank Pakistan.
Well,does Chinese opinion really matters in Kashmir issue?
I mean,no one really gives a sh!t to them,their opinion is not going to change anything,another waste of a thread.
So Indians have shown their real auqaat making fun of the floods and the misery of the people. Another ghatya try as usual to derail and get this thread closed.

No wonders piss drinking have rotten their minds. They even store Chinese PISS in their dams now. Well a different brand wont hurt. Must be bored of the cows. :rofl::rofl: Make sure their piss don't have lead before drinking. Enjoy! :yahoo::yahoo:
So Indians have shown their real auqaat making fun of the floods and the misery of the people. Another ghatya try as usual to derail and get this thread closed.

No wonders piss drinking have rotten their minds. They even store Chinese PISS in their dams now. Well a different brand wont hurt. Must be bored of the cows.

did u forgot all rivers in pakistan are downstream from india and we dirty evil 80% indians dont have toilets... we need someplace to go...:angel:
China is just being assertive to show whose is the daddy of Asia. India should stop dreaming and get back to hard work.

On a lighter note..we are the Mummy of Asia...And as you know..Mummies tend to control Daddies after some time in most of the households. lolzzzzz

On Topic:
Needless provocation.I am getting to think that China is becoming more and more attention hungry and are also testing the depth of the waters viz-a-viz India.
In reality, I do not believe that China really care about its "disputed" land it claimed on India. Its obvious that is the case because it retreated from this area in the 1962 war. That retreat after the military victory showed that it does not care for the disputed area in the Eastern sector. That is why it would welcare the commander of that district to China.

Huh..they retreated because their logistics were thread thin and stretched and if the GoI had brought in the Airforce the outcome of the war would have been different.

So please dont talk about "Chinese dont desire land".We know the reality.

On the other hand, China want to support Pakistan and its claim to J & K. Its support for Pakistan is much more so than its own claim for AP for the reason I suggested in the last paragraph. That is why China is denying the visa. If India offer to send the military commander of AP to China, he would get the visa.

It is we who decide ,whom to send and whom not to send.Its not for China to decide.
On a lighter note..we are the Mummy of Asia...And as you know..Mummies tend to control Daddies after some time in most of the households. lolzzzzz

On Topic:
Needless provocation.I am getting to think that China is becoming more and more attention hungry and are also testing the depth of the waters viz-a-viz India.

After all as card sharp once said we are match made in heaven with chinese being the best manufacturers and we being the best sales man and service provider.:lol:
looking like no one wanna give visa to indian genrals first canada now china
looking like no one wanna give visa to indian genrals first canada now china

and still they have to give after some strings are pulled... :china:
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