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Capabilities of PAF Dassault MIRAGE-III/V.

Should Pakistan upgrade its Mirages to South African Cheetah standard if not Beyond?

  • Yes

    Votes: 181 59.0%
  • No

    Votes: 126 41.0%

  • Total voters
how long will i take 60 be upgraded at 6 a year capacity ~10 years?
its up to them I am not sure ..... may be 5 years starting from 2018 but as article suggest 10 year period so could not give the exact time frame ....
Ideal platform to replace Mirages are SU35 or EF or F15, F18 super Hornet middle two are expensive then Super hornet along more used and upgraded F16s and JF-17 would be ideal SU 35 issue is cash and US sanctions
If all is not possible then PAF should more F16s in good numbers including new one with favour to integrate French and US antiship SOWs integration.
or J10C

PAF at $2.8M
Not much price. Wish we could install these on all our F16s
its up to them I am not sure ..... may be 5 years starting from 2018 but as article suggest 10 year period so could not give the exact time frame ....
Where did we got number 60 to upgrade ? Any idea ?
Where did we got number 60 to upgrade ? Any idea ?
like I said in my previous post it was assumption based on verifiable facts plz read previous posts related to this post
like I said in my previous post it was assumption based on verifiable facts plz read previous posts related to this post
Why I am asking is based on my source number is apx 40-44

Another source is 76

This includes 5f single seat
Why I am asking is based on my source number is apx 40-44

Another source is 76

This includes 5f single seat
number of 60 jets was just an assumption based of the informations available to in open sources so it have high chances of going wrong ... if you have some idea about the numbers of jets which will receive overhaul on the basis of information you gather from your sources then you could be right, BTW don't forget to add Egyptian Mirage IF [Yes a big IF] we receive Egyptian Mirages then those jet would also receive overhaul in PAC in addition of those jets which already exist in PAF inventory
number of 60 jets was just an assumption based of the informations available to in open sources so it have high chances of going wrong ... if you have some idea about the numbers of jets which will receive overhaul on the basis of information you gather from your sources then you could be right, BTW don't forget to add Egyptian Mirage IF [Yes a big IF] we receive Egyptian Mirages then those jet would also receive overhaul in PAC in addition of those jets which already exist in PAF inventory
Did we received Horus mirages from Eygpt yet???
as of now no news .... if not wrong they were suppose to come this year
I still believe PAF should ask IK to negotiate a deal with US for both new and used F16s along upgrades around 5 billion investment will give enough punch to PAF and also room to retire some mirages and rest F7s can be replace by JF-17 blk 3 spending money on old Souls is good in short term but in long run not viable.F16 JF-17 and some Mirages are way farward for next 10-15 yrs
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I still believe PAF should ask IK to negotiate a deal with US for both new and used F16s along upgrades around 5 billion investment will give enough punch to PAF and also room to retire some mirages and rest F7s can be replace by JF-17 blk 3 spending money on old Souls is good in short term but in long run not viable.F16 JF-17 and some Mirages are way farward for next 10-15 yrs
bro we are here in the first stage of Global recession and you are expecting us to invest 5 billion USD .... bhai only IF we could concluded the signed deals that would be a huge success .... otherwise expect more cuts on defence expenditures worldwide ...
bro we are here in the first stage of Global recession and you are expecting us to invest 5 billion USD .... bhai only IF we could concluded the signed deals that would be a huge success .... otherwise expect more cuts on defence expenditures worldwide ...

Yes I agree, a huge defence cut coming to all militaries across the global

We do not know what state those Egyptian mirages will be in, last I remember only one operational squadron of mirage 5 Horus with 23 examples are fly able. What I believe are those mirage 5pa2/3 up for upgrade. Of that between 20 to 23 remains candidate for the upgrade . Add to the number some 18 mirage 5 PA

What ever the case is paf needs to set it's mirage strategy. They have too many versions with various capabilities and it creates fleets with in a fleet syndrome of complexity of training, doctorine and support. These mirages are good machines and with proper upgrade could last till azm is indicted. With proper upgrade will be a leathal machine on its own as well as part of the mix.
bro we are here in the first stage of Global recession and you are expecting us to invest 5 billion USD .... bhai only IF we could concluded the signed deals that would be a huge success .... otherwise expect more cuts on defence expenditures worldwide ...
I agree but first u must understand word recession means when economic growth turned to be zero or below zero means negative. After covid 19 I don't see any global recession but I see growth in all economies of world including Pak and US don't feared the world layoffs u read every day on paper these are temporary what happens when a company pay to salary some money goes into Employment insurance in case you lost ur job the EI kicks in about six months to feed U time u get another one in current senario companies doing temporary layoffs means they saving money when things will get back to normal they will call U again and also Govt giving stimulus means tax credits to companies this happened to US and Canada in EU and Nordic countries they took other route like Demank and Norway Govt rolled 75% salaries to employers so ppl stay home for month or two so no layoffs there they froze theior Economies.
I don't see any recession beacuse things gona pick up very quick beacuse at the moment we are at pause kind of situation.
For US investment about 5 Billion is another stimulus to LM F16 branch jobs and local industries we continue to flourish this covid is Max another month not more than that for Pk paying extra 300 million shouldn't be a problem it's win win for both countries
Canada giving about 90 Billion stimulus over Covid 19 and only this Yr Govt of Canada hoping tax returns about 60 billion so what they giving about 30 billion they will take back that 30 too within yr again US giving 6 trillion look at theior size and economy?? IN a year they will take this money back from ppl by taxes US has very low tax regime if they raise. 5% they can fetch out this money in a year or two.

@MastanKhan u remember 2008 Economic crisis??? When Govt bailout GM Ford and Goldman Sachs Baird stern went bankrupt?? Within two year I remember they all paid the money back to US Govt coffers.
This one is not that bad as 2008 crisis was and reason Defence secretary Esper called Bajwa third time I believe they will offer Pak equipment but not used one probably new one like DSA already cleared bugaria 8 F16s along P8 to different countries expect for Pak new and used F16s along more AH1Z they probably won't allow turkish engines Navy looking jet Maritime petrol Aircraft they push for P8 for PIA for new 787.
US is World Ecomic Power Hub I beleive on US economic resilience no doubt in my mind I hope in month or two life will back to normal about 90%.
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I agree but first u must understand word recession means when economic growth turned to be zero or below zero means negative. After covid 19 I don't see any global recession but I see growth in all economies of world including Pak and US don't feared the world layoffs u read every day on paper these are temporary what happens when a company pay to salary some money goes into Employment insurance in case you lost ur job the EI kicks in about six months to feed U time u get another one in current senario companies doing temporary layoffs means they saving money when things will get back to normal they will call U again and also Govt giving stimulus means tax credits to companies this happened to US and Canada in EU and Nordic countries they took other route like Demank and Norway Govt rolled 75% salaries to employers so ppl stay home for month or two so no layoffs there they froze theior Economies.
I don't see any recession beacuse things gona pick up very quick beacuse at the moment we are at pause kind of situation.
For US investment about 5 Billion is another stimulus to LM F16 branch jobs and local industries we continue to flourish this covid is Max another month not more than that for Pk paying extra 300 million shouldn't be a problem it's win win for both countries
Canada giving about 90 Billion stimulus over Covid 19 and only this Yr Govt of Canada hoping tax returns about 60 billion so what they giving about 30 billion they will take back that 30 too within yr again US giving 6 trillion look at theior size and economy?? IN a year they will take this money back from ppl by taxes US has very low tax regime if they raise. 5% they can fetch out this money in a year or two.
Dear I don't want to act as pessimistic but I am not much hopeful if situation does not become stable in maximum one month then globally we are heading for a Recession, in simplest way I will try to explain the current situation as

- Currently demand specially in consumer segment is falling

- It is not just because of temporary layoff due to pandemic, but even after pandemic common pattern of demand will not remain same as it was earlier and general consumer, business and governments would increase their expenditure related to health as current pandemic has exposed heath sector of every country.

- Though all the business related to health would see growth but the issue is Health is a highly technical sector and it would not be able to accomodate general workers.

- Another sector which may see positive trend would be ICT again a very technical sector with comparatively limited job opportunities for small segment of job market, so in both cases unemployment rate would be high

- At Government level when expenses would increase with decrease income [both Tax and non-tax based] Governments all over the world will be forced to Reallocate the Resources by cutting expenses from other sectors.

- Due to the decrease in demand in many sectors confidence of investors in those sectors would be shaken, they too would face a situation where they might have to take the decision of extreme cost cutting or to disinvest in both cases it will affect job market and income of general consumer.

- Now here recall the Trade war which may increase after pandemic b/w the countries to safeguard their domestic economy and to create job opportunities in domestic market

- Decrease in Demand and Trade wars may force business to reduce prices to increase the demand which may trigger Deflation

- Low Oil prices is also another factor which this time if not handle properly would affect negatively as it will effect Renewable Energy and Shale Oil and Gas Industries, on the other hand it will decrease the revenue of oil producing countries specially in Middle East where foreign labour from many countries are employed.

- Decrease of income due to low oil price and increase of expenses due to multiple war in Middle East would negatively affect both eastern and western countries as Middle east is a big consumer market for the western goods and services and it is a valuable source of Foreign Remittance of many developing Asian countries.

So in short due to the factors stated below:

- Reallocation of Resources
- Decrease of Demand [due to many factors]
- High Unemployment Rate and
- Deflation

Global Recession will be Triggered If somehow we fail to control the unemployment or maintain [ideally increase] the demand Globally.
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