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Capabilities of PAF Dassault MIRAGE-III/V.

Should Pakistan upgrade its Mirages to South African Cheetah standard if not Beyond?

  • Yes

    Votes: 181 59.0%
  • No

    Votes: 126 41.0%

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67-302 meaning paf first batch from 1967
A total of 24 Mirage III EP/RP/DP were ordered under the contract Blue Flash I in 1967.

First batch of six Mirages III EPs flown by famous Wg Cdr MM Alam (Air Cdr Rtd), Sqn Ldr Hakimullah (former CoAS), Sqn Ldr Farooq F Khan (former CoAS), Sqn Ldr Farooq Umar (AVM Rtd), Flt Lt Arif Manzoor (died in flying accident in Syria) and Flt Lt Akhtar Rao (Wg Cdr Rtd).

Aircraft S# 67-101 to 67-106 flew from Mont de Marson to Karachi on March 18, 1968.

Aircraft S# 67-302 is one of first three Mirage III DPs procured under Blue Flash I.
I think F-16s A/B can become the next Mirages for PAF.

PAF just need to hunt them from the USAF boneyards and also from other operators.
I think F-16s A/B can become the next Mirages for PAF.

PAF just need to hunt them from the USAF boneyards and also from other operators.
Without the US consent and the technical support from LM, it will never be possible. Unlike the French, the US excercises complete control over the transfer of US made weapons to third parties..... Case in point.... The Jordanian F16s.
But who can tell, what the future holds.
we planed JF 17 in 90's and after that it is now 20 years, nothing new planned. and now we still relying heavily on F-16 again, dont know what about the fate of procurement of J-10's, again we shifting towards US.
I think F-16s A/B can become the next Mirages for PAF.
Pakistan as a nation has paid a very heavy price to acquire and maintain these formidable machines. They still have no match in the region at the moment. Nevertheless we should explore new avenues as well. Uncle Sam will always skin us to the bone as he is well aware of our insatiable desire for these toys.
F-16 is not only PAF's strength but its weakness as well.

While Mirages proved their worth in 1971, F-16s proved their worth during Afghan conflict in 1980s by shooting down eight intruding aircraft. (4 Su-22s, 2 Mig-23s, 1 Su-25 and 1 An-26)

PAF will not retire F-16s from its fleet till 2050s or may be beyond. Older F-16A/Bs after service life mode can fly for 12000 hours.

US has started discontinuing the production of F-16. Production of F-16 Block 70 for Behrain appears to be last order.

LM is looking for a customer to buy its F-16 production line. India and South Korea are the potential customers.

US has planned to phase out its F-16 fleet by 2040s.

PAF will seek purchasing opportunity specially older F-16s to strengthen its fleet but of-course without usual attached strings.

I think F-16s A/B can become the next Mirages for PAF.

PAF just need to hunt them from the USAF boneyards and also from other operators.
Without the US consent and the technical support from LM, it will never be possible. Unlike the French, the US excercises complete control over the transfer of US made weapons to third parties..... Case in point.... The Jordanian F16s.
But who can tell, what the future holds.
Pakistan as a nation has paid a very heavy price to acquire and maintain these formidable machines. They still have no match in the region at the moment. Nevertheless we should explore new avenues as well. Uncle Sam will always skin us to the bone as he is well aware of our insatiable desire for these toys.

we planed JF 17 in 90's and after that it is now 20 years, nothing new planned. and now we still relying heavily on F-16 again, dont know what about the fate of procurement of J-10's, again we shifting towards US.

It appears that PAF is not interested in inducting a new aircraft system because its induction phase will cost huge amount of money which PAF do not want to spend on such venture.

At present PAF is focusing on two major ventures:

1. Up-gradation of JF-17 Block IIIs with state of art avionics suit and weapons.

2. Project Azm.
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A total of 24 Mirage III EP/RP/DP were ordered under the contract Blue Flash I in 1967.

First batch of six Mirages III EPs flown by famous Wg Cdr MM Alam (Air Cdr Rtd), Sqn Ldr Hakimullah (former CoAS), Sqn Ldr Farooq F Khan (former CoAS), Sqn Ldr Farooq Umar (AVM Rtd), Flt Lt Arif Manzoor (died in flying accident in Syria) and Flt Lt Akhtar Rao (Wg Cdr Rtd).

Aircraft S# 67-101 to 67-106 flew from Mont de Marson to Karachi on March 18, 1968.

Aircraft S# 67-302 is one of first three Mirage III DPs procured under Blue Flash I.

Don't think any single seaters from the first batch are still flying.
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