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Capabilities of PAF Dassault MIRAGE-III/V.

Should Pakistan upgrade its Mirages to South African Cheetah standard if not Beyond?

  • Yes

    Votes: 181 59.0%
  • No

    Votes: 126 41.0%

  • Total voters
Ok - well F21 is a good evolution in fact an awesome evolution of dependable F-16. Looking at the history of Pakistan US relations, I can clearly say that it will come with lots of string attached and with lots of capital spend to have them. beside it will be quite a few notches lower than F-35 but better than anything IAf can fiel short of 5th gen fighter provided USA share with us the technology. using same argument buying j-10D or chinese version of su-27 will give us a platform not so expensive as F-21 but not as higher quality as F-21 also. it will be good enough to tackle rafael and IAF. No strings attached, cost effective. best solution is to jump into 5th gen now. for that the only solution that could become real in my opinion is some version of J20 rather quickly. all other options needs 5 -10 years wait time. However, if USA offer PAF F-35A. I would say jump on it. this will help project AZM many fold. it will be costly and would have similar kind of stings that we can expect with F-21 nut then again the technological jump is simply enormous.

Pakistan will have to Beg for F-35 or F-21 as USA do not consider Pakistan in the same boat as many other countries receiving top notch fighter from USA. we have been asking for F-16 for such a long time and when we are going to pay for F-16Blk52+ second batch it was derailed. and PAF was asked to pay for it out right. knowing very well that the cash crunch Pakistan cannot afford it. even though PAF and Pakistan followed the process agreed with the state department and Pentagon.
Stop asking, start making....

Made in Pakistan IRST POD
what is the current status this pod?
6/1998. its such an old piece. Wondering if requirements or technology has been changed since then.
Mirage III first flew in 1956! No matter how much you improve/modify a 1950’s design aircraft; it still remains essentially a 70-year-old design. I would also agree that for a cash-starved air force like the PAF; to have an obsolete plane like Mirage III / Mirage V is better than having ‘No’ plane at all.

Therefore one must understand that while these Mirages may be good for making up the numbers, the PAF Mirages will never be able to match the performance or effectiveness of any late 20th Century/21st Century warplane.
Mirage III first flew in 1956! No matter how much you improve/modify a 1950’s design aircraft; it still remains essentially a 70-year-old design. I would also agree that for a cash-starved air force like the PAF; to have an obsolete plane like Mirage III / Mirage V is better than having ‘No’ plane at all.

Therefore one must understand that while these Mirages may be good for making up the numbers, the PAF Mirages will never be able to match the performance or effectiveness of any late 20th Century/21st Century warplane.
you are right but PAF has modified the jet for its role and that is precision strike and it performed well against the much superior indian air force last year. we cant afford any jet right now. so our only option seems to be inducting more JFTs which will first replace the whole of F-7 P/PG fleet and only then the upgraded mirages as some weapons which mirage carries JFT cant carry such as the Raad cruise missile. mirage is going to stay in PAF for 10-15 years more atleast. PAF fleet likely after ten years will be comprising of F-16,mirage and JFT. project AZM is a dream only.

Strike aircraft have different kind of utility and level of performance when comparing to the air superiority fighter aircraft---.

For a fighter aircraft---you want something that is the best bang for the buck---.

But for a strike aircraft---you can use any flyable dog of a reasonable vintage as long as it has upgraded gadgets and EW suite---.

Mirage 3/5 is a perfect kind of aircraft for a Paf kind of airforce---for the strike missions it needs to perform---.

To top off its utility---the modern standoff weapons seems like have been created just for this aircraft---.

Amazing isn't it that when the americans were building the F16---they never thought of F16 be carrying standoff ALCM munitions---that is why it did not have a high clearance---the French on the other hand had some unique sense of utility for their mirage 3 / 5 aircraft that they have become a war horse of choice to carry the Hatf V111 ALCM---.

Then on the other hand---we have the B52 that has seen a new life to deliver these standoff weapons---the B1 bomber is also on the same course---.

Amazing that these 50 and 60 years old aircraft may well serve for another 20-30-40 years.
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