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Capabilities of PAF Dassault MIRAGE-III/V.

Should Pakistan upgrade its Mirages to South African Cheetah standard if not Beyond?

  • Yes

    Votes: 181 59.0%
  • No

    Votes: 126 41.0%

  • Total voters
The picture is J-10B.
Wonder if PAC has the capability to develop an in-house version of the Mirage for strike missions. I know they can do near-complete overhaul of our aging Mirages, surely that must have helped them get know-how of building a similar indigenous jet. Could also factor in some learnings from the Thunder program.

However, running parallel R&D programs for multiple jets needs plenty of money, a luxury we do not have.
After operating on plane for 40-50 years I would have imagined we could manufacture 100% of craft , it would have been an ideal circumstance
  • However we still need engines , and certain parts
That is why hopes have been high on the JF-17 Thunder that we can master 100% of manufacturing inhouses

It makes more sense to induct few squadrons of J10 Series and train new generation of Engineers to maintain this platform
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Thank you for an excellent post---POST OF THE MONTH and people like you get banned---amazing---.

Army has that and so does the navy---. It means then that there is an issue with the fly boys---.

Thanks MK. There is a lot a good analysis could bring out. You and Munir bhai and a few others are the pioneers of solid analysis. Kids like me grew up reading your posts, and Munir's posts on keypub. Back in the early 2000s. At that time the level of analysis in Pak boards was p!ss poor and we looked up to places like keypub and others (like F-16.net) for the goras to show us how a civilized indepth analytical discussion is done. Then first generation of analysts came.
Now, in terms of quality and quantity of analysis, we are right there on the top of any world military board out there. I still sometimes try to read chinese forums and keypub but they are now shadows of what they used to be.
This tells me that we are rising as a civilization and a nation. And the West is either declining or not managing to keep their lead.
Now, if we can feed this generation of defense and militarily savvy generations into the military, it will create a renaissance.
Much like how the Mirages actually created the condition for the JFT to come out.
Thanks @MystryMan The standoff weapons we have come in different modes, including fully auto modes. These modes were developed by our very own @denel ; )
Thanks MK. There is a lot a good analysis could bring out. You and Munir bhai and a few others are the pioneers of solid analysis. Kids like me grew up reading your posts, and Munir's posts on keypub. Back in the early 2000s. At that time the level of analysis in Pak boards was p!ss poor and we looked up to places like keypub and others (like F-16.net) for the goras to show us how a civilized indepth analytical discussion is done. Then first generation of analysts came.
Now, in terms of quality and quantity of analysis, we are right there on the top of any world military board out there. I still sometimes try to read chinese forums and keypub but they are now shadows of what they used to be.
This tells me that we are rising as a civilization and a nation. And the West is either declining or not managing to keep their lead.
Now, if we can feed this generation of defense and militarily savvy generations into the military, it will create a renaissance.
Much like how the Mirages actually created the condition for the JFT to come out.
Thanks @MystryMan The standoff weapons we have come in different modes, including fully auto modes. These modes were developed by our very own @denel ; )


Defense is a ruthless and vicious business. Your nations integrity and very being is at stake.

But to convey this message to pakistanis—-who have grown up on lies to look good all their lives—-is not an easy task.

When a nation as a whole lies just to look good and it transcends into defense—-it is the begining of doom for the country.

The next issue is a lack of knowledge. What they are getting from their uncles and cousins is a word from god.

Just notice this amazing fact—-we are now inches away from a full blooded war—-and most title holders are counting on machinery that we may have 3 to 5 years from now.
The Egyptian Horus program

The modernization of the Mirage 5SDE tactical fighters around 2010




Marketing publications from the manufacturer:
Sagem (Safran) proposes modernization solutions incorporating the best current technologies to upgrade the operational capabilities of the world’s combat aircraft to the state of the art.

In addition to complete avionics overhauls as part of combat aircraft upgrade programs, Sagem’s modernization capabilities also encompass inertial navigation equipment, visible/infrared optronics, and onboard and ground-based digital processing systems (for weapon systems and mission planning systems, respectively).







The company is retrofitting 23 Egyptian Mirage 5s in the Horus program.
The Egyptian Horus program

The modernization of the Mirage 5SDE tactical fighters around 2010




Marketing publications from the manufacturer:
Sagem (Safran) proposes modernization solutions incorporating the best current technologies to upgrade the operational capabilities of the world’s combat aircraft to the state of the art.

In addition to complete avionics overhauls as part of combat aircraft upgrade programs, Sagem’s modernization capabilities also encompass inertial navigation equipment, visible/infrared optronics, and onboard and ground-based digital processing systems (for weapon systems and mission planning systems, respectively).







The company is retrofitting 23 Egyptian Mirage 5s in the Horus program.
23 means Atleast 2 new sdq for PAF
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