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BREAKING- Russian Fighter Jet Shot Down in Syria: Reports

1) All current Russian leadership with no exception are former Communist party members.
2) Hardly 1% of Russians go regularly to church.

The only difference between Afghanistan and Syria is that in Syria cannon fodder was Soviet and in Syria its Iranian.
You are a pathetic liar, maybe a serial liar. I like your way of lying, it's so pathetic :lol:

I wasn't talking about current rulers that are also orthodox Chirstians, majority of RUssian senate members and it's government are orthodox Christians.

And in Afghanistan, Pakistani Mujahids along with Afghani Muslims fought for freedom of Soviet occupation. I salute to their martyrs, next case is USA as it seems

Egypt is on good terms with Israel since the 1970s. What are you smoking?

Everything that is wrong in the Islamic world, should be mindlessly attributed to Israel? :rolleyes:
What do we do now dude?

Let's give half of Syria to Nusra and Qaeda fighters that are savagely slaughtering Syrian people. An other piece to terrorists of YPG/PKK/Pejhak to establish the second Israeli state in middle east. An other piece to ISIS fighters, let's not bother them, they have fought too. An other part is Golan heights, let's give it to Israel and satisfy them, is that a good plan?

Why are you forcing me to call you an scumbag?
Syria has become a shit hole and its people the travellers to hell
For those who didn't knew how Syrian Civil War started:

"In 2011, what became known as the Arab Spring revolts toppled Tunisian President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali and Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak.

That March, peaceful protests erupted in Syria as well, after 15 boys were detained and tortured for having written graffiti in support of the Arab Spring. One of the boys, 13-year-old Hamza al-Khateeb, was killed after having been brutally tortured.

The Syrian government, led by President Bashar al-Assad, responded to the protests by killing hundreds of demonstrators and imprisoning many more. In July 2011, defectors from the military announced the formation of the Free Syrian Army, a rebel group aiming to overthrow the government, and Syria began to slide into civil war."


Above all;

"As the Syrian conflict enters its seventh year, more than 465,000 Syrians have been killed in the fighting, more than a million injured and over 12 million Syrians - half the country's prewar population - have been displaced from their homes."

Such a shame that the entire Islamic bloc are allowing Assad and his foreign backers to get away with their murdering spree under the cover of "ISIS-Nusra-Qaeda" arc. Both are supporting Assad - the greatest tyrant of the 21st century.

Russia, in particular, has reduced several Syrian cities and towns to dust with its bombing runs since 2015.

Imagine experiencing Syria-type nightmare in your country.

Meanwhile our complaints are reserved for the US and Israel only. :rolleyes:

The simspon animation that made in 2001 by Yankees:

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Well, Israel is known for making great MANPADs. I'm sure you can spend a few minutes to find them in google.

Are you taking credit? There is going to be massive retaliation.
What do we do now dude?

Let's give half of Syria to Nusra and Qaeda fighters that are savagely slaughtering Syrian people. An other piece to terrorists of YPG/PKK/Pejhak to establish the second Israeli state in middle east. An other piece to ISIS fighters, let's not bother them, they have fought too. An other part is Golan heights, let's give it to Israel and satisfy them, is that a good plan?

Why are you forcing me to call you an scumbag?
Problem with you is that you do not understand what a member is telling you and not only bring irrelevant stuff into your counterargument but resort to misbehavior.

I pointed out to you in simple words: "Bashar al-Assad destroyed Syria actually." You should have nodded, and there wouldn't been a need for an exchange afterwards.

Scumbags in this case are those who are siding with Assad - the butcher of innocent Syrian people.

Instead of clouding your mind with various conspiracy theories, you need introspection.

In Afghanistan Russians killed over 1 million "terrorists".
In Chechnya - over 100,000 "terrorists"
How many "terrorists" should they kill in Syria to satisfy u?

These oneliners don't matter after the cowardly execution of the pilot. All you need to worry about now is retaliation.
Bashar al-Assad destroyed Syria actually
At least compare your own ideas with Israeli quotes and only on this forum, don't go so far.

You are repeating their words, or it's me the blind one?

You are approving Israeli stance, isn't it enough to prove my views? I know nothing about yourself friend, i am opposing your ideas not your personality. I cannot see a difference between your words and Israeli words. I must be the idiot/scumbag sorry for bothering you, not to mention your quotes are one of the pro-USA ones on this forum
And what Russia did when Turkey deliberately downed a Russian jet?

Not at all.

So you are taking credit.

You will find out soon enough what happens next. Obviously, the Russians aren't going to sit idle. Just have a little patience. Things just got a little more ugly now.
Problem with you is that you do not understand what a member is telling you and not only bring irrelevant stuff into your counterargument but resort to misbehavior.

I pointed out to you in simple words: "Bashar al-Assad destroyed Syria actually." You should have nodded, and there wouldn't been a need for an exchange afterwards.

Scumbags in this case are those who are siding with Assad - the butcher of innocent Syrian people.

Instead of clouding your mind with various conspiracy theories, you need introspection.

You're a proven liar.

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