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BREAKING- Russian Fighter Jet Shot Down in Syria: Reports

In Afghanistan Russians killed over 1 million "terrorists".
In Chechnya - over 100,000 "terrorists"
How many "terrorists" should they kill in Syria to satisfy u?

Enough to remove the whole Idlib cancer from earth (which is now the most populous terrorist safe haven in the world) and return Idlib to Syria. That will suffice and it will be achieved.
Enough to remove the whole Idlib cancer from earth (which is now the most populous terrorist safe haven in the world) and return Idlib to Syria. That will suffice and it will be achieved.
Will be achieved just like in Afghanistan.

Turkey/Iran/Russia operation against PKK or Israel would be ok I would not complain

Targeting Russian planes is not right Israel needs to know better, PPK+iSRaevil ties are quite well known
World Zionism will not let that happen. It's wishful thinking

USA is a puppet state of Zionists, they want to dismember and destroy Syria. Those poor idiots who are fighting against Syrian government have no idea about the future of themselves, and for whom they are fighting on the ground.

BTW, as far as Israeli cancer exists, whole region will suffer. It was Israelis that gave an other violence to Kurdish controlled areas. Whether you like it or not buddy, we are preparing ourselves to destroy Israel. We have no other way, we have to fight.
Bashar al-Assad destroyed Syria actually.
Bashar al-Assad destroyed Syria.

You need to do your homework.
And you are such an idiot to blame destruction of ISIS-Nusra-Qaeda on Assad's elected government.

Things are out of control dude, i cannot even ensure Assad's life at this moment, but Israelis will fail to occupy Syrian lands by Allah's will.

And there will be no Kurdish country, apply burnol
And you are such an idiot to blame destruction of ISIS-Nusra-Qaeda on Assad's elected government.

Things are out of control dude, i cannot even ensure Assad's life at this moment, but Israelis will fail to occupy Syrian lands by Allah's will.

And there will be no Kurdish country, apply burnol
You are the brainwashed idiot here, not me. Do you even know how Syrian Civil War started?

Enlighten yourself: http://www.aljazeera.com/news/2016/05/syria-civil-war-explained-160505084119966.html

Don't try to dodge my point under the cover of "ISIS-Nusra-Qaeda" arc because it emerged at a much later stage in Syria.
Reports say it was shot down with the Igla MANPAD. How ironic, russian plane shot down by russian MANPAD
I am not interested in discussing "ISIS-Nusra-Qaeda" arc because it emerged at a much later stage in Syria.
I also blame Assad for not hearing of minority complaints. He shouldve given more role to Kurds to avoid an internal war but he didn't and here we are.

And i am not fighting for Assad here or somewhere else, Quds is my aspiration dude

Reports say it was shot down with the Igla MANPAD. How ironic, russian plane shot down by russian MANPAD
Black market is free for USA.

USA is operating Mig-29, why wonder man?
For those who didn't knew how Syrian Civil War started:

"In 2011, what became known as the Arab Spring revolts toppled Tunisian President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali and Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak.

That March, peaceful protests erupted in Syria as well, after 15 boys were detained and tortured for having written graffiti in support of the Arab Spring. One of the boys, 13-year-old Hamza al-Khateeb, was killed after having been brutally tortured.

The Syrian government, led by President Bashar al-Assad, responded to the protests by killing hundreds of demonstrators and imprisoning many more. In July 2011, defectors from the military announced the formation of the Free Syrian Army, a rebel group aiming to overthrow the government, and Syria began to slide into civil war."


Above all;

"As the Syrian conflict enters its seventh year, more than 465,000 Syrians have been killed in the fighting, more than a million injured and over 12 million Syrians - half the country's prewar population - have been displaced from their homes."

Such a shame that the entire Islamic bloc are allowing Assad and his foreign backers to get away with their murdering spree under the cover of "ISIS-Nusra-Qaeda" arc. Both are supporting Assad - the greatest tyrant of the 21st century.

Russia, in particular, has reduced several Syrian cities and towns to dust with its bombing runs since 2015.

Imagine experiencing Syria-type nightmare in your country.

Meanwhile our complaints are reserved for the US and Israel only. :rolleyes:
For those who didn't knew how Syrian Civil War started:

In 2011, what became known as the Arab Springrevolts toppled Tunisian President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali and Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak.

That March, peaceful protests erupted in Syria as well, after 15 boys were detained and tortured for having written graffiti in support of the Arab Spring. One of the boys, 13-year-old Hamza al-Khateeb, was killed after having been brutally tortured.

The Syrian government, led by President Bashar al-Assad, responded to the protests by killing hundreds of demonstrators and imprisoning many more. In July 2011, defectors from the military announced the formation of the Free Syrian Army, a rebel group aiming to overthrow the government, and Syria began to slide into civil war.

And this;

"As the Syrian conflict enters its seventh year, more than 465,000 Syrians have been killed in the fighting, more than a million injured and over 12 million Syrians - half the country's prewar population - have been displaced from their homes."

Such a shame that the entire Islamic bloc are allowing Assad and his foreign backers to get away with their murdering spree under the cover of "ISIS-Nusra-Qaeda" arc. Both are supporting Assad - the greatest tyrant of the 21st century.

Russia, in particular, has reduced several Syrian cities and towns to dust with its bombing runs since 2015.

Meanwhile our complaints are reserved for the US and Israel only. :rolleyes:
Arab spring was an American shit which only targeted anti-Israeli states.

Try to think, not a hard task. Libya was anti-Israel, Syria was anti-Israel, Egypt was anti-Israel etc. Why don't you use your brain?
Thx God... Few civilians are spared for today. Baby killer ...Out.
Someone is preparing himself for some eternal fire...
You are desperately trying to confuse orthodox-controlled Russia with Communist-controlled Soviets.

How long you can hide the truth bout Russians you piece of crap?
1) All current Russian leadership with no exception are former Communist party members.
2) Hardly 1% of Russians go regularly to church.

The only difference between Afghanistan and Syria is that in Syria cannon fodder was Soviet and in Syria its Iranian.
Arab spring was an American shit which only targeted anti-Israeli states.

Try to think, not a hard task. Libya was anti-Israel, Syria was anti-Israel, Egypt was anti-Israel etc. Why don't you use your brain?
Egypt is on good terms with Israel since the 1970s. What are you smoking?

Everything that is wrong in the Islamic world, should be mindlessly attributed to Israel? :rolleyes:
Thx God... Few civilians are spared for today. Baby killer ...Out.
Someone is preparing himself for some eternal fire...
Its bad dude, it means more severe bombardments n slaughter of innocent civilians, i am already getting restless thinking about the backlash and mayhem russians might leash against innocents. They alreayd killed 7 civilians in a todays bombing runs?

Egypt is on good terms with Israel since the 1970s. What are you smoking?

Everything that is wrong in the Islamic world, should be mindlessly attributed to Israel? :rolleyes:
They blocked aid tunnels to gaza except one or two i mean egypt , im not sure it was due to international pressure or israeli pressure
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