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BREAKING- Russian Fighter Jet Shot Down in Syria: Reports

So you are taking credit.

You will find out soon enough what happens next. Obviously, the Russians aren't going to sit idle. Just have a little patience. Things just got a little more ugly now.

LOL you have no reason to eat popcorn. You are party in this war and you will bleed for the transgression.

It is us who are going to eat the popcorn and watch how things unfold.
I think Russians fired the missile on the trans ponder of the Jet and got all terrorist while they were standing there.
At least compare your own ideas with Israeli quotes and only on this forum, don't go so far.

You are repeating their words, or it's me the blind one?

You are approving Israeli stance, isn't it enough to prove my views? I know nothing about yourself friend, i am opposing your ideas not your personality. I cannot see a difference between your words and Israeli words. I must be the idiot/scumbag sorry for bothering you, not to mention your quotes are one of the pro-USA ones on this forum
You are putting words in my mouth now? I have no affinity with Israel.

I pointed out to you who is responsible for destruction of Syria and how Syrian Civil War started. However, your brain is stuck at blaming Israel for matters that do not concern it directly. You need to pull your head out of the sand and learn to look at things objectively.

Of-course, in geopolitical context, Israel is a beneficiary of unrest in Syria due to history of hostility between the two countries. However, Isreal did not invade and destroy Syria; Syrian leader Assad destroyed Syria instead.

Now, if I say that Assad colluded with Netanyahu for destruction of Syria, would you believe me?

Stop being an brainwashed pawn.
There you go. That is how you smoke them out of their holes.
What type of Idiots would stand near a down jet they all know transponder is always live even if the Jet crashes. Russians fired the missile at the transponder location.
What type of Idiots would stand near a down jet they all know transponder is always live even if the Jet crashes. Russians fired the missile at the transponder location.

They were in celebratory mood. They are after all illiterate rebels. The Israelis and Americans can teach them how to kill a single pilot with a gun, but they cannot teach them common sense.
What type of Idiots would stand near a down jet they all know transponder is always live even if the Jet crashes. Russians fired the missile at the transponder location.
Good point.

I believe that not every member of a militia is a professional and/or have proper understanding of SOPs of a professional military.
They were in celebratory mood. They are after all illiterate rebels. The Israelis and Americans can teach them how to kill a single pilot with a gun, but they cannot teach them common sense.

Good point.

I believe that not every member of a militia is a professional and/or have proper understanding of SOPs of a professional military.

What my understanding here is 2 Iskander-M were fired from Latakia one on the transponder of the Jet and other on the Pilot beacon the terrorist were taking pics when they died. Most of those twitter accounts will be not responding now.
What my understanding here is 2 Iskander-M were fired from Latakia one on the transponder of the Jet and other on the Pilot beacon the terrorist were taking pics when they died. Most of those twitter accounts will be not responding now.
Makes sense, bro.
These rebels will feel the pain now. The last time the Turkish Air Force shot down the Russian SU24, the Russians lit up Latakia and bombed the Turkmen with such ferocity that they were screaming genocide. Most of the villages were bombed to the ground, and the area is only a shadow of itself. Except intense Russian retaliation, i believe they have already fired multiple cruise missiles.
Its bad dude, it means more severe bombardments n slaughter of innocent civilians, i am already getting restless thinking about the backlash and mayhem russians might leash against innocents. They alreayd killed 7 civilians in a todays bombing runs?

They blocked aid tunnels to gaza except one or two i mean egypt , im not sure it was due to international pressure or israeli pressure
One of our saying...
"If you gonna die... at least take the bastard with you..."

These rebels will feel the pain now. The last time the Turkish Air Force shot down the Russian SU24, the Russians lit up Latakia and bombed the Turkmen with such ferocity that they were screaming genocide. Most of the villages were bombed to the ground, and the area is only a shadow of itself. Except intense Russian retaliation, i believe they have already fired multiple cruise missiles.
They are dying one by one...hours after hours... Woman and kids... So in the End they are dead... So taking as much bastards with you is always good...
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