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BREAKING- Russian Fighter Jet Shot Down in Syria: Reports

violence should stop
World Zionism will not let that happen. It's wishful thinking

USA is a puppet state of Zionists, they want to dismember and destroy Syria. Those poor idiots who are fighting against Syrian government have no idea about the future of themselves, and for whom they are fighting on the ground.

BTW, as far as Israeli cancer exists, whole region will suffer. It was Israelis that gave an other violence to Kurdish controlled areas. Whether you like it or not buddy, we are preparing ourselves to destroy Israel. We have no other way, we have to fight.
Yep, that's what's being claimed now.



Breaking | Russian Navy Fires Cruise Missiles On HTS Sites In Idlib Countryside After The SU 25 Downed



So more civilians death....!! Good going Russia
He parachuted no reports of him being killed till now. Never reporting bad. :)

Nope, you always do.... Very bad reporting...
The pilot was killed... The pictures are available online
Russia has no beef with Israel, the weapons are likely US provided or captured local stores. Anyway ceasefire should occur and the violence should stop, probably will happen after Turkish led OP in Afrin. Manpad is usually not a threat to modern air force so Russian pilot must have not been anticipating that or they are flying low sorties. This would never happen to US Air Force or Israel Air Force.

Definitely flying very low. Although not for certain, the photo of it getting hit indicates that. Strange considering they know how prevalent MANPADs are in that conflict and how Syrian helicopters were falling like flies very early in the conflict, from exactly the same weapons.
So they executed the pilot on site. This will be an excuse to roast even more terrorists in Hama/Idlib countryside.
In Afghanistan Russians killed over 1 million "terrorists".
In Chechnya - over 100,000 "terrorists"
How many "terrorists" should they kill in Syria to satisfy u?
Russia has to live with this fact that Israel is our common enemy.

I know enmity on Israel has economic consequences but once and forever, we have to finish this cancer. And we will not wait for Russian help, they can fight for their own revenge. Fight for avenging millions of orthodox deaths during rule of Zionist (Jewish) Bolsheviks. Let's fight for revenge :D
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